Let’s see those old grow guides and collectibles!

Do you know anything about this one? @Ukbookcollector , it looks way different than other copies I’ve seen of this title.


The prices on cannabis collectibles has steadily risen over the last few years, I picked a lot of these up during the recession for ridiculously low prices, the market has risen so high now that I really can’t bid on them anymore, I’m just happy I was able to accumulate a pretty decent collection while the prices were low….:neutral_face:


All my notes say are later second edition… That’s what was on the info section on the website I bought it from. It’s a nice book though. All hand drawn and probably at time of printing could have got the author 10 years for attempted cultivation or some other crappy charge


I wonder why yours has a border on the bottom? Or all the way around? @Ukbookcollector
Thanks for posting that, it’s the only other one I have ever seen!

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Wait on it… Book sellers are always getting new inventory. I’ve seen books that for years were 400,500 pound suddenly sold for 30 on the same website.

Got a beautiful first edition of cherniak No1 for 15 pounds a few weeks ago… Someone didn’t know what they had


For real! I remember keeping up with a thread on Icmag about cannabis collectables and at the time when I was looking a lot of the items were what I would expect them to be priced at. Not much really.

With the widespread legalization, which is awesome, it’s brought many more individuals into the fold. Many new collectors and the momentum seems to be building quickly. Like you, I’m currently priced out of a lot of things but there are still a few that aren’t totally out of reach that I hope I can figure out a way to procure. The aforementioned Great Books of Hashish set in hardcover by Cherniack for one.

Considering the discretion one may have taken with these types of publications, just to have them in their collection, I sometimes wonder if that contributes to their rarity as well. It wasn’t something everyone advertised about themselves so to speak, and often kept these types of publications tucked away and hidden from others as to keep their secret safe. Wonder how many get picked up for pennies at garage and estate sales. Might have to start making some rounds! Much love

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For real! I remember keeping up with a thread on Icmag about cannabis collectables and at the time when I was looking a lot of the items were what I would expect them to be priced at. Not much really.

With the widespread legalization, which is awesome, it’s brought many more individuals into the fold. Many new collectors and the momentum seems to be building quickly. Like you, I’m currently priced out of a lot of things but there are still a few that aren’t totally out of reach that I hope I can figure out a way to procure. The aforementioned Great Books of Hashish set in hardcover by Cherniack for one.

Considering the discretion one may have taken with these types of publications, just to have them in their collection, I sometimes wonder if that contributes to their rarity as well. It wasn’t something everyone advertised about themselves, so to speak, and often kept these types of publications tucked away and hidden from others as to keep their secret safe. Wonder how many get picked up for pennies at garage and estate sales. Might have to start making some rounds! Much love

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There is a seller out there right now with a signed & numbered set… going for $200 per book… but you might be able to talk them down to $500 for the set, but I think they are softcovers though. @Sbeanonnamellow

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Appreciate the heads up but if possible I want to order them directly through the website I came across which I believe is the actual authors domain. I like to support artists and creators directly whenever possible, and on the website he mentions some fake copies that were printed that he gets no cut of, that they are essentially stealing his work. They’re like $300-$400 each on his site if I recall though. Possibly signed though?

In the scheme of things, totally worth it. I’m just poor from stocking up on seeds like a madman recently. And $300-$400 per book can buy SO many seeds. First world problems, what a time to be alive. Much love

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Cherniak doesn’t have any on his website… Later editions but not the originals.

I’ve bought things from his website before and let’s just say it took a while…a long while.

I really would say go with what you can afford. Some things are heavily over priced and unless you are happy to just collect and not worry about what you paid.

But yes legalisation will hopefully increase interest mean more cool books etc get printed!

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Appreciate the information, and yes that’s correct they are later editions. Makes sense about the delay in your order arriving, as the website does look a bit outdated and neglected. Thanks for fanning my stoke for collecting! Much love

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The marihuana problem in the city of New York
The mayor’s committee on marihuana, Jaques Cattell Press, hardcover, 1st printing, 1944, very good.


You have some fantastic stuff man! Really nice collection. Completely enviable :grin:!


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Thank you buddy, it was actually Lemonade Joe’s copy of Bonanza Of Green that finally got me to make an account here after years of lurking…:sunglasses:


Club Quadrant Sour Grape collector’s card
Cannabis Collector’s Preservation Edition, 2022, mint, created by @CADMAN, Thank you very much for the card @DougDawson , it’s beautiful!


Invisible marijuana and psychedelic mushroom gardens
Robert Neil Bunch, Loompanics Unlimited, 1998, very fine.



Significantly more than what I would pay for this in this condition but really shows what the prices are and will be


Some one has bidded on that catalogue now!

It’s madness. In Amsterdam you can get sets of these at book shops for half what this is selling for! Think I might have to go snap the ones I’ve seen up and put them on eBay… Take advantage of the crazy people out there!

Sorry if anyone here is the bidder but you are crazy


I would love to find a nice copy at a reasonable price. Can you recommend a local Amsterdam bookshop that I can try to contact to find a copy of the Seedbank catalog? Much love

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I’ve been trying to find the place where these are sold since I saw this one on eBay and realised how much that sell for…

It would seem that they don’t have a website and they aren’t on Google maps… It’s a very small book shop just down the road from the cannabis museum.

I’ve been looking through Google maps in hope of finding the address but can’t find it… I’ve literally been walking (clicking) the whole area looking for it!
Maybe it went out of business in the last three years since I was there. COVID closed lots of little shops in Amsterdam permanently.

But yeah it was a very old book store with a counter culture section and a drugs/narcotics section.
Remember picking up a pack and thinking 35 euros was a lot for 4 old seed catalogues. And that they were overpriced… Jokes on me. That one on eBay now is around 65 euros and there were three others in the pack! Must have been ten other similar packs of four or five catalogues in each… Could have cornered the market in old Dutch seed company’s catalogues!


Wasn’t what I wanted at the time but I did get a early fat Freddie that I didn’t have! Sob…