Let’s see those old grow guides and collectibles!

My favorite picture :sunglasses:


Thanks for stopping in buddy, those came with the seeds I sent you, I’m kinda partial to this one though…image


If there was no return of OverGrow, we would not have met. In 2004 the eye wall of 3 hurricane’s passed over my house, first a flood, second was a window smasher and the third was both and a living hell. I lost my roof, the garden, my BOG bubble gum grow and my mind. When I final got back online I told BOG and some OG’s what happened and a fund was raised for my family, I will never forget that generosity, or yours.


I read your posts and knew about you for years before I joined the sight, I am glad to know you @Heliosphear , try to squeeze some beans outta those Sour Grapes if you can :sunglasses:


The Reign of Law
A Tale of the Kentucky Hemp Fields
A Controversy and Some Opinions
James Lane Allen, The Macmillan Company, 1900, 1st printing, fine. A very rare pamphlet that goes with the book in post #7.


Got this from a very affable policeman on my way to a cannabis festival… He didn’t like my telling people getting off the train that there were police just outside the station with a sniffer dog or six(overkill for stoners).

Think I saved quite a few people from being criminalised that day…


You only have to look at the fonts to know who took these photos…


Had pretty much all these catalogues at one point… Was made a crazy offer for them by a fellow collector and sold them… Then not long later loads of them came on to the market( maybe a few boxes were found at the store room or maybe they were fakes/copy’s). And the price on various websites plummeted… As in went maybe to ten percent of what I sold them for. Still my buyer was very happy to have got them! I kept this one as someone I know was mentioned in it and it was the first I acquired.

The other book is a reprint of the original??!? and highly sought after book/pamphlet.


Sell Marijuana Legally
Wendy Little and Eric Nash
2004, BCC Communications Inc, 1st printing, very fine.


Not a book, but the BC Grower’s Association archives, including whatever Vic High was able to save from the message boards from 1998-2000:




This post is a correction for post #165, I no longer believe that book is a counterfeit, my next couple posts here will explain why, and touch on some intricate details about The Cultivators Handbook of Marijuana.

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The Cultivators Handbook of Marijuana
By Bill Drake
The Augur Publishing Company, 1970, 1st printing, print run of 500, very good.
It came out of an estate sale in Denver.
This was a real tough one to find, it’s the only Augur Publishing copy I’ve ever seen with a cover.

Check it out @Mithridate @Ukbookcollector


I guess this probably belongs here, another web-era guide that’s become a classic, this is Lucas of the Lucas Formula discussing it in the earliest archived forum I could find, CannabisWorld in 2006:

In general, this archive of CannabisWorld is pretty neat, lots of stuff doesn’t load but some do, definitely a lot of things to dig and find there:

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Here’s a pic of first printing on the right and common 1st revised editions on the left….


Here’s the covered 1st with my coverless 1st’s

they are identical, with 3 staples in the spine.


Here’s a spine shot …. 1st printing with 3 staples on top, common 1st revised edition with 2 staples on the bottom.

A quote from Bill Drakes The Cultivators Handbook of Marijuana backstory…. “ A few staples into the folded spine of the book and it was finished, and then it went into a box.” The key words being …a few staples, and not a couple staples.


So that’s one of my grail books that I found, unless someone can tell me different, I’m gonna say that I found it, and that the coverless copies are also true first printings….so that makes 3 of the 500 ever printed. :sunglasses:


This is a little meta for the theme of the thread but I couldn’t resist. This is Bodhi’s maybe first post on MNS forums back in 2010 with some of his seed catalog collection, lots of others posting theirs too:


Congratulations my dude, that is a truly epic book hunt. I know a little about rare books and tracking down three of five hundred is no small feat!


Thank you man, :pray: I was getting worried I’d never find one. $40 bucks on eBay, and a little luck. Cool links you’ve been posting in here, keep it up :+1: