Legends never die

That’s the one :yum:

I’ll throw some pics up next time I’m at the GQ


Nailed it! Not a good thing though , she obsconded with tens of thousands of dollars in equipment and product after 7 years of having her rent paid, swimming in buds and every kind of extract and being protected to the fullest. She ran out West! That one hurt big time :man_facepalming:t2: just thinking of it gets my blood pumping


I used the same plans shown in the seed sorter thread but scaled it to fit the 15 3/4 inches x 11 13/16 inches x 7 1/2 inches prepaid box.

It is much faster than hand sorting but you do lose some viable seeds unless you go back through the discard bin by hand. Hence why it’s best to use it for large seed runs.

That’s the point I think that made it fall out of favor. Imo if you make 25k (or 200k skunks for example) seeds but lose 2000 while saving 20hrs of work it’s very worth it. Some argued they want every viable seeds etc to me thats being greedy as fuck ha


Now I want one!


I’d buy such “wastes” if sold at very cheap prices. I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only one :smiley:


Not a problem :ok_hand:

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My brotha :pray:t3: always got me, no idea how much it’s appreciated! I’m just stoked the beans are a comin down the pipeline! As you know I’m particularly STOKED for these babies and the hunts to follow :skunk:

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When i do pheno hunts or grow random stuff, i put all the trimmings and smalls in 10gal vaccum pillow bags and put it aside for when i have time to process it, i rarely do lol.

I have a few younger friends that are still in uni on a very tight budget so i tell them take this and run it through a grinder with a pollen buster. Dudes went through a whole bag in a few nights and came back to me with a sandwich bag filled with resin anf the biggest smile lol

Stuff was almost too strong haha. I think I paid their rent a few times lol


Yea we all get taken advantage of sometime in our lives and that sucks. I don’t really know what a person can do after that other than forgive and be glad that they are not in our lives anymore. Funny thing how Karma works, the wheel of life seems to eventually run over those types but they sure leave a lot of destruction in their wake before the big comeuppance. Sorry for your loss but she couldn’t steal your talent could she!


Indeed it can be potent stuff! It’s the same as always, either you put money on something, or you put time.

I’ll get this wastes AND the seeds leftover by the sorter :laughing:


Amen to all of that! Wasn’t until recently I started looking at it that way. Sucks as I think I may never be able to replace all of the equipment, NEVER. But karma will surely teach her if it hasn’t already. Could not have possibly said any of that any better. I very much appreciate it🙏🏼 also thank you for the compliment and no, she definitely couldn’t run off with that, Thank God .


New one :laughing:


Of course man, always a pleasure :pray:

Yeah the hunting will be a little crazy, lemme tell you that! I’m whipping out all the racks I got :crazy_face:

I don’t think I’ll journal the hunt though. But will show what I found when I run keepers from cuts.


Was thinking my new shelves are gonna come in handy! Can’t wait to work together on this, been itching to do something together for a year now at least probably considerably more tbch. Also I like the vacuum bag idea :bulb: very smart (as always) love your ingenuity brother


Do you think the skunk might be a good edible?

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I don’t know much about edibles but I assume skunk would work just fine ?


Skunk jerky perhaps?


:grin::grin: traditionally we cooked wild meats with spruce needles in the pot for flavor. I bet skunk jerky would be nice.


After 5 days, the golfball size buds I collected saturday were not fully dry… I still shucked 4 sandwich bags worth to see what I’m dealing with :yum:

Rough sorting

First clean

And just like that, about 0.7% of the patch is done :joy:


Nice. Real nice.