LED vs 1000w HID

but one caveat about the Sea of Green thing is a high plant count :frowning: they maybe little

but when I do them I will pack as many plants in a 2 foot by 4 foot shelf

about 32 on each shelf so before you know you got lots and lots

Be safe and stay fee



Hey, you got my mind wondering… do you mean to say that, as opposed to 4 day veg, if I push to a ten day stretch, I’d get way more little ones? Thanks.


10 days in the cloner 4 days of veg in the pot and 8 weeks of flowering :slight_smile:

and these are just numbers it takes what it takes to grow the weed and nothing

is craved in stone

be safe



Great analogy! I love fly fishing and tie my self but growing weed now indoors with out having concerns about pollen is my passion now!

Whats your favorite pattern to twist some feathers and thread around a tiny wire?

Edit: Iv just recently made the jump from shitty old Chinese leds to more modern ones and can say I’m liking the results so far!

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You could always use both at the same time… lol

I like my HIDs but I’d be willing to try out some LED lights eventually especially since they have improved over time.

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I basically tie all my own streamers. my go to, year round, is a wooly bugger pattern called thin mint, it uses peacock herl for the body. But when fall comes, the Montreal Whore is what I’ll have tied on first, fall salmon and trout love that pattern.


Familiar with the wooly, a classic that should be in every fly box IMO ! Have you tied the griffiths gnat? Very similar in appearance , you have pics ? Sometimes I like using off the wall materials … picked up a book here in Co That had a nymph pattern utilizing a rubber band for the body and herl around the head and throat OMG with that rib and segmentation Pattern it’s one of the most life like I’v seen called “rubber band nymph “

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i tied flies most of my life was in a fire and my hands dont or wont allow it anymore, cant tell you how much i miss it.


Sorry to hear that bro I know how disappointing that must feel… is there anyone you can teach it too as a joy to see others take on a great hobby?

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no grandkids and were living in a state we are not from, I volunteer with fish and game for trapping here ,asked if they wanted to do a class got no interest,

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Sad so sad! Today’s kids are just about the fucking video games I tried my best with my son but unfortunately he’s fallen into the dark side . Like the wife states often theirs no imagination and wanting to be creative in these kids nowadays fucking gaming is like crack to them and their cell phones! SMH


with your son give him time, i really regret not learning more from my grandparents and parents about older ways of doing things, the way things are going it would be valuable info.

I am oldschool in that i think teaching young about the outdoor sports such as fishing hunting trapping keep the kids on a straighter path. So theres always hope.


You are 100% correct in your thinking . Finding weed , the woods , and a fly rod is what saved me from the hard drugs , jail , and death that so many fellas I grew up with fell into.
Sadly the woods and rivers I once knew I don’t anymore . It has all been destroyed here in Nova Scotia and no longer exists to save anyone. Not a single healthy river or watershed in the entire province . I am only 40 and the rivers I caught salmon and brook trout in my teens now only have invasive like SMB and chain pickerel , if they even have fish. Because the water quality and the water cycle itself has been so deteriorated.
I have yet to figure out how to get young people engaged and connected to a dead land.
Clearcutting has destroyed this province and she ain’t coming back anytime soon.

@Who if you ever need or want some flies tied up please just let me know. I put down the rod a few years ago but I do still tie from time to time.

Oh and 1000w hids. I use those lol


@anon60559124 many thanks for the kind offer, I may take yo up some day on it. But as you know the tying of the fly, is akin to growing your own Pot. But its a very kind offer on your part!

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So I’m currently involved in spirited discussions regarding new build out and setting up two different grow ops. One will have 4 lights , the other may have a dozen. This is on the flower side. Both growers are proven, established,knowledgeable. Both are 1000w hid hortilux guys. This light has been their bread and butter for years/ decades. They’ll both be going to LED. Of course gavita has its disciples but serious consideration is being given to growers choice 720e.
I haven’t heard too many instances of a grower switching and complaining. Does it take some adjustment absolutely but I personally feel the technology has surpassed HID.HID has been here since the 70’s. To think that lighting technology hasn’t advanced in 50 years is rather close minded I believe. I think this year is the end of hid vs led… we will see.


What are the dimensions on your room there seamonkey84?

That’s not my picture, just showing what screw in led bulbs are capable of.
My bloom area is 3x3


The Gavita Pro 1700e looks like it would replace a 1000 HPS but I am not a big fan of the spectrum. It seems more setup for veg but would work for flower. Someone else suggested Timber which I have not used but have heard nothing but good things about. I have had conversations with Dan and he is a really upfront and honest guy. Myself, I replaced my 1000 watt HPS after my last run with an HLG 600 Rspec and UV bar attachment. I like the Rspec spectrum better than the Gavita. Here are my current plants and they are coming along well.


I switched from all cmh to some cmh and some quantum boards full spectrum in my flower tent last run.

the thing i noticed was all the plants went longer then they should of, by a cple of weeks. It may have been just that time though, like i said only one run like that.

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Has temp changed at all since your previous run with same strain? Have you double checked that the timers are set correctly (have to ask)? Beyond that, if your going by crystals, I’ve read that LEDs sometimes don’t ripen them to amber as fast, or at all with some strains. But you have CMH mixed in, so idk there.
Bloom time aside, how would you judge the performance?

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