Let's discuss prices and market : clones/seeds/weed

To clarify, for example,

I can buy qp on a grey market website for about 200 Canadian dollars

It’s not too bad

It’s not the best, but 50 canadian an oz, would you sell your weed for that?

And how much is the pound? Let me check!

Even the “Tuna Kush” AAAA+, here’s picture

Is this still to my standard? No
But it’s 1,100 Canadian, for a pound
That’s less than 70 Canadian for an oz, or 51 usd
With free delivery and usually a free clipper lighter and pack of papers! They’re flavored which I don’t like, but hey, it’s free?


One time I mentioned this on discord,

And the guy said I must be smoking “dog water”

But this isn’t dog water, it’s just affordable weed that normal people buy


Working my ass off on the máquina since 24hrs+ straight, i’ll continue until i fall asleep on the keyboard lol
Keep the mojo i like your disturbing angles ^^ Let’s multi-quote this.

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No rush, I just see that a lot of people create a good cultivar, but let me find this quote from The Wire


Wallace : [while eating some Chicken McNuggets] Man, these shits is right, yo.

Malik ‘Poot’ Carr : [with his mouth full] Mm-hmm.

Wallace : Good with the hot sauce too, yo.

Malik ‘Poot’ Carr : Most definitely.

Wallace : Yo, D, you want some nuggets?

D’Angelo Barksdale : Nah, go ahead, man.

Wallace : Man, whoever invented these, yo, he off the hook.

Malik ‘Poot’ Carr : What?

Wallace : Mm. Muthafucka got the bone all the way out the damn chicken. ‘Til he came along, niggas been chewin’ on drumsticks and shit, gettin’ they fingers all greasy. He said, " Later for the bone. Let’s nugget that meat up and make some real money."

Malik ‘Poot’ Carr : You think the man got paid?

Wallace : Who?

Malik ‘Poot’ Carr : Man who invented these.

Wallace : Shit, he richer than a muthafucka.

D’Angelo Barksdale : Why? You think he get a percentage?

Wallace : Why not?

D’Angelo Barksdale : Nigga, please. The man who invented them things? Just some sad-ass down at the basement at McDonald’s, thinkin’ up some shit to make some money for the real players.

Malik ‘Poot’ Carr : Naw, man, that ain’t right.

D’Angelo Barksdale : Fuck “right.” It ain’t about right, it’s about money. Now you think Ronald McDonald gonna go down in that basement and say, “Hey, Mista Nugget, you the bomb. We sellin’ chicken faster than you can tear the bone out. So I’m gonna write my clowny-ass name on this fat-ass check for you”?

Wallace : Shit.

D’Angelo Barksdale : Man, the nigga who invented them things still workin’ in the basement for regular wage, thinkin’ up some shit to make the fries taste better or some shit like that. Believe.


Wallace : Still had the idea, though.


Think about how much diversity we could have if more people grew from seed!


I think that we can’t disagree on the context : the domination of fems.
We can extend to take them as a replacement of clones in the habits too, not joking. You germinate, you harvest.

The share is minimal honestly on sales.

Now i’m living a country with less than 100M people … i don’t see the leverage the same way that with half billion people (USA/CAN).

What mean dead end for here is not necessary a dead end on the side, i give you this point.

EU White labels and fems by weight, i’m more in ease ^^ They are eating everyone for now, not abnormal either.

Barney is efficient to get customers with the teeths, good team. But i prefer to quote RQS that really reached a substantial grade lastly. They play hard now and are very much more selective with their contractors (when they just don’t recruit them directly). Their Amnesia is all but ridiculous by example. Is it the “real amnezia”, no but when you smoke it you don’t feel raped even if you buy it many time in the streets.

They can’t compete tailored works, but they have now the firepower to gulp anything they want. It mean labels, genpools, and skills. That’s problematic to my eyes, and why i spend time to (practically) emulate interest in breeding at my little level. The paradoxe being that our financial system is more compliant with american standards on weed … that with our local laws lol Another debate.

This guy growing for Barney represent well the need for representation and to consider each space as a territory now. What we can hope, is that this guy will come here a bit and maybe become stimulated to digg further the line he explored with a white label. For more intense versions, with eventually the will to preserve a line for him … i don’t see the saturation as a problem but as a necessary screening.

The more we have people interested in what they do, aiming higher that the genetic created with productivity in mind … the more chances to get singular weeds years later.

Now i’m talking about these two firms but their seeds aren’t even cheap. It mean a lot on the perceived value.

It’s a sturdy poach of resistance that get more “voice/noise” by the momentum, then the backward. But that are not representative anymore, i totally agree with this.

It look powerful but it isn’t. It’s more fragile that it look, a blunt passed and everything can be ruined in no time.
The average (genetic) grade have really felt, globally.

It’s a paradox : the worst became average, the best became average … it’s the calm before the tempest from my point of view.

alien, rare dankness, seed junky, subcool were more my grid of the american dynamic. You understand that i don’t speak about models but critical weight and manners to answer to the genetic need. Each their way.

Persona-Label like “Sherbinsky”, i put it aside. Complexe equation just like Berner.

I’m still trying to understand CSI, each time i ask questions on the popularity of this label … it become heated quite fast. It’s frustrating and i’m can’t stand these long podcast that talk about everything but the plants in details, not their story. It’s not helping.

Creating a demand on a bud is very easy. Just let stoners smoke it when you’re sure it’s ready ^^
As dumb than this now. Zero joke. If one don’t take all competitors for morons by default, white label included, it will lead somewhere after enough time of dedication.

You all NA have gone so far so fast … it’s just the swan sing. They will not give up with a smile lol
Banks don’t wait the reschedule, they have magic cash on the back of everyone. But at the second the first dog is unleashed, they will all make the belly dance.

Stay two weeks in COL and the only thing you think is “WTF is happening” lol They are already structuring the host/lounge market laws etc there … it’s another layer of sub-markets and niches that the (no so numerous) real actors in genetics are already unable to feed. I’m totally mesmerized by this horizontal integration of canna in the american economy anyway, but yes to have extreme example of fast growth and fast changes i’m not looking at CAN. They played differently, selling us (EU) containers of mids grown by PHds ^^

You underestimate the passion behind these little beers. They are numerous, so off course the game is hard. But in the pack you will have always a pool that is constantly out of stock and impossible to beat with industrial processes. Like the awfull weed of C***py VS some locals that ask what you want before the harvest.

It’s a very good loop. But on the volumes we don’t have this crazy gap of prices between random chunks and true works in canna. A lot of time you will not buy again if you taste better, even to make a motherplant with an expensive feminized plant. I totally get the analogy, but there is strong factors in our green world that shouldn’t be ignored too fast.

Hash everywhere (morocco, vast majority) even in losted villages. From 3.5/gr to 7/8 for rare grades or sources.

On weed it’s the carnage lol The problematic is that if you sell (decent) weed here, you have a riot. Growers fall like flies this way. The random weed that you don’t even give to your chickens is around 5€/g. To get a “good” weed it’s directly 10 to 20 per gram, when you’re lucky.

So in pounds/$ …
Hash : ~1500/pound
Weed : ~1500/pound to ~3000 for the top tier (hazes), in counting the discount for the weight

These prices in risking a lot to just get them and be back safe at your house ^^ In biggest cities, there is home deliveries a lot more but the price increase a lot. No gifts or freebies generally, and you have to check if you get the real weight all the time lol It’s another dimension.


Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. Who cares?

Everyone has an opinion on everything at the end of the day.

Thats life.


I learned a long time ago you cant convince people of things. And trying is a waste of your time 99.9% of the time. Everyone has their own angle theyre viewing things from.

And thats a good thing imo.


I have no issue with people charging 17 million dollars for a clone if they want.

The only thing about all this that irritates me is the people who refuse to look at things logically and try to understand all sides. Most people are self centered and cant even fathom anything outside of their own little world. That type of crap. But im not wasting my time or energy trying to push my view of things on them. Just not worth it.

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I don’t really think about this honestly. I’m more digging the core to understand if these homeopathic debates are really something or not ^^

Now if you don’t want that i bump/animate the subject with an answer, you can also precise this at the start of your post. It’s something i’m perfectly able to respect, seriously.

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“It is interesting to remember that in 1975-76, Top shelf cannabis was $50-$60/oz. And that Silver Haze was introduced at $250/oz. The entire harvest was sold in 90 days.”

I can imagine people were losing their mind, when told the ounce was a “500% mark up”.
Let’s say today top shelf average $250, now x5 that for the “high high shelf”, $1250! for an OZ. My math may be off, I’m sure, but you get the jist. Now, how much do you think THAT clone sold for?, more than $1000 is my guess. Or more than likely held tight, for as long as possible, lol. Just more food for thought.


Once the market is legal for a few years the prices really come down. In Oregon too shelf goes around 1000 for indoor and 3-500 for outdoor. Good clones can be picked up for 20 bucks. If growing commercially there’s still clones that fetch higher prices I’m sure because it pencils out. But the days of 10k cuts is probably about over.


Locally, I can sell rooted cuts for $50 for juvies in Spring…before planting outdoors, seeds $5 each and good local indoors goes for $200/zip… dispensaries in the area are now selling %22-25 thc garbage for $160-200/zip…


Gotta make hay while the sun shines. I’d imagine there’s still a couple years left, maybe not for 10K. Still plenty of states left to legalise and that equals a shit bucket more new growers to spend their money on the next best thing…

Most I’ve personally spent was 350 if I remember right for a Black Lime Special Reserve. I did buy the Texas Shoreline that Cloney was offering as well some time back.

Seeds I have spent maybe 250? on for some Stardawg F2s from JJ.

What I have found, as far as clones, is that the stuff I have grown from seed has almost always turned out better and I’ve been let down by the cuttings. Then with all the HLVD I quit buying them. With the new lab that Lucky Dog, Jody, etc are involved in I may try again. I read clones would be from 250 on up dependant on rarity.


It look like that beside the logical differences of contexts, the buds are following their way no matter what and where. Pain in the ass to get the real high tier, and hay for cheap ^^

On seeds it should be interesting to dig. Let’s be a bit radical now lol

It wasn’t the case a while ago, but now i’m considering the service and the support as included in the price. Not necessary the one excepted by the youth i guess (being more on social medias and events than with the plants).

  • 0 to 50 : fast untested chunks and fems
  • 50 to 100 : documented work (to watch the expertise on the genetic, to have a reference as well)
  • 100+ : proper genetic materials (clean, healthy, vigorous, “bulletproofed”)

I’m not sensible to “freebies”, i prefer more of what i initially want.


So does anyone know of people or sites that have clones for sale around 15-25 a piece? *Some sellers grow outside which I know is hard to keep the critters off.

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SunClone is quite close to answer totally to this need, in this vein. Worth a quarantine with these prices imho.

Maybe you should try there, more : Clone Exchange Free or Trade, Moderated - #273 by DEFSeeds
And clearly in posting the quantity you want. The free/trade is clearly mentioned to keep away the clone’s seller games, with a bit of patience i’m sure you can find OGers coherent with their words about clone’s prices.


If you have friends in Michigan, there are a few spots that do $20 clones. I’ve received multiple cuts from one source and they’ve all been well worth it so far. Since they’re rooted I doubt they ship. I know you’re a UK cat though. So likely not helpful


Wish I was, but I am in the US though man.
I figured this was maybe not the right thread to ask, but the title does say let’s discuss prices haha


If I don’t include my labour my weed doesn’t cost shit.

If someone wants to charge $1000 for a clone, fine. I won’t be buying it though.



Don’t we have enough top shelf genetics on OG already to Overgrow the World?