Lebathon - A year in Lebanon

They are growing fast now. Another week or 2 and I’ll start flowering. I won’t top them. If they get too tall I’ll pull them over.


Well, I went to water the Hugelkulture plants and saw that one plant was “saggy” looking. I was suspicious. of its appearance, and sure enough, on second glance, I see it’s a male. Yet again, the saggy feature of male plants is holding true😁. My personal feeling is that they know they are destined for the chopping block and are depressed lol.
Second pic are the 3 bigger females. Plant 7 is still unsexed, and may be replacing the male in the Hugelkulture box if female.
Third picture shows nice anthocyanin production, a product of our recent mid thirties nights. Last night made the lower 40’s, and the forecast has temps looking below average by about 5-10 degrees for the next couple weeks.


Your plants are acting like mine. It’s been so coo here that almost all of them have that color in the new growth.

I’m finishing up four plants that have been in flower for a couple of months almost, and I have complete fading colors like fall, lol. I take them in every night for light dep and their room gets cool by morning and outside has been cool. It’s weird having plants in full color at the start of June, lol.


I’m not sure if you can let them dry up quite a bit, but maybe that would help perk them up. They’re pretty drought tolerant but they’re not a big fan of wetness.

I had to use a more frequent irrigation cycle on some haze plants I have in my basement, and the SyrianLebs were not a big fan of it. I’m trying to dry them up really good right now to see if I can pull them out of their funk.


my lebanese selection usually gets a red blush on the new growth like that too. especially at this stage in early veg when growth is particularly rapid.


Oh, they are all perky, and taking off. Just the one male plant sagging, and even that one is growing well. I noticed this feature back in 2017 when I tended a large greenhouse. When getting rootbound, Male plants leaves hang low, while females are perky longer. Out of 800 plants, 396 were males, and 394 of them sagged. After finding maybe 50 sagging male plants, and no saggy females, I stopped checking the sex and just put all the saggy plants in one section. It was 99% accurate. So i started paying attention every grow, and sure enough, EVERY saggy plant I ever had has been a male, and now here’s another time it’s holding true. :upside_down_face:


First thing in the cold morning. 2 perky females and then the saggy male pictured. He knows what’s coming lol. @lefthandseeds You know me and my seed making habits… Should I make a view for you?

Looks like these will be going full season. The Earth boxes are too heavy for my back to lift. Actually looks like they want to start flowering anyway? Are these semi auto flowering like Moroccan?


I’ve read and seen quite a few examples of Lebanese landraces that autoflower, and some examples of Syrian landraces have that trait as well.

Potentially, they could have a common ancestor with the Moroccan landraces that autoflower as well?

Very interesting topic for me, as I’m half Lebanese, and my Dad’s family has property over there, but I haven’t been to Lebanon myself in over 25 years.

I have to double check which mountain range is closest to the village that our family lives in, but I’ll find out more asap and let y’all know.

Makes me curious if in our family’s farmland, if Cannabis/Hashish production was ever part of the yearly crop rotation.

I will have to do some digging and see what all I can find out, I know there are several decent sources for Lebanese landraces, so I am curious to get a couple different ones and run them even here in Florida for now, but I will let y’all know what happens with that and also any information I can get about the mountain range the village is in, and see if I can figure out if there are any land races that originate from anywhere even somewhat near that area.

Peace! :peace_symbol::seedling:


I believe so. I haven’t grown them outside yet, but I do know the SyrianLeb will flower under 14h of light. I haven’t tried more than that but I suspect they’ll flower even with more light too.


Khalfa Genetics told me most plants in Marroco did start to flower in Mai when the drought-phase starts. Thats reeeeealy early, and might be just one of the fastest triggering Strains thats not straight Russian Ruderalis.
So, i think its a bit faster than Lebanese then , no? Well, if Khalifa says the Truth…

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Yeah, I’ve grown his Moroccan twice. Finished late August outdoors here. Flower started just after the solstice with over 16 hours light.( the stretch began late May/ early June)It’s a neat landrace. I’ve grown Lebanese too, and they started flower early for here, but had they not rotted, would have been harvested early October, so not auto or semi auto. But, there are many Lebanese lines. These Lebanese look completely different than RSC Lebanese. I’d say if Moroccan decends from Lebanese, like I’ve read, then it decends from the same Lebanese I’m growing now. I’ll know soon. Moroccan has a crazy 35 day stretch before Flower starts in earnest. It should begin now, come to think of it. I’ll have to find some photos for comparison sake.
The schedule they are on is the same one I grew Moroccan on.

@GMan just saw your post. The plants should keep on flowering regardless at this point. I have found that even equatorials We’ll continue flowering with 16 hours light


I have the next three plants in flower now, but they actually started flowering on their own before I started taking them inside at night; 2 strains. @ Coastal Blueberry from @SHSC-1, and one Metal Haze/Flo x Super Massive Black Hole.

I’m not sure what caused that unless it was just the weather everyday was carbon copy, cloud up by 2pm, and rain by 3pm. So, I’m not sure if it was the cloudy/rainy afternoons that left it darker, earlier… i was just about to flip them anyway, but it was interesting that all three started without me.

Here you go @Upstate, one of my @lefthandseeds Black Leb or Black and Blue Leb. I put them out late and still got plants like these. This is the full sized plant.

:man_farmer: :v:


Beautiful! Hope I do as well.


Plants have gotten so much sturdier with good light and slightly warmer temps. Growing fast now.


Hard to believe that picture was just 2 days ago. The plants have definitely caught their stride. Wow.


Wow those are zipping along now! Looking really happy.


That is a arm.


Those look sweet. They will be beastly.

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Hopefully they don’t get too tall or I will have to bend them or top them. I did a really easy System in the earth box, Similar to the way I grew out in washington. I just dug a trench parallel to the plants And dumped food in there. The Hugelkulture earthbox is coming along. I’ll have to get a picture. I’ve never done anything like this before so this is new turf for me. Seems to me like the rotted wood and compost/ biochar down below will just soak up any nutrients that get washed out of the soil and hold it in reserve. I don’t have a plastic cover over the earth box, using dead chopped leaves as Mulch instead. We will see how it works soon enough.
No slug or snail issues on these plants whatsoever. They are absolutely surrounded by them. And there are dozens or hundreds living in the mulch. No bugs are bothering them.


The black and blue Lebs are doing great. The male actually has the best branching of the bunch. He’s a real looker. The seventh plant turned out to be female and finally just sexed. My plan is to leave the male in the earthbox until Some floral clusters are just ready to open, at which time I will snip the plant and put it in a vase to ripen til I get a little pollen. Just looking to make a few seeds in a couple buds of each plant. Enough for me and @lefthandseeds if he wants some.
The plants are looking much more stocky now. The early bean pole growth likely due to poor conditions. Here’s the Hugelkulture box and then the regular box. For now I would say the Hugelkulture box is going to be a keeper idea for me. The plants just love it. They have just about caught up with the other box in size, having been planted at half the size originally.

We had a week straight of rain or overcast condishes prime for slugs and snails and hardly a bite. Also absolutely no leaf fungus of any sort. If they are susceptible at all to leave fungus, they are going to get it at my place.