Lebathon - A year in Lebanon

Hi @Curmudgeon

I recently finished a learning curve with Syrian seeds. I started with 5 or 6 seeds and my first attempt was with 3 seeds. Even though I read in the description, “and benefit from being given a dry period between watering.” I lost 2 of 3 to over watering. The third one got stunted due to the water, but I managed to get a 1/8th out of it, but that tiny amount was nice to vape. My next attempt went better, I switched to SIP buckets.

I wish I had recorded the watering at each week of the grow. I do recall during mid to late flower, that I would wait up to 2 or 3 days before watering them after the soil and buckets felt super light. SIP’s are net required but helped reach the finish.

You check out my Grow Diary and how it went and check out @lefthandseeds comments & pointers. He was there supporting me along the way. :green_heart:

Tag me when you do start growing them and I’ll pull up a chair. :partying_face: