LEDSeedz is looking for testers (This round is filled)

In about a month from now I am going to be sending out some tester packs to members of Overgrow. You do not need to be the best grower out there, but I do have a few requirements in order to qualify.

  1. Tester must be able to link us to a current grow journal.
  2. Seed packs will be 12 seeds, and tester must be able to run at a minimum of 6 seeds at a time.
  3. Tester must be able to provide Bi-weekly updates during the vegetation stage, and weekly updates during flowering with pictures.
  4. Tester must have been a member in good standings with Overgrow for a minimum of one month.
  5. Tester strain MUST be started by Jan. 1 2018.
  6. All questions must be asked in public, so no PM’s please until I am asking for your safe mailing address.

There will be four strains that need to be tested. Strains will be selected randomly so there is no cherry picking of any strains. In a perfect would I would have a minimum of 1 soil person, 1 organic person and one hydroponic person, so please list your style of growing.


Every tester who completes a journal for me will receive their choice of any of my strains, (while supplies last) along with a free pack of Grass Monkey at F1. This strain will be at F3 by the time the testing starts.

You will also be given the opportunity to become a member of a private forum which will allow you to get free seeds for life from myself and my silent partner.

To apply simply give a link to your journal, what style you are growing with your lighting listed. USA residents will have first come , but I am not going to limit it to the US so long as I can send you a bubble mailer without it being opened.

I’m sure this is a little different than what you have seen in the past, but I am going to try an stop from being burned as I have in the past.

Thank you for your interest in LED_Seedz!



  1. Uncle_Al - Team Captain - Shipped
  2. ganjajuana - Shipped
  3. Blowingupjake - Team Captain - Shipped
  4. MadScientist - Shipped
  5. Herbie - Team Captain - Shipped
  6. JaxxMunster - Shipped


  1. Viva_Mexico - Shipped
  2. Argo945 - Shipped
  3. OG1969 _ Shipped
  4. RickSanchez - Team Captain - Shipped
  5. Legalcanada - Shipped


  1. DavesNotHere - Shipped
  2. Worcestershire_Farms - Team Captain - Shipped
  3. hewhocoruptz - Shipped
  4. Swampthing - Shipped
  5. Stain - Shipped

UPDATED - 11:16 am EST 11/29/17


Please consider me for testing, I grow in a hand mixed soil, I veg under fluorescent lights and flower under hid currently 2x400w MH + 3x250w HPS


I am sure I could find room somewhere :innocent: HYDROPONICS


Would love be a tester BUT I’ve never done a grow thread due to not being legal. Posted lots of pic of what I’ve grown/growing at a private sight. That being said, we will be legal in a few weeks when Blondy gets her grow card. We live in New Mexico. I’m building a bigger area or getting a tent. Depends what will be cheaper. At this point I can only flower 4 at a time and that is very crowded in the 2’x2.5’ closet.

I grow in organic soil as much as humanly possible. Only use salts as a last measure to correct problem that crops up. Using a 400 w hps and will be adding 1000w in new grow area. T5’s for veg.

Camera skills aren’t the greatest but do get lucky and get a perfect pic when you take 100’s of them lol

I also have a green house with rocket mass heated aquaponics grow tanks. Been running non stop for 3 years.

Would do my very best to complete the grow if picked.

THC staind fingers


I would love to help out, however the timing wont work this time. I still have some Durban Poison testers i need to run first. Perhaps next time. :wink:

505 represent! Too bad this state is a genetic ghost town. Everyone still grows Blue Dream. :laughing:


Sign me up coach…


Grass Monkey…


I want in. If possible. Thanks.

My system is comprised of two tents; a 4x2x4 for seedlings and veggie growth under 125W CFL Wing Reflector @ 6500k, a 4x4x8 for flower with a 600W Vero 29v7 COB rig.

Will do either coco or soil, you appointed me to soil, but may i switch to coco? @LED_Seedz


Show off. G13 is one of my testers, and a good personal friend from my site. I’m glad he has come over to join in on the party. Guessing a few more will show before it is all said and done.

We have all been there. When OG 1 went down I was scared straight. Couldn’t even pay me to go online and post my grows.

I’d love to help get you involved, and you meet the other requirements so I will bend the rules a bit provided you have some sort of journal running when seeds are ready to be set. I’m looking forward to watching you roll on!

I have 5 more strains that of which four have not been discussed on this site. They are ready to test in March if that helps you or anyone else. I am running on about a three month window currently. June should be my last release of 2018. I should have 5 IBL’s at that point.

Do you have a grow thread sir?

Street Outlaw F2BX1 is on deck to be tested. Grass Monkey will be gifted after testing. You may be in luck if the timing works for you.

Thank you for the replies so far guys! I appreciate your interest!!


Ill be watching this one from the sides for sure, and one day soon you can count me in. :sunglasses:

That forum sounds CULT bro. And I mean that in a freaking awesome way!!!


This should be fun to watch! Thanks for doing it in the open @LED_Seedz.


No Fear
:astonished: <–See?



this is a daughter to Igor(king of frost) the daddy to Grassmonkey…


You can throw my name in the pot to do to speak. The crack time syncs up with my run now. I timed my currently flowering lady to be ready by new year’s. So my scarlet queens will go in next, freeing up the veg space to run your testers if need be.


Yea sign me up too man, I do hydro under LED beamers…

Grass Monkey day 42/55


And if you need any more testers you know I am always down to run more of your gear. Will see if I can find a couple pics of the previous testers when I get home. Good luck everyone. Won’t be an issue finding some firey dank here.
Peace OG


Hey @LED_Seedz I’d love to test out some of your varieties. I’m growing in coco with modified Lucas formula under a combination of LEDs (COBS and PFD boards) . I don’t have any grow journals online as it’s illegal where I live, but I can post up pics of some plants I have in flower right now and can definitely keep one in the future.


We’d be honored for a chance to test for you, your plants are beautiful. Igor is above and beyond any male I’ve ever witnessed. Our current journal is offline, as there hasn’t been much excitement round the farm to show off. If you’d like a rundown of the recent happenings…

We run strictly organics, peat and coco-based soil with fish emulsion and plant based nutes. The slightly calcium deficient motherplant you see above is a Durban x C99, the mother of the Poison Apple. We have been supplying a few patients with clones in return for buds so our flowering rooms have been empty since July / August.
Lighting is 220w of LED, with a 400w HPS supplementing flowering. Up to twelve plants is completely legal, so a six minimum is no problem at all.


I am keeping an updated list of committed testers in the first post. If I have missed someone please let me know and I will make the adjustment.

Also a little clarification, Igor (no longer with us) was an F2 male Starfighter who I originally choose to make several crosses and has not been seen on this site. The one pictured in my thread is “Fester” which is an F4 Starfighter the grandson of Igor. He’s chilling.


Ooh, my mistake. Fester is crazy beautiful. I want him tattooed on my arm, photorealistic.