Let's discuss Bigfoot

Okay, I’ve been on this site for 30 days and I realize that this is a kind community and able to discuss topics respectfully.

My position on Bigoot is not belief driven. Science is my primary way of knowing the world and I find beliefs to be too expensive for scientific thinking. How can you argue with a belief? Also, you can’t prove a negative. Therefore, I find myself curious about the topic of Bigfoot, even if the current scientific paradigm ignores it.

Let’s be honest about Bigfoot experiencers. I divide them into 3 categories:

Hoaxers - straight up fakers

Honest mistakes - it can be easy to misidentify animals in the woods. Bears for example. They probably are mistaken for Bigfoot quite often. But this group of people are honest brokers. They are not liars, just mistaken.

Credible sightings. These come from ppl who are trained observers or are credible members of a community that have a lot to lose as a result of disclosure.

Scientists. Like Jeffrey Melburn. He specializes in studying feet, can spot a fake track, and has discovered morphological distinctions between Bigfoot and human tracks.

It’s amazing how much Bigfoot is a part of Native American folklore. These people report having interacted with Bigfoot so much that he is a part of their folklore, legends, and totemics. The 1975 expedition near Mt. Saint Helens chose their research location by centering it in the middle of towns named for Bigfoot.

I love to listen to peoples’ anecdotal accounts of their experiences. There’s a lot of that on YouTube. It serves as as a form of folklore for me. Remember, there can be truth in folklore.

If anyone wants to disclose a personal encounter (maybe while in the woods growing weed) please feel free to disclose it. Based on the OG cultural norms you should be embraced, not ridiculed.

Let’s see if anyone is interested in this topic…


I’ll be happy to play devils advocate on this thread.


Your funny
I live in a place even my children mom believe
An alot of people in Stevens county say they saw or know someone who think they saw something
They have festivals in chewalla an kettle falls
But myself I’m a skeptic


From what I’ve come to understand, the number one sign that a Bigfoot is near…is if you don’t see one. :wink:


I strongly support your skepticism! Are there any believable anecdotes from someone you trust?


I have to believe in bigfoot, yeti, swamp apes, and other cryptids… there is more evidence for their existence than there are uncredible sources and fake stories…

I live on a spot in iowa where even some here have claimed to see them and i have trouble not believing the stories ive heard.

Im team samsquantch all the way


I’ve lived just outside of the Sierra Nevadas my whole life, I think they are real too, and smarter than people for sure.


I love it! But… keep in mind this creature would not be a hairy human stumbling around in the woods. It would be an apex predator in tune with its environment. It would be a master of disguise.

People report feeling their hair on their necks standing up in the presence of Bigfoot. Some say it’s infrasound that causes this terror in humans and other animals.


Right, there are places in the mountains here that the local tribes will absolutely not go for any reason.


That’s so cool to have them around you! There’s a park 60 miles south of me with sightings. I fantasize about going there looking for them.


I come across the same things in videos I watch. Often native tribes view them as “people of the woods” who should be left alone.

Some native tribes adore them, others fear them


There are times, walking in the woods, especially this year, that ive been near something… out looking for morels with the lady a couple weeks ago and could hear something walking when we stopped and felt like we were either being watched or stalked… its a different feeling than knowing its a deer or squirrels… its the large branches crunching 100yds or so away that really does it for me and knowing there isnt supposed to be anything big enough to make that noise out there


Dude… it sounds like you’re being paced! This is a very commonly reported behavior. If you’re hearing things they usually want you to.


Ya in 30 min from Canada off 395 and from Spokane to Canada it’s a huge belief so many people that say there’s alot out there we know nothing about
I never heard it so often coming from so cal all my life


What about the Patterson Gimlin footage? You really think that’s a guy in a rubber monkey suit? What about how the hair is rubbed off of its hips? And what about the tits?


Supposedly they are all over. I’ve seen arguments that over 60% of the USA is suitable habitat. Probably a way higher percentage in Canada!


WHO would beleive in these things??? Not a freaking chance they exist. WHY IS EVERY , and i mean EVERY video , FUZZY…LMAO!!! Yeah and the moon is made of cheese too!!!1


Pattie (as she’s called) is an amazing picture. In my opinion the best. Todd Standing has a shot of one’s face, but I think it’s a fake.

I agree with the distinctions in the picture. You can see muscles, etc. Most importantly, you can also see her gait in the motion picture. And, who thinks to put breasts on a fake Bigfoot costume?


You make an excellent point. Maybe Bigfoot is fuzzy and grainy? (Snicker)

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I think I saw one the other day. Had a blue suit and badge……. Ugly stinky thing for sure!