Leaves curling down

Hi there,

I’m growning the same strain, from clone, for the fourth time, the 3 first round ran good.

But, now, for about 2 weeks 12/12, on more and more plants, I can see a issue I never had before : my leaves curl down.

Here is my setup :
1000W HPS / adjust a wing
10L Air pot
soil : coco + perlite + wormcasting + bat guano + benefical fungus
Air condition : 25°C day / 21°C night
RH : 55 - 65

Recently I add some cal/mag, here in my little tropical island, there is only soft water.
the cal/mag additive is also strong in N, i use it twice.

Could it be a N overfert ?





Whenever I see leaves curl like that I always presume its pests, however I am super paranoid lol ! Since its your 3rd run with the same strain, I would be curious about a couple of other variables. Did you change up your nutes ? Either brands or concentration ? I am presuming your medium has not changed. What about the environmental conditions ? Are they stabile ? It honestly looks lie a deficiency of some sort to me, but its hard to tell, especially since the color looks healthy

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High nitrogen coupled with possible over watering… Cause of the witch fingers 9/10 and since this is the first clone that has done it, I’d say the high N content as you’re using castings and guano (btw, super high N content, not as great a feet as once thought)…

I’d say N-tox



thanks for reply.

I don’t think about over watering, with 30% perlite and airpot, it is almost impossibe.

but with the cal/mag additive, rich in N. It could be a N overfed.


yep, i guess your true.

I always do this guano/casting/coco/perlite mix, and organic tea.
This time I had nutes, i go easy, but you are right with this high N.



You know? I get that from time to time too and it comes from all the plants usually in that run. But it affects maybe 1 finger out of 7 on a leaf but every plant will have a couple leaves on them that do that to one or so of the fingers! So its N tox? Obviously, i gave you VERY little info to diagnose something, so I’m not asking you to do that, but simply, the “witch fingers” , which, btw, is HILARIOUS, cuz that’s exactly what they look like, especially when its ONE finger outa the rest on that leaf! Anyhoot, so in ur experience N tox has been a culprit for witch fingers?

Ahh, @DrikC, so you feel this is N tox, too? Ok, cuz these come up more often than I’d like to admit, but its good to have some information that might help me prevent it in the future

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yes, right. Good to be coonfirmed by other growers.
It’s the first time it happens for me. And I grow for about 25 years.
Now it is clear for me : this fucking cal/mag additive, with his very high N level.
I run with cuttings and same setup. Only this changed.

tks for your help !


I would put my money on nitrogen toxicity


And sometimes there is a leaf mutation that will cause the vein to grow faster than the leaf and will curl it as well, as I could show you that look on my plants even… But if it’s plant wide as above then usually a bigger issue

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Ok, thank you for the clarification! :+1:

Water a little and check your runoff pH.

It’s probably low.


Ease of on water and nutes…

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