Let's play: Name that Bug!

Ok, so I have this strange pest or three wandering around the grow space. First I thought Shield bug, then possibly an Elm Seed beetle, and now maybe a type of stink bug…idk, lol. :thinking:
I have done many vigorous searches for other pests, but found none. It does not appear to be feasting on plants. My concern is that it is a predator. And if so, what is it preying on?
Looking to the local brain trust on this one! :wink:

Thanks for reading! :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s a stink bug


Well that was fast. Thanks for the reply!
What’s it eat?

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They are plant eaters. Later in the life cycle, prefer fruits. Per terminex, SOME stink bugs are predatory. Most are plant eaters though.


Well I suppose it’s a lot easier to spot that some of the other critters. So I got that going for me.


Never had them mess with my weed, but supposedly they are crop damagers of fruits. Mostly just find them hanging out in my house. If you mess with them they release this chemical with a bitter smell that puts off a small amount of heat. Mostly just a nuisance but otherwise harmless. They are consided an invasive species in the US.


I’ll tell ya what though, this was a strong little bastard. I stuck it to the trap three separate times and it would free itself quite quickly. I actually had to push it down onto the sticky trap firmly with my finger before it would stay put!

Thanks @Kgrim aswell. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


:joy: Oh they’re definitely sturdy little buggers haha… I like to try and play the game “release the stinkbug without getting stinked” lol, definitely takes some skill and fineness. You can chop the top of a water bottle off, invert it, place in back on the bottle and tape it, then tape one of those little LED touch lights to the bottle and make a trap.


Ok, well it’s far past bedtime for someone like myself. So if my responses are delayed, that is why.
All other input and comments are welcome.
Thank you in advance! :smiley:
Good night!


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Very interesting. I like it! :crazy_face:

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I get the bastards here in abundance some years. They have like an armor shell, and seem strong like bodybuilders. They don’t seem to bother my outdoor plants, found quite a bit last year on my plants with no damage caused by them. I have more problems with the damn Asian Lady beetles, they get everywhere around Sept, and are a total nuisance.

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They’re constantly hanging around my house too… I never even realized they eat plants/fruits, but they’re big and ugly so I consider them a nuisance as well. They just stay at the windows sunning themselves until I catch them, wrap them up in a tissue and flush them down the toilet. They never seem to realize what’s going on, judging from the complete lack of smell anyway.


Brown marmorated stink bug - they are all over BC now. Invasive, came over from Asia.