Lets make 500 gallons of a simple and effective potting soil

I agree with this but not all of their products are slow release.

Correct but the typical green bag we all think of does and the caution with it

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The one I’m thinking of is water soluble iridescent blue powder that looks like stripper dust.

But yeah, I wouldn’t use the slow release.

Edit: osmocote is a Scott’s product too.

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Oh gotcha ur talking just the fertilizers, I was thinking the bagged potting mix

Carry on good sir

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I’ve read many disparaging comments re: Miracle Grow in various threads and forums.
I’ve never used it for weed, but like many others, have used it in the past for veggie garden stuff.
I’ve always been curious about the concept of “tasting the fertilizer” in weed. I don’t smoke, so not really an issue for me.
I’ve used FF for past 2yrs, mostly because I like to try and throw some money at smaller companies.
I grabbed a package of Tomato Fert, will check on who it’s from, not a name I recognized, but that’s what I’m going with right now. My only complaint about FF is price. And they are certainly a popular fert, and they charge what the market will bear, as anyone should. If you’re growing 2-3 plants, that’s one thing. If you’ve got a dozen going, it adds up quickly.
Friends gave me a bag of bottles of Roots, 4-5 different types. It’s similar to FF in that each bottle is $20.
Bottom line is I’ve cut way back on fert $$ this year. Last year we started using the bokashi bucket, which isn’t really “compost” in the traditional sense, but fills the same roll. We also eat a lot of shellfish (lobster, crab, shrimp) and I like to take the shells, put them in a sturdy contractor bag with some old potting mix from last year and then do the dance on them to help break them down. It becomes a great soil additive for the next year.
I am also right on the coast. Salt water is about 100yds from my house, so this year I’m going to start adding seaweed to the mix, I just need to figure out the best way to chop it up a bit to help it decompose. I may put some in a tote and hit it with the bokashi enzymes and see how that does.

In any case…it’s fun to figure out what works best for each of us, in our own areas, with our own budgets and growing seasons.

Just Grow It. (Hmmmm…can we incorporate the Nike “Swoooosh” with a leaf somehow?)



A bit to late for that, lol!

I’ve used MG too. Started growing in '70, nobody knew there any other ferts… until we discovered Jacks. Not pushing Jack’s, but there was a definite appreciation in the new taste.

Botanicare looks pretty clean. I’ve never used it, but the Washington and Oregon State testing reports show that.

I have to ask then why did you stop using MG? Just curious.

Making my own soil is not for me, either. Tried for years, but with indoor weed, it was a miserable failure. I do have a lot of inputs for the veggies and flowers, though!

Is that really always a good thing?

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It really is great stuff.

I did it one time just for fun. It was never a long term thing.

Nope. But it is that way.


It’s not just that, from what I’ve gathered, the salts they use and the chelation methods are the cheapest they can source. For ornamentals looking awesome is the point, but for smoking?

It is a way, granted…I’m just an old hippie who thinks it’s not the only way :slight_smile:

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Don’t worry, when we get to where the world consists of only 6 multinational conglomerates in control of everything they will have streamlined their operations to such a degree that there won’t be enough employed people to purchase their products to make them profitable.

Then we will all have to learn to make our own soils with natural inputs :+1::joy:


For my sake, I hope not, my weed would be combusted on the vine, lol!

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My city gives away free compost in the spring but probably not enough for 500 gallons worth of mix.


There’ll always be people to capitalize upon. :stuck_out_tongue: We just won’t have anything so quaint as “money” to pay with… we’ll pay with social credit from our UBI, adjusted according to our particular needs as determined by what kind of snowflake we are, as recorded by the central bank on their CBDC ledger and verified on the blockchain by the other CBDC ledger-holders of the sanctions-abiding world.


Snowflakes of the world unite and cast off your chains.

I think I can get 26kg of compost per household per year for free.


I think my worms do more than that just throwing all the waste from my greenhouse at em

They got hooked up again today :wink:


I used that blue stuff a few years ago. Plants grew great. Taste, not so much.

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Fert I picked up is from Sta-green. It’s for tomatoes…18-18-21.

Tomato Fert Stagreen

Using it diluted, and only use it weekly.

The Roots that I was given is 2-.25-2


Ya that’s a synthetic salts(fast release) fertilizer completely different from anything u would want for organic gardening, I would never use that stuff

I’m actually a bit, not totally, but a bit skeptical of all of the “organic” marketing.
As a friend pointed out, arsenic is organic too.

It’s similar to my experience with gluten free foods. I have Celiac’s, so it’s a big deal for me, and I’m amazed at the number of products that are billed as “gluten-free”, such as Tito’s Vodka. ALL vodka, unless flavored, is gluten-free, along with whiskey and other spirits.

I’m not sure what effects organic fertilizer have on something you’re going to smoke? So it’s healthIER? Dunno.

Anyway, I digress.


Well I can say growing organically makes better tasting bud. Anyone who’s tried the stuff I’ve grown has said it. Over and over. Good enough for me. I imagine it’s healthier for you than chemicals.