The 19 rules

the 19 rules!

  1. Some plants prefer soils dominated by fungi; others prefer soils dominated by bacteria.
  2. Most vegetables, annuals, and grasses prefer their nitrogen in nitrate form and do best in bacterially dominated soils.
  3. Most trees, shrubs, and perennials prefer their nitrogen in ammonium form and do best in fungal dominated soils.
  4. Compost can be used to inoculate beneficial microbes and life into soils around your yard and introduce, maintain, or alter the soil food web in a particular area.
  5. Adding compost/ compost teas and its soil food web to the surface of soil will inoculate the soil with the same soil food web.
  6. Aged, brown organic materials support fungi; fresh, green organic materials support bacteria.
  7. Mulch laid on the surface tends to support fungi; mulch worked into the soil tends to support bacteria.
  8. If you wet and grind mulch thoroughly, it speeds up bacterial colonization.
  9. Coarse, dryer mulches support fungal activity.
  10. Sugars help bacteria multiply and grow; kelp, humic and fulvic acids, and phosphate rock dusts help fungi grow.
  11. By choosing the compost you begin with and what nutrients you add to it, you make teas that are heavily fungal, bacterially dominated, or balanced.
  12. Compost teas are very sensitive to chlorine and preservatives in the brewing water and ingredients.
  13. Applications of synthetic fertilizers kill off most or all of the soil food web microbes.
  14. Stay away from additives that have high NPK numbers.
  15. Follow any chemical spraying or soil drenching with an application of compost tea.
  16. Most conifers and hardwood trees (birch, oak, beech, and hickory) form mycorrhizae with ectomycorrhizal fungi.
  17. Most vegetables, annuals, grasses, shrubs, softwood trees, and perennials form mycorrhizae with endomycorrhizal fungi.
  18. Rototilling and excessive soil disturbance destroy or severely damage the soil food web.
  19. Always mix endomycorrhizal fungi with the seeds of annuals and vegetables at planting time or apply them to roots at transplanting time
  • unknown author

and I’m gonna say Thanks

Some cool things to keep in mind …
Love the Ying / Yang of Fungal / Bacterial



yeah i love the fact that they both have different ph rNge snd they regulate it if you keep them in balance your plants just thrive in there

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Wow, it’s like a thread bombing lol. All the new threads are yours :rofl: You’re giving me too much reading man :crazy_face:


ive been quiet for too long got to spill out what i have gathered


Lol, you only joined 2 weeks ago. All good brother, do your thing. I was just busting your chops. I try to read all new threads so when I clicked new and saw the list of 4 threads, all with your avatar, I had to poke at you. Nothing personal, just buzzed, lol.


its all good i was just sniffing into my grow folder and was feeling like i was hording valuable information
i felt bad holding onto it and not sharing it


Sharing is caring brother, thanks for putting it out there. :v:

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i like it. information should be free. it is the way.


Great stuff!! Let’s not discount sterile grows though! And ethanol…anyone foiler with it?
