Legends never die

The next Charlie Dunn!


Hahaha wouldn’t that be something?


I like that! You did really good :+1:
Been eyeing leather working stuff lately, I need a new wallet and shopping around I was disappointed…

I have a mental problem where I think I can do anything lol

That’s what pushed me to grow actually.
As a youngun I was buying - definitely wasn’t always the best and often couldnt source it… so started selling. At times it was hard to find the good stuff in bulk for reasonable prices so… got a few lights :laughing:

This “fine! I’ll do it myself” drive thought me so much. From cooking to every trade to every craft.

When I was in my 20s people always asked me - how the hell do you know all this stuff?- and I would tell them: wait until I’m in my 50s :wink:

I’m 33 now and if this thing is exponential by my 50s I’ll be a damn Swiss knife lol!

Ps my baklavas are legendary :raised_hands:


I’m a 9.5 5E, hook me up man haha.
That looks like nice work, in all seriousness. :+1:


Hahaha I’m that same way. I’ve noticed you say things that let me know you have the same kind of funny brain as I do! Super curious and retain a wild amount of information in your realm haha

I sewed myself a new jacket over the winter because I didn’t wanna buy one. Didn’t wanna spend custom footwear prices so I learned to do it myself. I’m fixing to build myself a desk pretty soon. Sometimes it really frustrates me because I avoid things because I don’t have the energy to go down crazy rabbit holes.


That’s so spot on. Funny brain is right :yum:

Over the last few years I built a bunch of furniture, beds, kitchen islands, side tables etc.
So if you have questions I can probably answer them :pray:

Last piece I built is this bed. It’s not my picture, but it’s the exact pic I used to draw mine. Only change i did was to use 3"x14" fir beams instead of the 2x6" for the sides, and finished it with the shau sugi ban technique (brushed burnt wood) then stained and varnished.


Haha oh man, you definitely have much more follow through than me. That’s awesome though, I’ve watched a lot of woodworking videos trying to get the oomph to do some stuff, but now I just need highly customized workstation so I’ve been forced out of hiding from it haha. Thanks, I’ll definitely let you know if I get stumped by anything!


Nice work on the bed frame.

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Hi im skunk


Would love to meet you Skunkie.


Overall they are doing good. They are still small, about 2’, a few didnt grow yet and are still sitting at 8".

The good news is a bunch of them are squat fat and greasy :heart_eyes:


I had started to stem rub the bunch but after a couple dozen i thought the ground was really far away being 6’4 lol

Out of the squat and greasy plants I noticed a group of them were teeming with golden flies, so I started to check those out. Well damn the ones that attract gold flies are very promising :ok_hand:


Greasy thick stem are about 50% of the whole. Then 25% are slimmer and another 25 are taking their time growing.

Slim ones are usually sweet and act like fancy pants. Showing clawing and being fussy.

One is doing the celery thing

And last but not least.
This one is intersexuallly flowering already. Balls down low and pistils up top.

It’s got a really weird smell so it gets to live.


Bonus from another patch :slightly_smiling_face:


Chem D cut

88g13hp#11 (hp pheno)

Melon lifesaver



Second patch looks pristine no bugs
I waited too late to spray at least one of them with sulfur, just friendly reminder


Oh I’ve seen this before! I saw growth like this in a NL1/HP line from AKBB. Like two plants growing in one. Idk what it’s from :thinking: wondered about colchicine use previous in the line.


I did that today :slightly_smiling_face:

Noticed slugs invited themselves to the party too…


I forget the name of this condition… I doubt they were messed with that bad though. With colchicine, more than 1/130 would play funny games :grin:

First release BB were alledgely made with colchicine and many gens down the line we still have crazy defects

**fasciation. English🙄


Usually it’s fasciated or fasciitis


Yes! I blanked bad haha