Lebathon - A year in Lebanon

That’s some serious roots on that plant @lefthandseeds … Always awesome to read your thread. Thanks for the knowledge bomb :bomb:

I’ll continue to follow & read even though I’m mostly lurking in the background, I’m still reading every post .


That’s pretty cool. I like the golf balls all the way up the stem. It’s looking like it’s turning black too.

Thanks for following along growmie! Hopefully we have some exciting things to come this round.


I’m happy. The smell is the best. I’m not just saying that. I think you should let someone know how you feel about something they have worked hard on.


Smoking some Lebanese quad top pheno. Tastes like skittles, nice and heady. :v:


I was out of likes yesterday. Maybe late also. Nice sugar. Looks tasty.




is that the geneseeds black lebanon?

I have a nice lebanese outdoor from my rsc “pink” lebanese selection. In early flowering the pistils were bright pink, which is the trait I’m really looking for in that selection. The whole plant has turned purple / black and is holding up really well in fall weather.

the structure is low and branchy, it has 6 or 7 tops each with a decent sized cola.

I’m curious how these would do with your grow method, so far they have been fine in salt based nutrient grows.


Did you ever do any more work with the RSC Lebanese? If so, did you start growing out the progeny?

I’m just day dreaming….
I have some Fujianese Hemp that was most likely grown for oil production. I haven’t grown mine yet. I want to assume that oil production also means it’s a high resin producer (?), and if not, maybe it CAN be. But everytime I see hemp grown for it’s oil content, the buds are spindly & pitiful. I’m wondering if your RSC Leb could impart some larger flower traits — while also imparting/complementing high resin content.

Alternatively, I have some Kashmir azads that are A+ im the resin department, but could benefit from an increase in bud density — thinking your Blk Leb bx may help with that.

Your Black Lebs are on my short list — and may get pushed forward because I need break from long flowering sativas.


I did start one or two of your pink lebs last run, but they were a few weeks behind the others and I didn’t get a spot open to try them - so I’ll pop them a little later. It is a pheno of the RSC line though, also crossed to black leb and blue hemp leb (RSC Leb x black/blue). But it was definitely growing much more similarly to the RSC.

I also saw mine them turn purple/black, but I was unsure if that’s because I had bred it with black leb. At very least, I’ve found most lebs are easy to turn black when hybridized with the black leb. If it’s a recessive trait, then that suggests that Lebanese already have some disposition toward it and have a lot of heterozygousness in the population.


Yessir! I’m still using it in what will end up in a sort of 4-way of Lebanese and Syrian. Right now, I’m growing progeny of pure Syrian (Syrian x Black/Blue Leb) and also the progeny of the RSC pheno, from last run, which is now crossed to Black/Blue Leb twice. I plan to use it as a male.

I’m curious about how the males will result. I am hoping to find some with fairly large flower clusters that resembles the female I grew. I did have two females of different expressions. The “Quad top” from the bud picture above had denser buds that the one I’m using. But the Black Leb does have bud density – as does the pheno of the Syrian that I’m using. However, the Black Leb grows very differently than the RSC, with smaller clusters of bud on a more open frame.


Drooling as I’m reading this. My wife is gonna think I’m having a stroke.lol
@lambchopedd and @lefthandseeds you guys are awesome. Really loving your work. I’m dreaming it, but you two are making it happen. Good vibes to you :v:


Coming out of Recovery - Flower Day 1

I screwed up and my plants let me know it! It was my first time mixing my nutrient recipe into stock solution and I think I mixed the micronutrients into the wrong stock. :man_facepalming:

I noticed it and re-mixed directly from salts to reservoir concentration until I figure it out. They’ve recovered a few nodes, but micros are immobile, so those leaves are a scarlet letter.

Male Tent

The two in back are “R” males – bred from RSC pheno. The one front left is an “S” male from Black/Blue Lebanese crossed to the Syrian. Front right is another R, but sex still undetermined.

Female Tent

These are all S females, except bottom left is an R (and looks female, but is a bit early for me to be certain). The S seems to have taken the micronutrient disaster much more harshly, while the R has not responded as poorly. They’re very clearly different in that regard.

The growth is much more vigorous with the Syrians after hybridization with the Black and Blue Leb. Even though I used the very apical female, branching has improved significantly on all of them. It was easy to choose plants with ample branching in early stages. There’s a several phenos in here, and some are very tall. I suspect those will be the most similar to the mother, while the shorter ones may actually bear resemblance to her sisters – which were dwarf plants, more heavily branched.

A few phenos (top left in the second picture and bottom right in the first picture) I think will be black/blue leaning. Hard to say anything for certain yet, but I think there will be some telltale signs later on. Definitely more than a few phenos in here, so selection should be fun.

Hopefully next week we’ll have all the deficiency behind us and everything will be fully sexed and ready to grow.


Epic log entry, I always look forward to your journal.
:sunglasses: :+1:



Amazing thread, just so much information, took a while to finish. Not to mention all your others. I learned so much and it was fascinating. Cant wait to follow along!


:pray: thanks for following along. This has been quite a long love affair, and there’s still so much to go.

It’s been a lot of fun watching the genetics holding on through several generations, and seeing how traits are coming together through the process.


I gotta hit you up this evening to show you some pics of my smallest volunteer. I’m not sure if I told you, but it’s undoubtedly the Original Haze x Original Neville’s Haze x your 4P Haze. It brought the same haze aromas from Todd Mc’s plant and has a little something extra. The leaves have turned to fall colors, of yellows, reds, and purples and dark greens. I figure the colors are coming from the PPP. The buds are getting fatter and it just has this classic look to her. This should be the same as the seeds I sent you. It’s a beauty. It got pollinated some but flowering real nice still. If the dad is that Malana, it could be epic. That Malana is special and I’m gonna grow it again cause it got seeded, too (Malana dad), but the smell is really wild. It’s creamy and danky.

I’ll get some pics. I’m gonna wait till the sun gets low this afternoon and let those colors pop. It’s too bright atm. peace


As always looking good @lefthandseeds :+1:


I would love to see some pictures. 4P haze should have a lot of colors, I’d think. The Panama Haze turns purple and lots of colors as well.


Still sending those Lebanese vibes your way

My prayers go out to everyone in Lebanon too :pray:


Yeah really sad story going on there right now. Pretty heart breaking.

:heart: :lebanon: :heart: