Let's talk sock

didnt realize he’d been banned recently. I thought he was getting a clue, seemed like it.

But yeah, that night, with his “wife”. ROFLMAO I still laugh thinkin about it LOL


Wow, they are gone?
I must have missed something. :thinking:


Yeah, done like dinner according to their profile :slight_smile:


If the subject is about what I think it is… even in other forums where there was nothing that could benefit anyone, there are users with several profiles just to offend other users.

And if we think of countries where it is difficult to get seeds, what is offered here as a giveaway can be worth a certain amount of money in these places, and there will certainly be people wanting to benefit from people’s generosity.


You are right about other sites. OG seems to be the most diligent I’ve been on. Some mods get in trouble for banning.


That is the benefit to some, they thrive of starting trouble. They love to play tough hiding under mommies bed eating their hot pockets and trying to upset others. While most don’t see that as a benefit there are those unstable individuals who live for the discourse.


I agree, they do a fantastic job here. Big props to those who keep the house clean. It must be a really tough job at times and thankless for the most part.


LOL, I first read it as “Stocks” though we were going to talk investments. I’m going to crawl back under my rock now. :crazy_face:


I am guessing some drink too much as well :wink:



Whoa whoa whoa…why you dragging hot pockets into this?!?

I also want all my missing socks back!

P.S. just put a join by date on your giveaways guys. One month, three months, whatever. Easy to click a name that’s been here that long and see real quick where they post and what they are here for.


It’s not the hot pockets fault how uses them :wink:

This is more about the deception and attempt to take advantage of people than giveaways. Being new does not make you a bad person and just disallowing someone for being new is not necessarily a good think. You are correct that it can be a helpful metric to gauge folks by but not everyone is going to use it. Also does nothing for some who joins with multiple accounts and spend 15 days making it to member status thus opening up things like seed runs to them. Nobody is vetting the 75 people on their TL2 sign up sheets.


I hear ya. But I did check out some people on my seed run. I had a join by date. Then clicked a few names I didn’t recognize. Those few had posted in some threads and made comments that weren’t begging for seeds so they stayed on the list.

As for getting offended or duped by sock accounts. The mute function works great and a little caution and apprehension go a long way. Why even try to deal with a new account with no history?..because they have the new exclusive candy clone? Well…you get what you ask for sometimes.


Pretty sure not allowing political discussion keeps a lot of it from ever starting as well.


I don’t disagree but such accounts are a fact of online life and you sir are smarter than some. I have seen others taken advantage of by said said accounts over the years. This is more about a heads up for people to be more diligent.


For sure, I definitely support this discussion. Just sharing how I minimize it’s impact on my time here.


I understand and I appreciate your input brother.


What cracks me up is there’s a simple way to ensure you get that “rare cut”. Its called participation :wink: People are generous in this community, and just being real and yourself goes a LONG way. I’ve been gifted cuts and seeds that I never asked for, simply because I participate in a meaningful way (most times).

Putting in all that effort for a sock account just seems like a waste of time. Cultivate plants AND friendships, and you will reap the rewards of both. Pretty simple rule to live by…

Sad the sock puppet people never get a clue and see it like that… They just see short term immediate gains, or fulfill some psychological disorder…


:100: agree

Thier like gloves for your feet but feet don’t wear gloves so yeah I hate toe socks as well.Like gloves almost but it’s a total goddamn grift.

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I just talk chalk it up to…


Borrowed that pic but I think there may be some truth to it.

I operate on the vibe mentality. If I get bad vibes from something or someone I move the F away from it. If the positive vibes are flowing then we ride and see where we end up.

I came to the OG from a site where the free seed flowed…
Everything was going great. New people showed up, they Participated in Meaningful dialogue. That is all I have ever used as my guide.

Meaningful Dialogue being the Key Word…

I can tell you that I can’t think of one time I was taken advantage of. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. I just highly doubt it :wink:

I have noticed a trend with some recently experienced Sock Accounts. All I can say is look for the Meaningful Dialogue…

Keep the good vibes flowing :call_me_hand: