LED 350w test run

@Jango @Igor
oh yeah, i just checked it, and I think its too close, youre right
its 20cm height between light and crops rn
I am going to increase it to the 30cm next morning. or should i go higher though?

so much great news about outdoor
i was in my places few days ago. and i was shocked everyone is survived, and its going fucking amazingly! it’s literally a carpet of crops. i will try to make some pictures next time i get there

i literally did not expect anything good, because i just threw them activated (via sprouting it one night in a small container) straight in the soil (in the prepared beds of course)

they are germinatin’ now, and there are really whole lotta males
small chances i will be able pull out every single man out there though

but its okay. that means I don’t need to fuck around with seedlings anymore
i didnt know its okay to put them straight in the soil with seeds here. i thought they will die in harsh conditions


I Think 350w led is equivalent for getting in for 800w hps, somewhere between a 600 and 1000. I’d go a lot higher, or adjust the light down to 50%

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My LED draws 400w with an efficiency of 2.7ųmol/J and hang it 40cm above and about 60% on the dimmer for veg and 55cm above and 100% for flower.
If yours is of similar efficiency this should give you a guide, your plants will tell you if you need to fine tune it. The bigger the grow light the bigger the power consumption and area it can cover.


guys, 2 days of 30cm gives me something like this :point_down: :partying_face:



The difference is noticeable even after few days. Setting 40cm now with a 100% light efficiency

@Jango thank for you advices. by the way, do you set exactly 100% on the dimmer? I’m setting like 90%. because it is the point where I see light difference, and nothing changes above that (though i don’t have lux-meter). Seen some posts people saying it is more healthy for the LED to keep it a bit down 100%, and it is the same effective :thinking:


In flower I use 100% for the coverage, I ideally need 500w. The idea of running at 90% is to save power and lengthen diode life, and some dimmers have a “dead spot” at each end of the scale, if you can unplug your dimmer you may find it runs brighter. I dont use a lux meter either.


They look much better now … :kissing_heart:


40 cm didn’t give me much difference from comparing to 30cm, although plant develops good.
but I wanna branches to finally get into the scrog holes, so i’ll try to turn light down to 60% :thinking:
hopefully it will lengthen the branches so I can point them in the holes. I think i’m very close to switch to flowering :partying_face:


Looking good now bro👍

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Agree, I would fill those holes and trim the lowers on shade before flipping … beer3|nullxnull

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i got a bit crazed few days ago =D
i noticed a that there are too much big leaves, especially in the bottom and they blocks the light to the branches, so I decided to do a defoliation
i think it went too much :smiley: never been formed a branches before, just flipping to flower instead
so switching to flowering is postponed. i think I will need another week or two to build new leaves

my idea right now is crop should stretch their branches to the holes, together with the lower ones that didn’t have much light before
i will make an each branch in its own hole
then cut out every leave and growth points below scrog net,
and turn the light 100%, and wait until it build enough nodes before flowering

what do you think?


also, the question about mycorrhizae, since i can’t really check whats in the bottom of my buckets,
how do I know if it is working? i guess fungus should grow together with the roots. or should i just keep feeding it in?

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That was a heavy defoliation :see_no_evil:, you will need more time and Nitrogen for them to recover before flipping. Are you going organic or with bottled nutes? icon_e_confused|nullxnull I swear I have red the whole thread but no info found … :sweat_smile:


Yeah, I did not mention that, but I think I will use GHE, it was working good for me every time before.

I have plenty of old bottles in my stash though. They were kept just in the bag in the closet, I wonder if its still safe to use them :thinking: Or perhaps I should get new ones

I’d retop all the shoots and remove those bags… they look overwatered, or stressed by something downstairs… Maybe even start new plants in all that empty space just in case they go south… been there… by the look of the stems, I say they are in shock, and might take a while to recover… those bags to prevent fungus gnats or something? My spider senses point to that… but idk…

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actually i just watered them when i took the pictures they don’t overwater at all. I actually like how it works
i aint’ really in rush, so i will just wait. do you think stress in the vegetation can affect the plant on the flowering? :thinking:
the bags was chosen just spontaneously, i didnt have a pot for plants and when i was in the store just picked them up :sweat_smile:

Then you will not need those mycorrhizae, I wanted to buy Trichoderma and I use Advanced Nutrients pH perfect, so asked the experts and here’s what they told me:

So unless you go completely organics just stick to bottled nutes (better new ones) … beer3|nullxnull

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ohhh. i didn’t know that. seems it does not really make sense then :thinking:

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You should now be patient and wait for the plants to recover before flipping … beer3|nullxnull


guys, i left it for a while, and it seems it finally 've eaten up all the rest of the nutritions from the soil, vegetation slowed down, so I got to the store and bought the fresh packs of feeds & equipment
I got 3 component GHE feedings, and also fresh equipment EC & pH, so I get accurate measurements. :point_up_2:

so guys, can you suggest me a good feeding table for the GHE?

i need a a correct ec, ph and how much ml of these should i mix at each week
I did have one, but it is on other forum that suddenly does not open rn, and I could only find one for the powder feedings :thinking:

until then. I will feed by whats printed on the label


funny part that the feeding table differs one of the bottles :joy:
but i made the first try

So, I got em’ a tap water first, about 1L, checked the drainage, it was 0.2-0.3 EC, the same as my tap water.
Then, I mixed a solution from a table column named “Growth”, and it resulted in a 1.5 EC
I thought it would be too much for a first one, so I diluted it with tap water, by like two,
and it resulted in a 0.8 EC :point_up_2:
I gave them like a 2 cups of that, and the drainage appeared the same 0.8 EC after the test.
I think that basically means that everything went through, and there were zero food in the soil
Let’s see what measures will we get on the next watering. I am going to give em straight water next time and check the results

I didn’t check pH yet, I need to calibrate my tool, will do it on the next one

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