Let's Talk Skunk (All Skunk) Orange and Cheese

Love some skunk. Hate to say I have given up on skunk.


Hey Doug,
I figured seeing your name all over the thread this would come up ASAP… That’s okay obviously you are either giving me a chance to say my 2 cents or just pointing a finger calling me a piece of shit is unclear, but I’m figuring from an old wise fella your about the 2 pennies on my behalf and I correct. Bro I am a straight shooter always have been grew up with my dad and the Bois watching dad build Harley’s and seeing how things went on behind closed doors so to say was taught early on old school cool and well i had lived a decade of heavy drug use in my past after I had roughly 6 operations was in a ride with my uncle through the mountains in his truck he lost control shit went south ended up on a opiates brigade then they cut me off 2 yrs after then I relied on the street, I know how things roll man it’s a small world everyone knows someone who knows someone right… enough of that anyways growing up with the fellas I did I was blessed a couple yrs ago now at Xmas by the youngest of 2 brothers who are both now gone r.i.p Bois ride or die trying lol I was gifted a shit ton of genetics from the 70’s till about 2016 my dad long story short is one of those stories youd see on tv or something super terrible shit the guys been through my dad basically as a last request asked me to find get grow find the skunk he said get the skunk grow the Skunk Scotty it’s all I’m asking I want to experience it one more time basically being the only son capable as my brother had seizures as a kid and got warped abit it was all up to me a single dad on disability definetly would make for a lacklustered time, but hey I’m pretty good with people I thought and figured what the heck let’s trade the club 81 seed stock I have I was told nobody that was inside the circle got a cut or seeds only the breeders kept and grew the shit and nobody else got but bought within the group eh no civilian ever got a bag of grass or anything for that matter exclusive shit to me what they had within those bags of seeds were some of the most iconic and legendary varieties still spoke about today some of which I have a few hundred thousand of so I figured hell folks r searching for these very things every day I see it all over I figured I don’t have cash but I do have genetics I could trade for others on my journey on finding making and growing it out for my pops aka Poppa Roach iv done hell of alot of trades with folks many if which I still speak to today and am actually doing seals with again as I made a few things with the stuff I got from them and if they have anything new or not I send em back stuff. Iv even been sending out grass too many folks across Canada only at this time due to having myself and my dad to supply for currently trying to perfect tinctures
I had 2 trades go odd on me out of dozens and dozens of trades I’m disabled and my daughter has well knock on wood had problems with seizures during the time I did the trade with the 2 individuals who seem to be besties or some shit one gave me shit for his parcel smelling too loudly when it got to the post office a couple provinces over. Also I deal with Alzheimer’s started while I was in the hospital for the 8 month bout so I just realized this isn’t even an email ha am I ever out if date when it comes to how all this works m, but now I see u were pointing a finger only stating he’s a piece of shit the two fuck boys I dealt with in the seed club thing I have all the messages saved on my phone still and can show I was more then willing to replace anything that got damaged as the one guys package came damaged with a letter from Canada Post apologies seeds got crushed and some broke also iv got 3 types of nerve damage severe neuropathy and ms my hands don’t do so well sorting and sifting but when I gave the fellas seed from the club stock I scooped extra into the packages due to knowing not all the seeds in the bags are 100% viable there’s those odd shaped beans and undeveloped ones here and there so instead of me sitting for hours sifting through the thousands of seeds I was told off when I said that’s why I gave extra I was told they wanted only quality seeds not extra at that point I stated I wasn’t a seed company I was just some dude at home trading seeds also its been failed by buth individuals the one fella sent me 5 auto flowers I sent him what 10 -13 different varieties of things I also sent a couple of the zooluwasti landrace semi autos well buddy ga e me shit for sending him autos even though the 5 kinds he sent were autos the fact I sent double and the majority photos with a couple autos I sent him also he sent 2 kinds of pot to trade for mine I had ample amounts from the skunkhunt2023 on IG that I literally was excited filling bags upon bags of different kinds as many kinds of seed there was there was probably more bags if grass then kinds of weed sent i still have my posts from spliff Roach on my Instagram I also still have all the comments left on there as the day I was going to delete them my buddy suggested I keep them for future events such as this as buddy was rampid right from the start before anything even happened before he even got his package as the damn thing was its way to him I didn’t answer him 1 day for ? 7hrs when I got bk on IG all I could see was is I’m gonna blast u all over social media I txtd back that I had many conversations with folks on the board hell wonderbred invited me to the club I thought it was pretty shady as I stated I have the msgs still in my phone saved if I have to blast them on here which sounds FKinG dumb in all rights so be it but what make them look like idiots then twice the retort I had several folks battle them for days as they for days brought there homies in in my pages to talk shit and my friends from IG and several people I had traded with stood up for me they too had nothing but a terrible time hell my mother was being called a petofile and a meth heads for who knows what reason they were even msging my mother calling her names and everything for what it truly was a while before I did any trading again I was pretty discouraged seeing how the 2 homies were able to blast me so far like I said to spliff Roach when the mail does finally arrive i hope u feel like an asshole well the package arrives for him it was oh this oh that he took pictures of buds from what 4 ft away with no flash in a dull room saying looks terribly grown wasn’t cured wasn’t dried right wasn’t wasn’t wasn’t which is B.S as a toker for over half my life I’m 35 now think 11 I had my first toke lik young but hey kids carry ak-47’s in Africa man ? I also remember messaging u Doug It’s funny my buddy in Ontario his name is Doug his last name is damn near your last name I remember now msging u thinking u were him also remember someone saying u said u knew Doug but when I asked him he said he didn’t know u well mutha of all fuck the times I msgd asking about Doug’s bud well the strain my buddy made I thought I was msging him I didn’t even realize at the time you guys had damn near the same name kinda crazy coincidence forsure. It’s frustrating to see folks chime in to drop heat on a fellow they have no clue who they are have never dealt with the individual but have something to say all g guess when buddy said he’d put me in blast he sure did but like I said that day even if u were to say oh my bad Scotty sent what he was supposed to and he actually sent above and beyond what we agreed on yeah wouldn’t they look like an ass it’s still in my page where I said I hope he puts half the amount of energy into making this right as he did blasting but the damage was done I had to think of something positive about it I called it my will smith slap negative attention is better then no attention within the next few months who’s going to remember those 2 cunts and their b.s they did to me never did I do anything wrong and when I reach out to people on IG or whatever it is I’m not some gomer just being all hey can I can u hey u hey hey hey fawk there’s probably 30 folks in my msgs list we talk almost every single day still to this day and I make sure if there’s something of interest an individual has Im More then willing to swap 50 things for 1 it makes no difference to me really I have alot of seed stock of alot of things it’s kinda funny I sent these boys my best skunks for some dumb reason yeah I sent to 2 prick breeders my best skunks for what to be blasted and have shit all twisted around ironic I said afterwards watch red stems huge leafs and the smell of skunk will be showing up at some point on one of their posts of what they have made my father would come online and contend for any of this as at that time many days it was me hanging out with my dad trying to find skunks and at the end of the summer when it was harvest time my dad agreed nothing like it since 94-1995 now like an idiot I just gave my 70+ weeks worth of work to of my now nemisis odd isn’t it I actually was expecting your comment to be almost a question not feeling like the hero that came in to save somebody from having a conversation thanks least I know when my hair is whiter then it is now and the shoes where the other way around never would I jump to say something folks in my hang said about somebody but hey sure a clubs a club their ur boys stand up for then even if they were wrong is how a club works hell I grew up around club 81 folks and then thr gangs on the streets I completely understand pretty shitty I gotta sit here and even type we’ll talk to my phone and we all know how speech to text works sure doesn’t listen well does it. In all reality who ever I reached out to on here what was said wrong or worded wrong and coincidence the guy who sent autoflowers had 3 strains with skunk lineage first to Jump at the genetics I mentioned as previously mentioned the messages I have with both of them I ask them why they never stayed i sent triple what they did in pot and seed they didn’t have to much to reply back on that note!!! And honestly for the guys to go after my mother for god knows whatever reason says alot not too mention fighting with my friends or people that have traded and stood up for me going as far as threatening them and everything else is pretty ?? Odd so after all this crap if need be il change my name to Bob stillkillsit and make a new account I knew seeing your name all over meant a run in but didn’t expect the same juvenile engagement but what would one expect u wear the same colors or shall I say u fly the same flag need my mother’s name so ye can go say some shit over there… It’s like this if u believe everything u hear and find nothing out for yourself what are you a follower a sheep or do u form your own opinion and go from there ? Peace fam and thanks Cav for the knowledge drop on the skunk information when and if I come back to the forum I’m definitely gonna check it out but as of right now seems pretty bunk lol definetly surprises me someone who’s been around the block for that long still walking blindly into the night shiat. Peace overgrow been a fan for many years of the forum just never joined never felt I had much to contribute but these days I know I have a massive amount of seed stock I live to share yes live to share any new forum or group iv joined lately has received enough genetics to give each and every single person a few packs now at least I know there’s more positive vibes for me to have else where fucking spliff Roach it’s funny how many interactions we have had and I even invited him to the skunk discord my buddy and I sent up if I’m not mistaken he still is a member don’t quote me but I still ask him about the genetics we traded it’s almost funny he’d put a post bad mouthing me while at the same time answering me and giving me all the details to his strain maybe it’s just like will smith and Chris Rock did they plan it all from the start as a launch pad who knows and as a privacy thing not for myself but theirs I will only send the pictures of msgs to Doug if he’s a needs proof kida guy sorry to the drama lovers what a piss off this all really was really fuck the lameheads. 88out

@DougDawson is one of the most respected, and most trusted people in this forum. If he’s got beef with someone, then consider me the fire it’s cooked on.

Buh bye


Mohawk meds ye the boys u seen taking shit in IG just like Doug u two share the same flag they do no surprise you would have some input on that note ye the fuckery here fam the Canadian seed testing alliance is a gang now it appears still got our chats in the history log in discord unless u tried deleting them like they did they still sit on my end. I only msg folks who I know have something im interested in working with when did it become the wrong thing to do reaching out to those who are either working on something that interests you or something they have worked on. Is it wrong to reach out to folks asking about a particular variety an individual is seeking and don’t worry for your boys sakes I still add to the ScamScotty hashtag as a f u to the 2 retards I dealt with also If I must say I ain’t your average everyday muniaya or white man my daughter being half Saulteaux and me have lived on a Rez for almost a decade I know who I dealt with and I know who you are bro no hate towards you just the ones ur pretending are family unless they actually are your cousin’s then it all truly makes sence your input here eh eh an I right ye old anishinabek migwitch

I guess I’ll know what you said when the movie come out


It’s one of the rare instances where it’ll be better than the book @Mithridate :rofl:


lol the novel followed by I want skunk but have been breeding skunk forever gave it away. I notice that those type of people have very similar storylines


Lmao twice in two days :joy:


Needs to go back to elementary school as well. Ever heard of paragraphs lol? I’m positive most will see that huge block of text, and move on to the next haha. Man too funny usually the novel with a sad story is a giveaway. Shame on me if your not that guy.


That’s the MAIN REASON to sign up for the @DougDawson OG Newsletter!!! Well Done, Bro, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


i know someone from Canada that also says they used to be associated with hells angels. They play video games all day. Is that something that happens a lot there?


If I can get those 2 guys to trade bro :joy:


First red flag “Skunk Scotty from Canada looking for skunk” Second red flag “looking for a strain for dying relative” Third red flag “writing a damn novel” fourth red flag “first comment exposing him”…Took me less than a min to see through this one.


Go from supporting your local 81 to supporting your local 7eleven…lol


So here is the thing @Skunkscotty. You were kicked out of the CSTA due to PMing multiple people asking for seeds. Something that is against the OG TOS just so you know. Other reasons involved sending multiple voice messages to members back to back to back. Then there were multiple complaints regarding seed trades. Complaints about seeds being crushed after being sent with zero protection such as a coin flip and washer or other kind of preventative measure. For sending white, immature seeds to breeders as trades. Those were the reasons and I watched it all unfold myself. There were more than 2 people complaining about their interactions with you. Heck, I even sent seeds to a few of them to turn the negative vibes into positive ones.

Now I heard some put you on blast over on IG. I was not involved in that so I cannot say what was said or not said. All I can speak to is what I saw for myself. After all that happened there, I felt it was my duty to say something to the OG community. That’s just the way it is.

Now that said, OG is an open community and all are welcome. If you wish to come and hang around here, you are welcome to. No member, myself included, can tell you that you can’t. Only the moderators have that ability and they are a fair group. Since you have done nothing wrong here, they have no reason to give you any trouble. If you do hang around, are honest with folks and follow through with what you promise to them your time here will be good. I personally feel this is the best cannabis community in the world and thoroughly enjoy my time here and my interactions with some amazing people. The ball is in your court. Do with it what you see fit.


Great point @DougDawson !
Well said!! :100::fist_right::fist_left::100:


Story up scam Scotty soup sandwich we do have all your messages. Scroll up you’ll see some . You sent white crushed immature seeds way to be a chump bud. The community is tighter than you think.


One thing I can’t do is read the longest run on sentence I’ve ever read. Sorry skunk dude but that almost made my head explode. It all became blurry real fast.


I ride with @DougDawson!!! Be “straight” goes a l-o-n-g way, in my Book. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I made chatgpt summerize it for me :laughing:
The return was:
“This is a pile of garbage”

Pz :v:t2: