Legends never die

I hope you’re right! Been raining every other day so I’m mostly worried about grey mold which is something I hear is a common defect in old skunks. Noticed the odd one catching it indoors in a controlled environment. :crossed_fingers:

I was to select against these weaknesses in the next round anyway, just want as large a pool possible to start with then I can cull heavy without second thoughts.


True, humidity may be the weakness of that kind of strains Same weather here, I get your concerns :grinning: . Maybe use your spare time to prepare yourself and bring sprays and all preventive treatments you can think of? That’d be a shame for the hard work you put in there. I’m astonished by your plot and quest, respect! :grinning:


Well that’s the thing. I broke my back and am heavily sedated, so climbing, trekking and hauling stuff in the woods is not an option for some time.

Id send someone to check on them, but even i have trouble finding the patches half the time. I highly doubt a friend that never went there would haha.
I only have mother nature. She knows :wink:

Thank you for the kind words.


Damn Mith. Some bad stuff. Man hope your recovery goes quick. Life is a mofo at times.


Damn I hope you get better soon buddy! You say it so casually to, it’s almost unreal


Oh shit, that’s no good. Any word on how long you’ll be laid out? Feel better man.


Thanks @Smooth yeah life throws curveballs sometimes hah

Thanks @Emeraldgreen that’s because it’s not my first rodeo :wink: I fractured my plexus in a car accident, that one hurt. I shattered my right knee and tibia in a freak accident. Etc

Also I know a man in his late 60s that got operated 19 times and beat 2 cancers. Guy is still working and cracking jokes. Radiation therapy destroyed his kidneys and he’s still vertical. I cannot act like this is life threatening.

@potpotpot I got an appointment in 2 weeks to see how good I’m healing. So minimum 2 weeks. I don’t really know, could be up to 6 months :man_shrugging:


Ohh I think you have a fantastic way of looking at it. I was merely saying you stated that you broke your back the way I say I got a dozen eggs!
I had a ruptured appendix 2 years ago and went septic. Apparently not a good thing, but what else can you do but continue on!
Take care of yourself for sure and don’t rush your recovery


Damn Mithridate! Hope you heal up quick! When you said something was limiting your mobility I was thinking the law or something. Not you broke your back! Love your outlook though!


Hope you’ll recover fast and before the end of the season! Meanwhile I guess you have time to fill your brain with new knowledge :grinning:


This is all he does…. Guys a freaking Google in human form! No joke. The conversations we’ve had over the years and the stuff he finds always blows my mind! Now we’re in for a serious treat! He’ll probably patent a new grow style or something :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Hope you are feeling better now with the pills etc. and as I said before, got you if needed my brotha from anotha motha


Haha thanks big bro.

It is said that if you spend 17 minutes a day, or about 2hrs a week, learning or practicing something for a year you’ll be better than 95% of the population in that skill. Unbeknownst to me I’ve been following this with many things for 20 years :grin:

Funny you’d say that… I’ve been secretly working on a setup that will break every known notion about yield :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: aim is 10g/w but will be happy with anything above 5.

Back to reading a book a day it seems hah

Bless you brother :pray:


Awesome! I cannot wait to see it! Always moving forward, you inspire me brother, always have.


This…… man :man_facepalming:t2: that’s deep but it totally makes sense! I gotta live by this


youre way north i think but sending those indian summer vibes out. one fall in NE ontario it didnt freeze til first week of november came back to check on some blue skunks and they were ripe, planted early august.


That’s actually how I learn(ed) stuffs too. School was too boring, learned the basics there but not much more. Then internet came in my life and that was eyes opening. Learned computer science, music, horticulture and lot of other (sometimes weird) things.Does not mean I’m good at everything though :laughing:


Well that sucks big man. Young man like yourself don’t need any of these problems. I wish you a speedy healthy recovery and my prayers are with you :pray:.

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Dang man, heal up quickly. A broken back is nothing to take lightly.


Well :slightly_smiling_face: I spend a good portion of today making calls to schedule appointments with a physical therapist 3x a week as per my dr recommendation and an orthopedic Dr once a week on my dime. I also follow a strict daily routine to speed up the process.

Knowing I have done everything I had to do and jumped through every hoops, i can be at peace. Calm and focus on healing.

My inner stoic would say
“We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more in imagination than in reality.” - Seneca


I told ya those bags of dirt would get to ya. Just kidding. I know your determination. And I know you will quickly overcome this. Stay strong.