Legalcanada new grow 2023 editoon

I have GREAT news!

My shitty neighbor that I have had problems with since he arrived has FINALLY moved out at the beginning of this month!!

His presence stressed me out so severely that I have not lived at my apartment for over 2 years, making the maintenance of my garden almost impossible!!

I still only have one tent operational as I’m unemployed and low on the funds necessary to purchase the two drivers required for my flowering light.

I am going to fill my one tent with all autoflowers. The veg tent runs at 350-375 watts of LED, hopefully enough to get a decent yield out of a full 4x4.

I plan on getting it all set up today or tomorrow, with pictures to follow.

I found more of my topdawg stardawg seeds, so I will do a preservation run this summer and hopefully make enough for 1-2 packs for anyone interested.

missed you guys, see you soon


What kind of light are you using to flower that takes 2 drivers? I ran an 800 watt with one driver so I am curious. Is it a DIY?


yes its a DIY, my veg light is 2x qb288 with 1x HLG-320H-C1400A driver and my flower light is 4x qb288 with 2x HLG-320H-C1400A iirc

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they are probably closed to 4-5 years old, were top bin at the time


CONGRATS getting back to what you love!! Strange how someone “outside the Circle” can cause so much negativity. Hope your efforts are successful, stay positive, ALL here are pulling for ya. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Glad to see you back my friend. Wish I could help with a light but I’m in need atm as well. Glad to hear your issues have moved on.

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Good to see you back man, hopefully your new neighbor will be into growing as well, think positive :+1:

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Wouldn’t that be a wicked turn of events! Love it cup half full kinda guy huh? Nice

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