Legends never die

I soaked them for 24hrs in a mix of rhizotonic and water. Then cracked each seed open before putting them in a paper towel moistened with the same mix as the soak. After 24hrs in the towels, a few tails are showing…

Hotter and drier seem to work better :smirk:

I’ll drop the darker ones later tonight.


from where they were coming by the way? I used herbies recently and it was 2 week!! I don’t no if it is normal from europe to the USA, but I was waiting a lot. Hope to be in time now

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Good to see there is still some vigor in those seeds.


Lol, I meant Mith has been working this Skunk project for quite a while.


After 48 hours, there were 18 showing ¼-¾" tails. Those got planted in a light mix with some food added. I can see a few more that might be fighters.
As careful as I am with them, I still snapped a root tip when planting…

I’ll keep this drill for 7 days, then I’ll drop all non germers in a tray with dirt and leave them for 2 weeks or so to see if any emerge from the ground.

2nd batch have soaked for 24hrs. Once I cracked each shell, those will hit the towels too.



After 24hrs the second batch…

Is doing okay :slightly_smiling_face:

First batch is emerging from the soil

there is life.

From the first batch at least one(1) more is showing a tail.

We doing it.


For slugs you can cut the top and bottom off a small plastic bottle and put copper tape around it and place over the top of your plant, that prevents them climing onto your plant :+1: Peace.


Batch 2…

I went ahead and planted another 15 in 3" pots, with about 10 more showing tails left in the towel.

For a possible total of 43 plants or right around 14% germination rate once i substact the empty shells i found.
That is not enough to fill the patch I prepared so I’ll drop 200 fresh ones from a previous open pollination and keep 40-50 of them to go outside.

80+ plants should do it :grin:


This is going to be a beautiful summer!


Eighty plants should give you a nice population to select from if that is the plan.


Oh hell yeah :sunglasses: this is going to be sensational :raised_hands: godd on you mate that’s a big move it’s going to be aforest of dank smelt 2 states away :laughing: I’m definitely tuning in to watch this one. :+1: best of luck with it man​:v:


That is indeed the plan! There’s room for 100 plants , I’ll throw in a few cuts in there to make crosses :wink:

@cranio thanks man. If they start to reek miles around I might get a little nervous lol. Luckily this line finishes mid september… quick in, quick out.


Snails always try to invade my plants… And leave some nasty goo on the leafs. I’m using safers slug/snail killer. It works very good for me and it doesnt need much. Maybe it’s something that could work for you? BTW nice job on finding a spot for 100 plants, i’m struggling to find a spot for 2 plants lol.

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Mid September finish, that is pretty fast! Curious what latitude you are at?

Im looking forward to watching this project to the end! Best of luck!!

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Going to be a great show to watch. Happy growing

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Safers would probably work. I try to not spray anything in the forest though… I liked the sticky trap idea. I used sandpaper before. We’ll see if they show up first, they may not even be a problem. Last time at that spot I found like 12 slugs over 270 plants without any deterrent.

It comes down to risk tolerance. Then timing, ie wide open spot don’t offer much cover, I’d plant late but in higher numbers. 1 Oz plants scattered over a larger space. Being in the open they get full sun and quality will be up there.

Medium plants, 3-4ft tall are easy to hide between bushes or surrounded by tall grass, even in the middle of a crowded city.

Large to huge plants should stay in the woods hehe.

You have to remember that the vast majority of people don’t know what weed look like on a plant. Then consider how most people don’t pay much attention to their surroundings, usually looking down or at their phone. Think about how good a pot plant can camouflage itself amongst other plants, wild uncared for plants of all types.

Case in point, some spots I don’t do proper patches and choose to plant without following a pattern. Plants 10-20ft apart.
Even knowing where they are, what they look like etc I can’t find them, have to look for them for hours lol

For many years planting in the brush alongside train tracks was a favorite. I’d plant in early-mid July, every 6 ft for miles. With time, people abused this, got spotted or didn’t think things through and this method is burned. Nowadays the city will have the brush cut twice in the summer and fences installed.

There are many places to plant “smalls”. Just have to observe, understand and conquer.

One trick to test a spot before putting plant is to leave a 5 or 10 dollar bill where you would have planted and come back in a month, if the bill is still where you left it, chances are a plant would not be found either. :wink:


About 45° N
The skunks (and oranges too btw) started to flower a good 2 weeks before the fastest sour strawberry which is plenty fast already.


So out of 43 possible candidates it’s looking like I might get 20. Some grew a tail but stalled, it is what it is.

I started 120 fresh seeds from different batches trying my best to include every expression so that whatever mysterious combinaison of genes make it skunk is represented.

The only small change is i realized that culling half by two weeks old is incredibly wasteful given skunk is a hard one to pin down and will instead grow them all to seed.

Total plants 140

So more digging and soil carrying ahead…
Thank God this lazy hippy is one motivated mofo :laughing:



“I need some help trimming.”


My trim team been exclusively girls for many years :+1: