LED 350w test run

ok so guys it recovered so far, i’ve been playing around with it last month

I greatly refreshed my mind about vegetation phase, rememberd how plant reacts on cuttings / branching, and how to give proper nutritions to the plant, I am keeping like 2.0 EC when feeding rn

Right plant still looks way slower than the left one. probably shitty pheno. going finish them anyway though

So guys, I have two questions rn
I see my plants reacting OK to the 2.0 EC, I even gave em 2.5 one time, and it ate all fine.
Should I go upper as i’m getting close to flowering beginning, I wonder what value should I keep on the pre-flowering / start flowering stages?

The second one is how tall from the scrog screen should I keep my plants in the veg? branches currently about 7-10cm height


I don’t know if that’s the one you use, nice looking plants … beer3|nullxnull

ooooh, this is sick. there is good info. thx
im feeding by what printed on the label, i actually figured out that on two of three components there is printed feeding table for the hydro, and the rest one for the soil, so i sticked to it

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Very clean tent, nice grow man. I have a question , do you plan to raise the screen when they stretch?

yeah, I already raised it for like 3-5 cm from what i used to start with. It’s my first experience with the scrog though, so you guys better do advise me :thinking: :grin:
we will see how it goes, i’ve seen people on OG sometimes uses several screens in one run

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They have pretty well recovered …Aplausos|nullxnull


I should grab a couple of those clip on screens for one of my tents. They look nice and easy to work with. The plastic stuff I’ve used in previous runs drive me nuts so I tend to avoid them altogether (then in the last few weeks I’m tying shit up like a dumb ass.) :joy:
Yeah for sure makes sense to have one for initial veg LST & another for placement and support in bloom.


ok guys i slightly overfed them :grimacing:

two days ago i noticed left plant turnt yellow, at first I thought its underfeed, but then I checked the drainage from tap watering it actually showed me 1.0 ec :grimacing:
i flushed them with tap water few times, it now got better. this morning it showed me 0.3 ec from the tap watering (0.1 ec). still a bit overfed, but it looks like its gets better. maybe few days it will fully recover
gotta start writing down the feed/out values though

actually, i just took a closer look at my previous potos and i can see now it actually started already back then. shit! :woozy_face:

how frequent should I feed them do you think guys? i was feeding it like one day feedings, one day tap water. but maybe i just do a lot of ec though. i’ll start writing down ec / ph after the recovering


Man, what’s your humidity? I’m afraid this could be Septoria :see_no_evil:, if only happens in some leaves it’s not a deficiency, check it out and defoliate if needed…

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nah. its actually burns from the overfeeding. the humidity is OK we have very dry environment. there is a rain season though. but its still too dry for fungus. i also have decent ventilation turned on 24 7
i will let it all recover, then possibly cut the yellow ones. its deep green in the lower leaves tho. only top ones affected

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Good to know, then it must Potassium…

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the way it works i think is that overfeeding causes pH changes in the soil (up or down)
but on the different pH levels, there is different number of elements that plant can actually absorb
on even bigger pH difference, certain elements even just blocked

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Ok guys, here’s the absolute values of my solutions when I pour it in and check the drainage:

11 Sep 2024:

Left plant
In 6.7 pH / 1.5 EC
Out 6.6 pH / 2.0 EC

Right plant
In 6.7 pH / 1.5 EC
Out 6.7 pH / 2.0 EC

13 Sep 2024:

Left plant
In 7.8 pH / 0.2 EC
Out 7.8 pH / 0.4 EC

Right plant
In 7.8 pH / 0.2 EC
Out 7.8 pH / 0.3 EC

I see pH of my tap water is a bit high (7.8 pH). Do you guys think it makes sense to use pH down against the tap water? When I’m mixing up the solution it dropping down to what it has to be. Not sure about still water :thinking:

Also, I switched to 12 / 12 today, I’m going to give it a few days and will begin counting flowering.


If more EC comes out you should flush until numbers closer or at least give them less food. I would also use pH down for that tap water, they’re looking fine anyway… beer3|nullxnull

What’s your Ambient temperature?

I just went through it with my LED learning curve, curious to your temps as them seem to be fucking rocking

I previously was working with the HPS all the way, so its completely opposite for me. Plus I got a pretty decent vent for this tent, so its pretty cool. I even still have my vent on the first speed (I guess its like 240m3, while the max is 350m3).

I actually wonder if its too low though, I just don’t have a temp meter round me to check, but I would say its something 21-24celsium.
Basically I feel like its okay now, but I wonder what will be in the winter, because I’m pretty sure the ambient temp will lose few degrees.

I’ve been reading on OG that you should have a bit warmer ambient than for HPS, since its not heating the lower levels of your plants with the IR.
Gotta get me a temperature meter in the box :thinking:


Yeah exactly.

I was running room at 76-78 with leaf surface temps around that as well.

Plants straight hated it, had symptoms of everything all over the map, under and over feed, under over water, looked Cold.

Upped Ambient to 85 degrees and problem went away overnight literally.

Im adding t5 ho in each 2x4. 4 2 foot tubes each, 2 6400k, 2 3000k.

Also switched exhaust circuit that was venting straight outside , to tents dump back into room. The fans hooked to out side now have the duty of venting whole lung room when needed. Tents exhaust will provide some reheat.

Going to fire up the 5x5 tomorrow with a medic grow smart 8 plus 760w. Hopefully that’ll warm me up so i don’t have to run 4 damn heater’s to keep temp.

I almost switched back to hid, thankfully a member here spoon fed me the info I was missing, one other even called me upon my request.

We got a great group of guy’s here. Really was shocked how helpful it was.

Way different forum experience then back in the day on icmag, where it would have been “point your finger and rub his face in his failure” time.

Instead they all came to aid in some way . I learned more about LED yesterday than i did in 7 months of research


Hi @blazefortwunty,
I struggled with low ambient temps in winter using just leds and refuse to spend more $$ & power on a heater.
For me the solution was to stop venting the fan forced warm air that is produced by my dehumidifier and just let it circulate and heat the room.
Besides that, I added an old 600 hps back into the grow in conjunction with the leds for the colder months, it became very obvious the plants still really love that old spectrum/tech.


Preflowering continues :snowboarder:

Soil \ Feedings

I finally dealt with all salty soil problems and flushed it all the way, and can now finally see expected values in the drainage. I also learnt to use a ph down, i have a ghe ph down powder, and I started to use it even for a tap water. However I noticed that it increases the EC a little bit. for example my tap water is ~7.8ph, 0.2 EC, but after I drop it down to the 6.4, it shows me 0.4-0.5 EC. so I have to keep that in mind

Also, another question about pH is wondering me right now. I remember something that you should keep a slightly different values of the pH throughout the flowering cycle. I remember there was a chart from a powder feedings, like on the week 1 you start from 6.4, and then slightly increase it every week until you stop at 7.0.

I’m just thinking what pH level should I keep right now. For now, I am going to drop all down to 6.4 pH


Right plant already shows signs of buds formation. It actually have been already ready to start flowering even on 18 / 6, the stems were enlarged, like its just waiting for a proper light timing.

Left plant is the opposite, even after a few days of the light switch, it’s still not catching it, don’t even see any changes in the stems. Does that mean that it could be a possibly a slightly longer strain pheno (with longer flowering)? Maybe it, because right one is just booming in terms of starting flowering.


@Couchlocked @Wojak
I set the oil radiator (heater) on last night, let’s see how it goes. The picture I took today’s morning already after a night in the warmed-up lung room. Don’t have temp / humidity meter yet thouh. going to buy one me soon. but as for my feels, it looks like a 25-27c rn.

Actually, we should have centralized heating turnt on very soon, like in couple days, so it will warm up even better, or will allow me to reduce electricity load on my oil radiator heater. Last indoor grow taught me to be careful heavy loads :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: