Legends never die

Thank you sir.

I already had to transplant the cuts I took some weeks back, a few had somewhat of a growth spurt the last 2-3 days. I thought they were picking pace but spotted pistils on 2 of them (!)

These hate being rootbound with a passion.


put some myco + distilled water in a saucer and let those root bound babies bottom feed, theyll suck it dry and stand up at attention real fast.


Nice! You have quite some material here, and work for some time. Did you sample some?

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Damn! Got a ton from those already! Nice!


Will any myco do or should I look for a specific brand or type?

Dynomyco hands down brother. Done the work that stuff is great

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They were heavily seeded so once I remove the seeds there isn’t much meat left on the bones :laughing:
I’ll make hash from the scraps, don’t think it’ll be top notch but hey.
I did smoke some from the previous 5-6 runs, potency varies from plant to plant some can be quite strong. Flavor is usually a mix of sour, piney, hash at different ratios.

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Thanks big bro.

Yeah quite a few already. Have to freeze some for my grandchildren :wink:


Haha no doubt

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this is the one i use, its the best ive seen for water suspension (its not actually soluble so i dilute it at 1/4 or 1/2 dose to help that) and just put a few oz in at first so she drinks it up immediately.


im not into the snake oil thing, this is really the one product i keep using that isnt deemed “essential”… i havent used any of their other stuff but i have a med buddy whos been growing just using their products plus maybe some dr earth ammendments still and the stuff smokes great.


Never tried this one…. Good to know there’s others that arent BS! But I ran 8 different kinds before with some purple Kush cuts and dynomyco stood out huge! Some did nothing! And extreme mykos was second but still didn’t compare. Been using since faithfully and it kicks ass! EVERYTIME I run out I notice quickly


yeah my results may differ, im not sure why though. people always either tell me to use dynomyco or mykos, ive tried mykos extensively and really noticed absolutely no difference lol… the dynomyco were bigger pellet-like clumps if i remember correctly? i think my issue there was not applying it properly (operator error)…

this one though ive used it so many ways: inoculating soil for seedlings, clones and transplants… apply to root zone when transplanting (i dont soak the soil with it before in that case)… bottom feeding troubled plants for just a quick fix… soaking root zone in it before transplant (works great with non-weed stuff - made my nastertiums go absolutely ape shit this year vs the same batch that i didnt use it on)…

probably another 5 or so use cases i cant even remember right now lol

edit: of course… used it to unlock my plants outdoors that were in octopots by top feeding a tiny bit of it… since i couldnt suspend it in the res below… worked great lol


That’s the mykos, big ass chunks! That’s why I hate it, dynomyco is almost powder and has the highest population of any offered. That’s why I chose to test it. Plus my buddies who have big ass licenses both swear by it and have done all the legwork. The mykos extreme one works best when literally sprinkled on the roots, dynomyco works regardless how u do it.


I’m grabbing a bag of that stuff when I get a chance now . Gotta compare plus dynomyco is ridiculous $


this is how mine looked:

the mykos i have still a tiny ziploc of and its more powder form than that… the mikros are straight fine powder, its super easy to just roll a root ball in it at transplant.

you can get a big tub from mikros thats what my buddy has.


That’s crazy, mines like straight powder…… hmmm? How is the consistency different, that’s quite odd huh. That’s how the extreme mykos was for me. Good to know the other is like powder, that’s how I prefer it. I just sprinkle over clone roots, then a bit in the whole and sorrounding. Sometimes I add it in the coco too (seedlings etc)


maybe different versions for different countries? (like different sources)… i know the mikros stuff is only made in the usa so maybe it ends up costing you more up there. if theres no import concerns i can send you some to try out.

also sorry for derailing your thread mith lol.


Yes that makes sense I suppose. I appreciate that very much. I’ll look into it and keep you posted 100% thanks again :pray:t3: and same, sorry brother @Mithridate


Ah don’t feel sorry brother. I enjoy the shop talk and I kinda asked what you guys used :yum:

Thinking about it, I use this stuff outdoors


Came recommended by my buddy. I get great results with it. Texture looks like fine perlite :ok_hand:

15$ per 400g can’t beat that lol


Jeez! That’s dirt cheap! Never tried that one