LED_Seedz Team #5- Bodhi Tree

Bodhi Tree
5. Legalcanada - Hydro
5. Stain - Organic
5. Grower13- coco hydro

Give us an intro @LED_Seedz

@stain @legalcanada


Bodhi Tree is Boysenberry OG F3 which was a special pheno of the original planting of Goji OG that Bodhi made in the F1’s. This pheno was then inbred to F3 and given to me. I have taken it to F4 for the ole toolbox but I just love this F3. She is super tasty and was tested in Norcal at 23% thc so she packs a nice punch.

If she has a down side it is just like every other Goji plant out there and it needs stakes, and lots of them. I crossed her to Igor another F3 plant but Starfighter.

I have seen a handful of these run in a couple of mediums, but I want to see more before I move forward. I’ve not seen a Boysenberry leaner yet, but I feel there has to be one in there somewhere so I am hoping one of you pulls the lucky card.

Best of luck to you guys moving forward! Looking for fire


nice! i won’t recognize either pheno so you’ll have to let me know from the pictures :smiley: but this was the one i wanted to find so thanks for that!


We have seen a Starfighter leaner and an in between leaner so far. @OG1969 has pulled both and I do believe we can provide pictures of those two. The in between seems to be about 3 to 1 so far, but not many run. G13 has I believe 10 just recently up like within a few days, so more are on the way with you guys all together.

If I don’t see what I want here, I’ll take one of the in between males and go back to the Boysenberry again and go towards cubing it.


I had 10 of 10 seeds pop and grow… got one lagging behind but she is coming along… I started my seeds in a wet paper towel… then put them chipped coco with about 1.5 inches of jiffy seed starter on top of coco… about a week later 12/1 they look like this


on 12/2 I moved them to pot and put them on my veging table…

left the little one to get bigger…

as of tonight 12/5 they’re doing well and they are getting ready to explode with growth…


Dropped 6 in water last night 5 sank at 12 hrs and the last one dropped at 15 hrs. All in peat pucks in sprout chamber. We’re off to the races…

So these stretch or does it just has week stems?

Just hope they’re not as bad as the train wreck I’ve been growing. It’s a vine in flower.
pic was taken @12hrs.


Starfighter has fixed both the weak stems and any stretching so far.


So no razor wire wrapped around it to keep it in check. Just general barbed wire will do.



they’re getting use to they’re new pots…


Looking good @Grower13 , These should need very little support down the road.
Peace OG.


We have 6 for 6 this morning. 100% Once they go into pots I’ll take pictures.


Thank you brother! So far batting 1000.


22 days from seed…


@Legalcanada did your testers ever arrive?

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not yet the tracking updated to canada customs thursday night/friday morning at 1am i think so it should be monday. had something sent from the vault around 3 weeks ago too hopefully will be with it


Not as purdy as G13’s but they are only 2 days old. I screwed up already. Put them in mixed used soil instead of fresh. They will grow in it. I have 5 week old chem4 x bogbubble in this mix and they’re doing fine. 1 gallon pots under T5’s till they show sex.


Rock on, they will do just fine, and once a little root growth happens they should take off, Peace OG.


I brought my coco inside to thaw out (whole bag was frozen solid) so hopefully when the seeds show up tomorrow i can pop them right in. i only have 3 and 5 gallon smart pots so will most likely all germinate in solo cups until transplant straight to 5g. the pots should be free before i need them, figure the other girls only have 2-3 weeks left til harvest.

i will probably get a new 3x2 propagation tent after christmas and use my 275w blurple in it for now


the eagle has landed @LED_Seedz

i will be allowing to thaw to room temperature then germinating in solo cups of coco/perlite mix.