Lebathon - A year in Lebanon

:skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

The hits keep coming this round. The R pheno males threw pistils and I sent them to Oscar the Grouch’s locker. I’m down to S phenos only, with a few Black Leb BXes I salvaged from the starter system and am waiting for sex to show. Fortunately, I do have a good S pheno male that looked good and I didn’t wan’t to kill, so I think this round will be strictly just a selection and inbreed.

Being a glutton for punishment, I’ve tossed a bunch of the Tux F2s in water (aka Tuxdeo Hashplant - Black Lebanon x Black Afghani). Probably the best cross I’ve ever made, but intersex instability from the Black Afghani side. Fortunately, I found a relatively clean male/female combo in the F2s, so now I need to see how well selections stabilized the F2s.

In the meantime, I need to see how these S phenos go and then decide on where to go next. Depending on what they’re like, I might pull in a few new Lebanese to the project.


Here’s a couple of that (OH x ON) x 4Phaze. I have more but I’m on the phone and it’s pissing me off.

2 days ago I was getting nose burning BandAid after smells. It starts with a strong hazey floral smell and the other smells came up after squeezing a few buds. Yesterday a bud gave me a distinct Pinesol smell in the mix. If it persists I’ll be happy.


That’s so cool. Gets up your nose. Lol

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That sounds really nice. The panama haze in 4p is definitely the spiciest haze I’ve ever grown. Still distinctly hazey, but more sharply spicy that musty. Your plant looks really nice.


I’m glad to see your grow it looks sweet.


Syrian x BB Leb Update

Here’s a couple pictures of the S pheno. I’m watching them like a hawk for any signs of hermaphroditism, but so far these are looking clean, knock on wood. Although I only used the apical pole pheno of the Syrian, it’s interesting to see that both the pole and dwarf phenos are represented in the cross. The dwarf phenos are very small, but not as small as pure Syrian and the pole phenos are more branchy and taller than the pure Syrian. There was maybe 1 non-branching pheno that I didn’t select, but overwhelmingly it is easier to find greater branching than the pheno I took from.

I have been running them on the dry side, with only 1 feed per day as they do not like to be fed until their roots are mostly developed. In general, Lebanese and Syrian seem to like to have their roots dry out fully, and are not tolerant of even slightly over-wet conditions. As of yesterday, I increased them to 2 feeds per day and they are all growing well past their micronutrient deficiencies now.


The Tux (Black Lebanon x Black Afghani)

I threw a fistful of seeds in water, and already 9 germinated. I have maybe 10 more still soaking. I figure in about a month, the Syrian crosses will already be mostly flowered out, and I will have room to search for a clean male to use.

The only thing I’m trying to accomplish here is reduction of intersex. I found a good pistil-free male last run, and a herm-free female that only threw a low level of nanners. So hopefully the hardest selection is done, and we’re just reinforcing now… but we’ll see.

As a teaser, this is the foliage of the Tux:

But it’s terpenes that are really wild.


Wow the leaves are sooo dark.


I see you named this one. The Tux aka Tuxedo Hashplant? Very classy. Without a doubt my favorite line that you are working on, but then again the Panama Haze, or the Low Dak or…

I’m itching to start mine. My time will come.


Yessir. I decided to name it, and Tuxedo HP seemed to represent the dark black outer fan leaves and lighter inner foliage and lime green stems. That one is the Black Afghan leaner, and had no trouble turning black. Even though the parents stayed green, other pictures I’ve seen online showed it turning black. Just a little kick from the Black Leb really tipped it over the edge, and it turned way more black that I had even expected.

Still a work in progress, but this one is really unique and the Leb/Afghan combos always seem to turn out great.


Beautiful man
Keep it up. You are doing good work


Did you keep cuts from that one?


I like those. I’m sure they will be nice. I do like the name. Is there a list waiting on those? Lol


No, I’m hoping to get a wider selection in these F2s. I culled a lot of plants from the F1s to make these F2 seeds. I think I’ll run these in more of a continuous rotation if I’m having more success. If this generation isn’t looking as promising as I’d like, I’ll probably remake them from a slightly different stock of Black Afghani/Kandahar Black, and my Black Lebanon BX, and then cross them to a good Tux F2 selection and go from there. Alternatively, I may also do (Tux F2 x Black Leb BX) x (Tux F2 x Black Afghan (alternate stock)).

I’ll make it work one way or another. It just needs time and attention.

Edit: It also seems like the intersex traits may not be occurring if grown organically. So that’s a little mystifying too.


It does take time. Most growers think you take this and that. And you have , hummm a name of something. That’s a apple. I don’t have a problem with the apples. You just have to be careful with the bad core. When I make mistakes I get rid of it. But when it’s a good mix the cross is good. But not a Granny Smith.


When you start hammering your plants. It takes time. It’s not cheap either with mistakes. I like what you’re doing. 6 month’s of mistake. It hurts. This is before I trusted seeds from banks. I have been a clone person. But in the beginning it was seeds. Man I had them. Bags full. I was growing autos. Some of the brick weed seeds where autos. Did I know it at the time. No. I thought they where sativa. I wish I still had them. They where a nice lime green and yellow. Some of the best I ever had. I could never figure out the headache thing. Until I got older. Pulling it to soon. I made a lot of mistakes. But as far as growing. How to kill cut worms. How to keep dear away. I also used 10-10-10 and alaskan fish food. MG. Alaskan fish fertilizer I have used for over 30 years. Anyway I’ve said enough. What’s your doing is history mine is past.


:joy: it’s true. We all have entirely too many options now. It’s both a good problem to have and a double edge sword.

Find something really special and stick with it until you are sure you can grow it from seed every time. If I can give someone that pheno I showed 8 or 9 times out of 10, then that’ll be a real gift. When you smell and taste it, you’ll know it’s different. Things like that don’t come around that often, so I try to give them attention and appreciation when they do.

Anyway, I don’t want to over hype it. When people can grow the plant I had, that’ all that’ll need to be said. A few people here tried it even before me, and told me. They knew it and told me I needed grow it. @Herbie and @Leaf really did me a solid there.


That Tuxedo HP is certainly a looker. Hoping for your success in getting them stabilized.


The 20lb hammer.yea


I get a better light. It would be full of sugar. It’s coming soon. HLG. One Love

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