Lets make 500 gallons of a simple and effective potting soil

These are the same people who got caught putting rat poison in their bird seed… truly a company without a conscience :frowning:

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Scott’s, Schultz, Miracle Grow were all the same back in the day. Literally owned by the same company. Looks like not much has changed since then.
Kinda like unleaded gasoline. One supply truck fills all three gas stations at an intersection, yet all three have different names and costs.

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They own a shit ton more brands than that :+1:

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And, then there’s the brands they don’t own, but pimp. :frowning:

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It doesn’t really bother me to be completely honest.

Almost all of the consumer goods I have are made by offshore slave labour.

If I worried about the moral status of major corporations I wouldn’t be able to buy anything.

Not good, but what are you going to do?


Well I already made the soil, can’t really seperate it now lol


I’m planning on going lava rock (pumice) over perlite. I wonder if you could crush the 1/2 inch down to sand easily?

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A sledge hammer and anything is possible lol


Patented Hand Operated Jaw Type Ore Crusher - Grinder https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009L82VNG/


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Ha, that was a given, just thought you mightreconsider your options for the next time :slight_smile:

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I’ve got 1100 gallons of soil put together now, there better NOT be a next time haha


That’s too bad.

I’d hope you you’d change your mind, or at least look into other options… there’s plenty.

Who knows, maybe someone else reading this might :slight_smile:

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Dr earth tomato, vegetable and herb fertilizer is good shit!

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I am familiar with the options.

Change my mind to what? Fair trade fertilizer?

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I had been using coir, perlite, and worm castings this spring.
At one point, I ran out of perlite, so subed some vermiculite in it’s place.
3wks later, I noticed that none of the seedlings I’d planted in it were doing very well.
Kept watching, thinking maybe nute problem…flushed them all…watching…week 4, def NOT happy.
I think the vermiculite was a much finer grain than the perlite, and I think that batch of mix was just too dense, not enough air.
Bought a big bag of perlite, and over the past 3 days transplanted 30 plants, dumping the old mix.
They look to be doing better in just a few days. Have them on a weekly feeding schedule, so we’ll see how they respond.

This was before:



Ya same thing I Said earlier, straight worm castings is just to much of a “mud” roots prob choking out! Castings can’t burn the plants but am curious how far out of wack the pH may have been

Another cause for concern is “weekly” feed schedule. All my organic recipes call for feedings every 10-14 day with a huge warning not to go any sooner, wondering if your feedings are too frequent

If it were me and to keep it simple I’d go get a bag of mushroom compost for $2.50 and mix it in and re transplant into the diluted casting mix with compost and some perlite to match the amount of compost u threw in

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Vermiculite is for water retention similar to peat and coir, it’s perlite that gives the drainage and aeration. I’m sure it adding to the prob of drowning the roots when u added that one


If there is such a thing, sure.

I know this started of with dirt, but since you mentioned fertilizers, and someone above mentioned Dr Earth, which I do like, and is now a Hawthorne product… just my opinion, but I think it’s only a matter of time before Scott’s brings them down to the miracle grow level to satisfy their bottom line, along with all their other products.

Another similar dry fertilizer producer is Fox Farm, small and independent. They used to be distributed by Sunlight Supply. When Sunlight Supply was bought up by Hawthorne, I saw that they listed Fox Farm in their products. I asked at the local hydro store, and they told me Fox Farm was bought up, too.

I use their stuff for our veggie and flower gardens. I was disappointed. I wrote them, and they sent this back.

"Thank you for contacting FoxFarm with your concern. I would be happy to help!

The rumors you are referring to are simply that – just rumors. Some years ago Scotts published a statement saying that they were interested in buying small soil and fertilizer companies that sell to hydro stores and independently owned garden centers, allowing them access to a new market. FoxFarm happens to be a company that sells exclusively to both hydro stores and independently owned garden centers, so when this article came out, we became a target. These rumors essentially tarnish our reputation as a small, locally based business.

Scotts/Hawthorne did purchase General Hydroponics, VermiCrop, Botanicare, and Sunlight Supply, but did not purchase FoxFarm. FoxFarm has not sold to, nor has any plans to sell to, Scotts, Monsanto, or anyone else. We will continue to make the highest quality soils and fertilizers available, and we will continue to be a small operation that supports its local community.

In fact, as of August 7, FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Co. severed ties and is no longer associated with Hawthorne Gardening Co. and/or its subsidiary, Sunlight Supply, Inc. FoxFarm products are no longer be available through this distribution channel.

Thanks again for your concern and interest in FoxFarm. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. To learn more about our company, new products, and download our latest feeding schedules please visit www.FoxFarmFertilizer.com."

So, to answer your question, yes, I do think there are some better options.

Sorry to jack your thread AZ :slight_smile:


I’m going to keep this can of worms closed. I have used miracle grow and it works fine.

I have been using Botanicare since before Scott’s. Still the same thing.

Big fish eat little fish.

There is always making your own nute filled soil mix but that just doesn’t appeal to me.


quote=“Foreigner, post:79, topic:75896”]
I’m going to keep this can of worms closed. I have used miracle grow and it works fine.

Things in miracle grow will grow fine, the problem with growing pot in it is the slow release “feeds for 6-9months” plants are gonna look awesome but that smoke is gonna be harsh and unpleasant as all hell cuz it has way to much nitrogen all the way to the end.
Grow other stuff in it for the year to burn out the slow release stuff then ur A-OK to use for weed :wink: