Let’s see those old grow guides and collectibles!

All the suspected firsts that I have are 88 pages. The revised editions have 96.@Ukbookcollector


The Augur only did the 1st printing as far as I know…. Then he moved on to other printers.

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The price is the thing that really throws me but literally our source of information is a guy in his seventies that’s remembering something that happened so quick in a time when he maybe was a little under the influence… And then it was 50 years ago… I can’t remember things that happened last year!


And that’s the problem… It’s all as far as we know…

Even library thing and archives.org have pictures of late editions described as originals…


Really enjoying this topic and especially the recent conversation. I was wondering what it meant by 1st edition revised when looking at some books for sale online, and through the discourse here it helped me learn what what means in practical terms. Appreciate that. Much love


I’m glad you like it, we would consult the experts… but there aren’t any, so it’s up to us.
This book is like a Superman #1 too me, it drives me crazy.

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I’m also digging this conversation, I love when two people with passion and knowledge meet and I get to watch them talk.


Correction for post #76, that yellow one is a The Book People, edition, not Agrarian Reform Company.

Here’s the end of my conversation with Bill…

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@buckaroobonsai I can imagine that your messages and your passionate correspondence brought a tremendous joy to Bill. It’s priceless to keep these passions alive and burning in the hearts of men and women across time. I hope that your excitement about his work, especially the early original works, brought a sense of well deserved pride and he wears it proudly. A legend and pioneer! We truly stand on the shoulders of giants.

The recent flurry of posts in this topic is pushing me over the edge towards buying a book or two that I’ve been eyeing. One of them I want more than the other but the other rarely comes around in hardcover and I’m worried that before I know it they’re really hard to come by and priced to reflect that. I’m just not totally over the moon on it’s content having perused the pdf online, but in the same breath I’m hoping that the feel of the hardcover print will come across much better than the PDF form I’ve peeked at.

Does anyone have Cannabis Evolution and Ethnobotany by Clarke and Merlin? I’ve already got Cannabis Sativa L Botany and Biotechnology by Chandra et al and wondering how the two compare and if it’s recommended having both or if there’s too much redundancy between them. Sort of talking out loud. Appreciate any advice, thoughts, and opinions. Much love


I don’t have Clarke’s newest work, but my advice is to buy the ones you are watching, the price of these things has totally exploded recently.

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I like that you brought up potentially bidding against one another. I was thinking about that the other day when bidding on an auction at SHN, worried I might be bidding against a friend here in the community without even realizing it. I would feel so bad if I lost out and got outbid on an item only to realize it was a friend and we essentially raised the price on one another for no reason other than not having healthy communication. Teamwork makes the dreamwork. Much love


I’m pretty sure myself and buckaroo have gone toe to toe on eBay recently and in the past…

That’s the thing though… Value and worth. If you said to buckaroo I have a guaranteed first printing 500 of the book we were talking about… In pretty sure we’re talking hundreds. Multiple hundreds! To me it’s not my holy grail but knowing how rare it is I think I would pay hundreds… And there you have the battle! Only takes two for madness to ensue!

Cherniak book of hash is a great place to start… Limited amounts made and a byword for great books… Literally says it in the titles!

Can remember when all three could be got on eBay for 250usd… Now your thinking you couldn’t get one of the three for that price. In good condition! Another thing is buy the best you can… Collectors live for fine and mint!


Seconded… Buy the best you can!

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I like to look at the comic book market, that’s how this got started for me….the first appearance of Spider Man in Amazing fantasy #15… CGC 9.6…. $1,500,000, 4 graded copies exist in that condition, the expert’s say there were about 250,000 printed, if I want one …. There are 50 copies on eBay at any point in time, prices range from $5000- $500,000. But if I want any number of different weed books it takes many years to find even a single copy!

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So true.

That’s a little why I’ve moved onto magazines recently.
Some UK magazines that cost £3 twenty years ago now go for £20,£30… That would have been a better investment than gold or a house!

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I used to religiously buy as many cannabis enthusiast magazines that I could. High times, Cannabis Culture, and Skunk Magazine mostly as those were what were available at the time. Some Treating Yourself too!

Always kept hidden away out of sight, the secret topic I enjoy reading about until one day I grew tired of the massive stacks hidden away and I tossed them all out. Looking back, I’ve tossed so much stuff out because I couldn’t deal with it at the time, and in hindsight kind of wish I had. Not necessarily those magazines, but other things treated similarly.

I’m going to order at least one of the books I’ve been eyeing, probably both. Taking the advice of picking up a quality copy because I totally agree, as a collector I want it mint or as near mint as possible.

I was totally browsing the web doing the best Google-Fu I could trying to find one of those first printings for @buckaroobonsai. Still gonna too!

I think those who have collected them before us would want them to find their way into the collections of others with a passion like this, rather than get tossed out unknowingly. I was thinking the other day how I want to make sure if anything ever happens to me to make sure my seed collection gets back into the world, and I’d hope the same would be for any of the things I’m passionate about that others might be passionate about too. Books or whatever it may be. Stewarding the stoke! Much love


That a little bit hurt me… If anyone out there is thinking of getting rid of magazines I will have them! They can take up space in my house for the next fifty years…

Post 420… I think we know what we should all do now…


Here’s a DEEP seventy page thread on ICMag of old cannabis photos, books, and magazines etc, it’s a goldmine:


That’s a great thread right there :point_up_2: