Legally providing to dispensaries by private cultivation

I totally get what the intent of the wording is, the issue I have is the 10oz limit vs the “grown”. How do you prove that you grew it to the court? At what point does it become too much on hand?

I’m headed downstate early tomorrow morning and we have a meeting with LARA to get my applications in order so we’ll be discussing this further. Hopefully they can provide some case law to ease my fears.

Being raised in Detroit during the height of corruption makes me very leary of anything that can be interpreted by a cop or a judge. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve been hauled off to jail because the cop was a dick. I’ve learned in the past few years to play devil’s advocate on everything, to ensure I’m as protected as possible.

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Oh I get it!

Here on the east coast, it’s become an art-form to convolute wording in statues allowing the governmental agencies or law enforcement to interpret wording in whatever way they feel like.

We have non-elected agency officials issuing memorandas, edicts, and guidance that, in many cases, conflict with the intent of the legislation. Sometimes with wild interpretations and overly broad implications. Then, on the next election cycle, the new politicos re-interpret them. Sometimes with completely the opposite effect. When things go wrong, the only way out is the courts. Which takes years (perfected in Chicago). Absurd.

One way for clarification is to ask for the issuance of guidance from the responsible agencies. But this is risky proposition and can be a can of worms. You’d need to collect support from the individual legislators and have a lawyer in tow to help “bias” the guidance toward you end goals before taking this approach. It can backfire unless the agency is already on-board with your agenda.