Lebanese landrace

I’m sorry y’all I can’t remember who it was, but I remember somebody posting last week that they were looking for Lebanese Landrace and were having a hard time finding some. If anybody remembers who that was or if anyone else is interested I just saw on Neptune Seed Bank that Sunleaf Seed Company has some at $100 for 24 regular seeds. Sorry I don’t have any to offer up for trade or to give away myself, but figured maybe this would help someone track down something that they were looking for. Have a good one and happy growing​:v::green_heart::bulb:


@MWgrower great info. Real Seed Co. has a lebanese too.


Lebanese is an excellent old landrace, and I want to give some additional info for anybody interested in growing it. It does not like humidity or moisture. I had more types of fungus on the leaves of those plants than I’ve ever seen in 30 years. Once the plants get halfway into flower, they begin to rot if they are outdoors and you have a heavy Dew, or it is raining. The real Seed Company Lebanese ( what I grew)was definitely CBD dominant in the several plants that I was able to smoke something from, but there are very potent plants to be found, I just didn’t get lucky.
It should be a good one to grow indoors, or if you live in a dry climate it would perform splendidly. The real Seed Company Lebanese are loaded with excess leaves that usually grow with only one finger. I made the mistake of not clipping these off early enough, and I think that contributed to the mold problem, with little space for air flow. I lost 21 out of 25 plants to mold and of the remaining four, harvested about a third of three of them, and half of the fourth one. It was a battle to get anything I could smoke at all. It was the rainiest summer New York had in a hundred years though, so in a normal year perhaps it would do better. But if you are looking for a stress-free grow season with Lebanese, do it indoors or in a desert. @lefthandseeds has a Lebanese that looks really good.


I guess my selection process for performance and easy cultivation here in the PNW has been working well. my lebanese preservation has excellent mold resistance during our rainy harvest season in the PNW.

I’d be curious how they do in your location.

I will be donating my preservation of rsc lebanese to the seed run co-op, but it might be a while before I get it all shucked. I’m not sure when the sign up will be.

So if you’re in a rush to start some in early spring, you might want to order some.


got 20-30 trsc leb, post a seed pic when you get time and it sounds interesting!
those pics on the site were from corky1968 nice strain

how much for a pack hmmm

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Mold resistance and landrace , hard to beat that


nice I always buy a large stock when I get something from real seed co. Their germ rates aren’t always great, but the plants are really unique.

My lebanese preservation will be given away through the seed co-op at some point this year.

I will start working on shucking and packing them after I get my grow set up for the season.


I’ll be watching for the release


that should help me widen my leb genetic base, so let me know when they drop. Keep the mix alive share the love, respect for this one @zephyr well played brother your an inspiration as a landrace preservationist doing the good work


I’ve got a ton of lebanese landrace pink pheno and green pheno from a auction here awhile back. Need to go on a pheno hunt… :unamused::thinking:right on, just checked. These were from @zephyr s auction I got a bunch of these beans lol. X Blueberry hashplant


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