Legends never die

The old ghani plants are the ones that seem to fit what I think a skunk should look like, I’ll still evaluate the taller ones though :wink:

It was a pretty wet year, even by canadian standards. With 2 more weeks of mid 20s day temps and moderate rain I’ll push them while keeping an eye on them.

I don’t mind losing buds to rot, it is inevitable here. Problem with mold is, it sucks the life out of seeds. So I have to think about if I want more immature seeds or more dead darker ones. Somewhere between the 2 extremes is the sweet spot.

The small skunk and big skunk were chosen physical characteristics along with aroma so without smoking them all, probabilities tell me these 2 are not the best this patch has to offer.

I really like them both though, and with a few buds of each drying I’ll give them a try hehe. The small one I’ll self for sure!


If you can’t have full time access botyritis and PM are almost inevitable anymore. It was the wettest summer in recent memory by far. Can’t wait to see/try/grow the results brother!


I was lucky with pm. Only one patch has a little pm starting on the bottom fan leaves. I did spray everything with sulfur twice, must have missed a few spots hah.

I still prefer too wet to too dry. At least for guerilla :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I always used the gel cubes that hold water so I personally preferred dry, I’m kind of glad my big old OD plots days are over as the weather has definitely changed and I could not imagine even 50 plants never mind 100+ would be a full time job just IPM ing. We did nothing back then but load up the soil, add those cubes and some blood n bone meal, little guano and come back every few weeks for a good water. Doubt it would be that simple anymore. Reading through posts just this morning all I see is outdoor devastation for the most part. There’s definitely exceptions and a few guys are CRUSHING IT


I still grow like it’s 1997 :joy:

No way I’m giving up guerilla, way too much fun. And living in a big city where you can’t leave your bike outside even with 2 locks, no way I could peacefully grow in my yard. So I f off in the woods. I still prefer mosquitoes to crackheads.


May the shuckage begin! :pray:

“Small skunk”


Looking forward to see (in place of smelling) what you’ll get out of these and if you’ll get close to the holy skunk grail :slight_smile: Wish you luck in the quest!


Woohoo! The fruits of your labour! Awesome


Thank you sir

I should find many interesting plants in there once grown indoors :pray:

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Yesss! I was so focused on getting them to the finish line I never really stopped to think about just how many seeds I’m actually making lol

The little seed sorters I made last year are going to be working overtime in 2-3 weeks :wink:


Oooh, seed sorter? I’m intrigued :thinking: Can’t wait to throw some down and explore!


Yeah. I made table top seed sorters using plans online and scaling them down. Took a few tries but they work.

The idea was to make a few of them the size of the largest pre paid canada post box so that canadian og members could ship them to one another when they made big seed runs for about 30$ shipping.

It’s a lot of work and people did not seem to give a f about my initiative so they got shelved, literally. :laughing:


Is it one of the vacuum types, with the ramps inside to spoil the air flow and get seeds to drop out?


Well I’m definitely interested! Especially with a couple seed runs on the horizon


Same here!


I am very interested in this. Could you give me a little more info/pics?

My frisbee method works but if there’s a better way…


Yes I think the seed separating machine would be awesome to see! You have a different crew of cool kids that would like to see more of the process and get a better handle on how it is done, jmo. I didn’t particularly like to separate seeds even back in 79 with the ounce of freshly seeded buds :grin:. @Mithridate


Ya I still hate it, used to have a girl that would do it for us, in fact she did so much…. Long story it’s no longer an option and she’s also on Tops Most Wanted list! That and trimming leafy beasts! :persevere:


Hmmm? Most wanted that could be a good thing or hmmm she sounds mysterious with a splash of talent :v:

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What’s that? Are you throwing frisbees full of seeds to sort them? :laughing:

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