Let’s see those old grow guides and collectibles!

It’s endless man, I’m going to leave a tab open and it’s gonna take me a week to look at all of it!

I also found this online archive where you can read back issues of Cannabis Culture Magazine from 1994 onward, that’ll really help fill some of the gap researching stuff pre-internet forums.

Still trying to find some of the old message board stuff like archives of the “77” group or similar:



Here’s a link to my LibraryThing if any of you guys are interested….


Nice library. Check out pdfdrive.com for additional titles, I have downloaded several from the site. :v:


Love seeing the JC Stitch publication in others collections. It highlights an aspect of the community that I’m so proud of, it’s extensive knowledge base. The advancement and knowledge that’s cultivated on these very forums and in these very conversations is remarkable. The cumulative knowledge within the community is mine boggling and so awesome. Literal pioneers and legends in real time! Much love


And that isn’t fully updated because there are so many titles in this thread that aren’t on that list…

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I know this may be off topic, but back in the day we had wireless LAN servers at all the grow ops and tablets. This was waaaay before tablets were a thing (they weren’t even called tablets) I would walk around the grow and chat on the message board on my tablet…but this was the 70s…not sure what kinda “tablet” I was using…it wasnt big though, about the size of the ones today, but it was just internet or server access…no computing power.

I wonder if anyone out there has any of those old tablets…that’s something I’d like to have for the collection. :grin:



That’s funny. Why on earth would a grow op have wireless technology in the 70s? It basically didn’t even work back then. Hardwired modems were still so slow they were barely usable; the first publicly available 28.8k baud modems were released in 1994. That was still so slow that uploading or downloading a single low-quality (by today’s standards) picture took 10-20 minutes. Wireless connections didn’t start happening until the early 2000s, at least publicly. Most graphics were just ASCII characters, things were so slow. You’re going to sit here and try to tell us that you were at a grow op so advanced that it was using technology that wouldn’t be released for 30 years? :roll_eyes: Where was it, at the University of Mississippi developing G-13? Was Dr. Emmett Brown a consultant, perhaps?


You are very observant dude, I have my logged on LibraryThing section and new acquisition’s section. 463 on the current list…. And I don’t know how many in the recent acquisitions, maybe 50-70.

This is not true. Wireless networking first came online in 1971 with ALOHANET at the University of Hawaii, the first commercial system wasn’t released until 1986 when NCR started selling WaveLAN. The first public BBS wasn’t started until 1978 in Chicago. The first wireless tablet came out in 1988/89.


I managed wireless terminal servers which served data to similar remote terminals which had no internal computing power. Tech has come a long way.


And has a long way to go…

If you think gps(a major part of all phones etc now) was in military hands for best day of three decades before it was released to airlines after the Soviet strike on that Korean plane…

Can you imagine what they have now…

As someone that loved tech in my younger days I look at modern phones and think come on guys… We could have had all these apps, cameras etc so long before now… But why would they do they when we all go out every 18 months and update our phones, computers etc to get the latest faster better crap… That we could have realisticly had twenty years ago!

F*uck it I will stick to books…


From a 1976 book :wink:

Later in the same book, it mentions how they can scan a person emotions(ie depressed), read the frequency and project this tune on unsuspecting crowds to force that feeling upon them.

Not bad for almost 50 years ago…


Remote viewers are real.


I saw a video from the 50’s of a device being used on a bull. They could make the bull hostile or docile just by changing a frequency. The bull would go between being calm and pettable to raging and bucking in moments, just at the push of the button. And that was the 50’s.




Literally got me laughing out loud! Thank you for that. Much love


This is great! The video I was referring to was similar to this except without implants, and seemingly showing more dramatic changes in the bulls temperament. Crazy stuff. It really makes one think…but hopefully not too much


So I should clarify my earlier comment. I saw the link @Mithridate posted and thought it was just a picture of a bullfighter using a red cape and thought it was just a joke.

I just noticed it’s actually a video link and that’s actually terrifying on so many levels. Definitely not laughing at the animals being tested on like that and hope my earlier remarks didn’t come across insincere. Much love


That guy stole my hat!


Well this got strange fast…