Legends never die

What about the fact that water roots are a bit different than soil roots.
Plants will make both kinds when needed.


I’m freebaaling but isn’t the difference in capillary tubular highway transport thing :thinking:


Knowing you, most likely, but I think there is a visual difference too.
I have seen this with willow trees and Rose of Sharon, they have 2 distinct types of roots.
The water roots are very fragile.
I have never studied the science of it all, just real life observations.
I usually root in a spray cloner, but since giving up hydro, I have been contemplating rooting in root riot.
I was hoping to get the really soft and fuzzy roots and maybe some callus tissue to cover the wound.
It just makes more sense to me.

I have always said the Veg cycle should be refered to as the root cycle.
The better the roots the better the buds.
I think few would argue that fact. :slightly_smiling_face:

Did I mention the name Madjag already?
Maybe in another thread or something.
I feel I may have, dunno?
Are you familiar with that name?


I don’t know any more than any willing to chat breeding… I do sometimes get lucky :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I wish I still had my vert trees roots shots, like 50lbs of roots per 20gal tubs. Eh all gone. Roots were as strong as ladies hair…

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Yeah madjag is a Rockstar bro

I get controversial at times but only when bored :wink: I read all the grow threads.


I’ve had 8 foot roots come out of a 4 foot plant with my RDWC , they completely fill the 13g totes then travel down the tubes and join up with another, it was nuts ! After that I utilized root pruning as they would block out the pre filters and clog em up. Crazy how prolific they get in an RDWC system, always pearly white, beautiful shoots! Tap root is like an arm at the end! I miss that shit


I think he is on instagram, I have not reached out it has been probably 10 years since we spoke last.
If I find him again I will try and post a link.

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In theory the synthetic molecules should be recognized by the organism and initiate according processes without said substance being available causing the Splenda effect (2028 term, don’t ask😉)

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Earlier in this thread you mention slugs that can devastate your plants.
Being a long time OD grower I have used copper tape on the base stalk of plants and have found great success in stopping slugs from getting on my plants.
Give it a try………


This is what my old neighbor uses for his fruit trees etc.


Weed won.
According to my schedule, I plant them this weekend and the next. Last week I planted other stuff in the rain and it was a shitty day… They’re forecasting storms until late sunday. Procrastination was winning… no way I’m pulling another all nighter planting in the rain…

Weed won…
Let’s party all night :grin:


The reasons escape me but I have to make a melon skunk of some sort, something very loud and tasty with incredibly pleasant high…

The suspects are
melon lifesaver, this thing reeks even in veg, overpowering everything else in the room.
Hashplant leaning 88g13hp (#11), funky melon, not as loud but very tasty.
Kc brains mango. Never underestimate kc mango. The right one will make you stutter.

This is a rare occasion where males are possibly more important than the females.


Anyone got vodka?
Who brought vodka ?



Burning da midnite oil.


I had some but I drank it all on the way over. Is an empty bottle good?

Love the bales of Promix in the dark. It tells a story. One I know well.

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The melon lifesaver might be the winner, tasty and stinky at the same time.



Making progress

Broke my shovel
think im done for the night, you got jokes uh

Instant repair


We have some kind of clearing… 1000+ sqft.
No flash if I completely zoom out. It’s bigger than it looks :wink:

Alright, let’s dig.


I had to ditch my army surplus west German folding shovel from 1943 because I got chased by a helicopter.

It was a sweet shovel.



Literal steam off my body is blurring the pictures :joy::joy: