Legends never die

Since I only take them outside around the 15-20 of June and they won’t have any size to them for a couple more weeks there will be dead times in the thread…

Do you guys want to hear me babble about why I do things this or that way, or I better stick to plants? :laughing:


Please list the contents of your fridge.

But the plant stuff is interesting too.


Well, that would take a while as I have 3 full size fridges and 2 small ones lol.

So plant stuff it is then eh


Why do you have 5 fridges?


Je pense que tu as beaucoup de ketchup

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Fair question :laughing:

So 2 in the kitchen for food, 1 in the garage for beer and drinks. A small one for seeds and another at the bar :wink:

Ps: no ketchup at my place, if you ask for it at supper youre banned hahah


You don’t? At least 3, food, beer & deer (or steer depending on your neighborhood)

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Wild grower in its natural habitat
Rare sight

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I have one fridge and it’s packed to the tits.

And one ketchup.

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just getting caught up in this thread. Nice project you got going on man :wink:
your 5 buck trick made me chuckle.
I have this deer hunting spot that starts at a very undefined “trailhead” that is marked on my gps. Most of the hunters around there are driving on the logging roads and very few get away from the vehicles a couple KM in to the bush. So years ago I found this awesome spot after following what appeared to be a real old trappers trail and it ended at a wonderful clearing and couple acre pond. Deer hunting there was fantastic and I wanted to know if anyone else was hunting in there so I could spend the time and energy to haul a treestand in there. So just off the haul road, maybe 30 yards into the trees where the trail started I hung a 20 dollar bill inside a ziploc baggie and attached it to a young pine with snare wire and a small couple inch long piece of flame orange flagging tape. A blind guy could see it where I put it , right at eye level.
The next year an injury prevented me from hunting but the following year I went in and whadday know… that 20 dollar bill was right where I left it. To this day I have never seen evidence that anyone has gone in there and that was almost 20 years ago. It’s funny because it’s a heavily hunted area for mule deer, black bear and moose.
I have never grown weed there but I bet a guy could get away with a couple thousand plants around that pond if it wasn’t for the helicopters :wink:


Yeah, I feel like it’s one of my most important grows to date :v:

Oh man, the 5$ trick I learned from an old timer when I was Into growing outdoors in densely populated areas.

Your hunting spot sound like heaven. Four of us bought a giant land from an old dude specifically to grow weed. There was a big lake right in front of the chalet, fresh water sources everywhere and a waterfall. I tried exploring the land by foot/atv but the woods was so damn dense… we paid for the land map and found out there was a total of 7 lakes :astonished: In 5 years of growing there we only saw a guarde de chasse* once. 5th year we got raided with 5k plants LOL it was great

*game warden?


How many made it to this stage out of your starts?

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From the 1993 stock, 43 showed tails out of 320, ended with 23 healthy plants from those… some failed helmet head surgery, couple stallers, couple broken root tip…

Out of the previous open pollination, at least 95%,most trays are full


Around a 7% germ rate. Good luck with the rest!


Incredible! So glad I clicked on this thread. Good luck on this run gromigo!!



Carry on Mith


Yep, they weren’t getting any younger

Thanks @HumblePie420 and @Smooth

I don’t update this thread much for now but know that behind the scenes I spent a couple all nighters digging in mosquito land, carried 60lbs bales of dirt through bs etc


Sounds like an awesome documentary I’d watch!


It’s not as glorious as it sounds hah, spring is pretty miserable a time for me… all work, no sleep, people choking m, more work

But out of everything I have access to, these are the most worthwhile skunk type I can fathom so…


Sending stinky vibes lil Bro