Legends never die

Morning brother. Sure did. Just got done planting about 100, that’s what I could fit this trip. Still have the 23 plants in 3" to go and a quarter of a tray…

Working in the dark was getting on my nerves this time. Went through a whole bottle of off and still got wrecked by mosquitoes lol


Little bastards are relentless huh? I was fishing yesterday and by the afternoon they were ridiculous I can only imagine at night! Woohoo! Stoked for you ! So stoked now it’s on! Can’t wait to see some gems and some stankers!


I am wondering if the Phragmites help or hurt your cause here?
They have hose like roots to bring water into the area.
When you cut the roots to plant the open end of the root may just bring in water and feed the cannabis plants.
Do you consider any of this when planting there?


Y’all need more bats in your neighbourhood to eat those mosquitos!
One of them eats hundreds of flying insects every night.
There’s bat houses you can install. :slight_smile: :bat:

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The choice of planting in phragmite mostly come from them loosening the soil with their thick roots.
Then hacking the stuff is quite a bit easier than other woody crap that grows around here, plus makes great mulch.

I don’t think their roots can help transport water once cut, vacuum gone/nothing to prime them


I’m growing guerilla in shrek land aka deep in the woods, not much to do about mosquitoes… although dragonflies are my best friends, this year they are a bit late to the party :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


If you don’t mind seeded bud then you can also create a new landrace, plant some males too and then don’t harvest a couple of plants, just chop and drop them to rot and fertilize and self seed for next year. You can make hash with the seeded buds.
And you’ll have a whole bunch of seeds adapting to your specific environment with every generation. :+1:


Hahah I tried that, by mistake but I did :laughing:

One time I got my cuts mixed up and made a huge mom out of a bomb seeds cherry bomb male. Planted over 200 of those cuts next to a kwazulu patch. My biggest seed run yet.

I abandoned those patches for a few years. When I checked back last year and this year, there was no kwazulu x cherry bomb to be found.


Dammit, too dry the last few summers for leave n grow


Too dry, too wet, too hot and cold :joy:

It’s rough up here haha


Ahhhh Canada :canada: what a country


A lot of work in this guerilla patch of yours, it’s quite enjoyable to tag along in the thread and see your progress. There is an element of traditional cultivation that this style touches on and it’s beautiful to see. Appreciate you for sharing your artistic guerilla style. Much love


Today I planted the remaining skunks, about 30 of them. I’d say from the 100 I planted last week, all of them rooted and about half of them started growing already.

There was only a light shower at the beginning of the week, followed by 4-5 days of 30*c+ and sunshine blasting and the soil was will moist.

I noticed about 4 plants were missing, not bad at all…

I found some kind of ditch/pond in proximity of the patch but that water is far from spring water haha
Maybe I can make filter out of a storage box filled with sand and activated carbon in case of emergency :thinking:

There’s a few empty holes still, enough to put the 6 extra sour strawberry #12 and 6 melon lifesaver to make skunk crosses.
They won’t be giants, but a few hundred to a few thousand seeds is plenty :wink:

Edit: the only pic I took is from a ssk12 at another patch :laughing: shes doing good


You go Mith.

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That’s great you have 130 starts.

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I almost did not go today… it took a whole lot of talking with myself to get off the couch :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

It’s forecasting a bunch of rain tomorrow, followed by a few days of cloudy with showers, too perfect a scenario to be lazy eh?

Matter of fact it’s starting to rain right now…

Mother nature is a good friend of the family :wink:


Yessir. I wish I could do more but all in all I’m satisfied with the project so far.

I burned a f ton of calories setting this one up :grin:

At least 4 all nighters, and walked God knows how many miles with 60lbs bales of dirt in the woods.

Still have 3 bales left :upside_down_face:


But it will pay off in the end. With that plant count, you should find some real fire!


Last week of july I’m leaving for a fishing trip, when I get back I’ll grab cuts from the more promising ones to play indoors. Then if all goes well there will be a few seeds to pop :wink:

I know it’s in there, I touched it, I smoked it.
Even if I don’t find the legendary skunk this round, this line is throwing absolute magic phenos, dank sour is one I don’t mind finding hah… there’s also a rock hard hairless astringent pheno.

Old school extreme cottonmouth and bloodshot eyes is the rule here lol


Amen my brother! Take us to church

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