Legends never die


I relocated some posts in the trash :wink:

Recovery is doing good, a bit too good actually.
Dr appointments are spaced 1 month apart, no matter what. So with me healing faster than they are used to, there’s a total disconnect with how I feel and what they make me do. Basically I’d be ready to get back to work, so I insisted on 2 week follow ups, they scheduled me every 3weeks…

I still get physio therapy every day, now they added ergotherapy on top basically one month ahead of their program.

Then I’ll have to work part time for weeks.

All very frustrating to me at this point.

I honestly should have curled up in a ball for 2 weeks on my dime and got back to work when I felt good.


Nah, it’s good u have it documented for the future. Trust me brother. From one who learned the hard way. If it comes back to haunt you, or you reinjure it , that will be a blessing for sure. Don’t be like Luke!

Much respect, better and better every day,I’m getting there as well. :facepunch:t2:


I get the “have to be 100%” but at what point does staying there become them guaranteeing themselves work?

I’m having flashbacks from school…
They gave 4hrs to complete an exam, I’d be done in 30mins. Teacher would always tell me, “are you sure you dont want to check your answers, that was fast”

Bitch I can’t get more than 100%

The only reason they moved my appointments is I told them that if I stagnate and get bored ill just hit the gym and not tell them :wink:


You’re speaking my language. “No, I’m done. Now grade it in the spare time you have while all the dummies take their sweet time.” :joy:


puhaha, that’s the part you’re not supposed to say out loud :wink:

At 6’3 300lbs at 16 I looked like a mentally challenged 31 years old and still outperformed all the well to do kids. Kids their parents and all staff hated my guts LOL


This made me laugh uncontrollably! :joy: f&$?ing guy!


Overall I’d say they need another week or two before I chop.

Note the resin fingers… yeah I’ll smoke that :grin:

There is mold on most of them… couple buds etc so I’m collecting a few hundred seeds that look ready just in case I come back and everything turned to shit


So when i do seeds increases i always [always] keep each mom seed lot separate. That is so i can go back to whatever mom in the eventuality i find something exceptional. What about guerilla ? Tags either wont last or reflect light from above. No good. Usually I’ll just spot and memorize which plant is above average and once chop time comes, each plant goes into its own bag with a note about smell, growth characteristics, ups/downs etc dried solo and seeds kept separated with each it’s set of data.

Then grow 30 seeds per mom and go from there. Capiche?


Excatlty this right here. :white_check_mark:


Another thing is -how in the f do you finish plants in shreklandia?-

Well. I play with sun angles and the surrounding vegetation.

See this? They get blasted all day but it’s 5:30 and sun is about gone. Study, Adapt, Conquer :joy::wink:


They are fairly healthy, sure some do look a bit rough, overall I’m satisfied.

These are definitely old school, I smell fucking luxurious from walking around the patch. Gotta keep it :100: and say none have the straight skunk stench #37 from a previous batch expressed
I’m not worried though. All I want is fresh seeds, then the real work happens.


Worst ones look like this

Boot for ratio :slightly_smiling_face:

This is quite the project eh. Shit plants, hermies, grey mold and whatnot. Still my favorite. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Edit: this is very live and not your usual update. I’d make it into a easier to read update but can’t keep pics tagged and couldn’t make sense of it later. That finger hash hits like a Mac truck though :yum:


That’s how it’s done my brother! Nice

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After digging and planting for a while I got “lazy” and some holes I put 2 plants. It’s OK… on a big pop, probabilities are on your side. There is one hole where both plants are really nice, to date keepers. A unique situation this time. One is bigger than the other so I called them “small skunk” and “big skunk”.

The one I call “big skunk” will beat your kids at Diddy Kong racing and leave with your woman.

Its vegging as we speak and some will have her in their room.


My kinda guy! I could chill with big skunk anyday

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Theres big skunk, small skunk and big HE the only male out of 140 plants😂

You’re definitely the first to give them a shot. While I’ve been around mucho plants, growing elite cuts is very recent and want to see what you think cuz I know your lungs are 97% resin lol

Big HE isn’t too happy indoors, more finicky etc but is turning around :wink:


Last update for tonight. In a previous post I said that I thought small skunk was a melon lifesaver cut I had placed in the patch. So while the small skunk has gotten bigger and healthier vegging indo alongside 10 melon lifesaver cuts/teens I can say they are not the same, hence me deleting/“relocating” the post.

Then confirmed today by fkin with it live further into flower.

Confusion come from both having a skunky start with similar growth, but as they flower I can most certainly tell them apart.

I was happy about having skunk x melon lifesaver seeds but even happier about having an old ghani like cut that I mistook for a 1/300 lifesaver.




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Basically I took 3 buds from each plants. This is plan B.

Whatever the saying goes prepare for the worst blshblah success strong babies I think

So these will be set to dry and shucked, no tags. FFA.


Ohhhh ghani/skunk! Hell yes! Epic . That was a wise choice, better safe than sorry although I’m sure they will be fine . Seeds are pretty hardy as long as the plants don’t just all die. This is getting exciting!