Legends never die

They are still small :upside_down_face:

They are 3ft below t5s so they stay small for transport… I’ll push them for 1 week and bring them out. Each with a screen around it then stapled at the top for the first week or two.

Slow start eh? I know some prefer threads to start with plants already grown… what can I say… I got excited lol


Those are some unusual looking plants, the pointy leaf serrations caught my eye. :thinking:
They look kinda uniform form here anyhow.


They start off mostly uniform then during stretch and flower some will stay squat while others will get much taller, leaves could get slimmer too.

From experience the shorter ones with wide leaves and thick greasy stalk is where the stink is but I keep an open mind :wink:

They are starting to stand up…


What is in the rhizonic gibberellins and mix of other stuff?
“From experience the shorter ones with wide leaves and thick greasy stalk is where the stink is but I keep an open mind :wink:

  1. First Phenotype



VOLES! Hate those!


5% seems to be a good rule I am beginning to find out. Not too close not too far, aGoldy Locke’s Zone hmmm?

I have two fridges and never thought to grow seedlings and such so why not? Makes sense keeps bugs out of them. Dam so dense sometimes, yes please ramble :bulb:

As you can tell catching up on the thread so multiple posts! Can paste more than three in a row sorry for being late to the party @Mithridate


Glad to have you join in!

The rhizotonic is supposed to be 100% algae based. Some claim it must have a secret unlisted ingredient because it works so good. I think it’s just well formulated…

The 5% again :wink:

1 Like

Well, the rhizome is what they dig up in hops to plant in new spots to grow more. Experimenting to see if they repel voles!

Yes thank you glad to be here!


Grow babies grow!


General plant health, I noticed they had to be dark green to really stink

Soil/bacterial health, some minerals encourage certain colony etc. When I hit the jackpot last time, plants were coming out of deficiencies, I was adding different stuff to correct it, plants exploded then boom skunk lol
It’s possible by winging it I inadvertently populated the soil with the right bacteria (?)


Well, what are the numbers for the types now that you have some of the parameters dialed in? The dark pheno’s? Tall, medium, or short? Buds large medium small got a pattern going hmmm :grin:. Maturity times?Yeah I get hung up on learning new stuff​:wink:. I am not sure most of the time and that kinda sucks.


So seaweed has auxin and cytokinin etc. in it already.
If you added more to the formula would anyone know?
That is my guess anyhow.

What do you get when you extract auxin from seaweed?
Is that the same powder you get from a lab.
How can we tell the difference?


@Cactus plants from this run are too small to pull data from (meh, I can see some are already more vigorous or have more nodes) but from memory, out of the previous runs approximately 10% were squat, 40% medium and 40% taller. The remaining 10% are extreme runts or giants.

The darkness I’d say came fronm squat and some medium phenos

Skunk#37 from a previous run. The king. This male was an absolute unit.


Might be a bit naive but rhizotonic been on the market and worked the same for so long I kinda accept that it’s most likely legit, simply a case of well formulated product…

Re auxins
Unless it’s synthetic there should be no difference ? :thinking:


I guess I shoulda asked this question.
Is it easy to tell synthetic from natural when it is already in a liquid formulation?
From what I know some synthetic auxins are approved for use on cannabis.
So rhizotonic could be legit but they may not be completely truthful on the label?


Here is an example of weird stuff done by the industry.
Page #8
Magic Flower Bud Finisher & Pest Control is listed as having some form of PGR.

In the patent there is no mention of it.

Oil sprayed on buds to ripen them is not the best idea, I doubt it even works without the help of a PGR.


Ok, @shag @Mithridate Just an observation from the back row but have a question. Many of the types that have been grown indoors have been grown in hydroponics. Would selection pressure be different favoring the hydroponic root system? The roots don’t need help and function differently compared to the ones in the soil. I don’t think the roots are ever challenged or stressed in hydro unless they are over or under-fed.


I think if a line is bred for long enough in hydro, roots would get lazy. Even if they get massive in hydro I would think the unrestricted access to root space would still lead to mass but would not mass in dirt.

Then a lot hydro grows happen in sterile reservoirs possibly leading to further disconnect to dirt

I speak carefully, I cannot back any of this…


Well, many said DC was not good in hydro and it grows incredibly well! Just thinking that the roots are responsible for more things than we think. If something gets lost from the soil the hydro might compensate thus sterile like you say and possibly more susceptibility to other things since it might have lost some of the symbiosis it had in the soil.

Need to get back to my grow, two more days, my wife has been doing great and I think she is getting a green thumb. Knows how to do EC, clone, and transplant. Did some topping and I am very impressed.


I started growing in rdwc and grew for smoke exclusively in hydro for more than 10 years. When I started chucking I picked up dirt as it felt right, not very scientific but to me proof I believe something is lacking in hydro.

There’s an old proverb saying take care of the roots and the trees will take care of the branches… something like that