Lets try this another way big plants small pots

What temp did you press at?


Oh man, I bet that is some dank rosin :yum:


200 temp :boom:


smells like GMO


Not playing these next few runs.


Looks great jet. I’m going to do the same thing and let the girls get beefy before flip. Break this grow room in right I want monster plants


I need more space so bad lol a 4x8 would be majestic


Testing bud grown by another local i have not seen in years . Use to own a local hydro shop but closed it years ago .

He left with 15 cuts to set him back up , gave me some Walkers Haze and Blue Cheese to try

MEH , bland no stick no hit poor high
he will like my cuts , lol


good morning :coffee: jetters have a dank day :evergreen_tree: :smoking:

jetters= jetdros followers


Hadnt shot my pellet gun in a spell , nice day thought id pull it out . .22 springer RWS @27 yards . im out of practice , gun will shoot better. Sight adjusted 1/4 inch down after these were shot just barely got George :see_no_evil:


Don’t shot the dog :dog2: lol :joy:


I try to avoid them mostly :sunglasses:


Hey Jett, I read somewhere that the kid in Texas shot an 800 pound feral hog that’s a big SOB


We have hogs all over Texas . This gun would not kill one unless eye shot into the brain and then it would be just luck .

ones we have around here go about 100 to 200 pounds on average and are meaner than hell

use this for target shooting and plinking
although it would easily kill small game such as rabbit and squirrel and birds. I kind a like animals so I’m not much of a hunter. i’ll kill a snake swimming in the creek or a coyote but I’m not much on killing.

I have a new pellet gun coming next week it is a PCP gun which means it’s pre-charged with air in a cylinder and it doesn’t have to be cocked for every shot
like this one does. it will shoot between 30 and 60 pallets per charge. it is also hand built in England and comes apart and fits in a small case like a James Bond gun they call it a takedown rifle.

always wanted one of these but they’re stupid expensive plus all of the stuff you have to get just to be able to shoot it i’ve been hunting used air gun forums for about a year and I found one of these new in a box never fired with a nice scope on it and about 10 tins of pellets for a little less than half the price of just the bear gun alone. it also includes a $200 hand pump brand new in the box never opened. I absolutely could not resist I can’t wait to try it out.

The gun I have now is probably a three or $400 gun and it shoots amazingly well I’m curious to see how this handmade expensive English gun shoots compared to it


if you had to buy again would you get another NugSmasher?


Many tasty treats arrived today, including a replacement Mac1 and TK that I had recently lost, as well as some Lemon G, Deathstar, and Blueberry to boot!! I had really been wanting to run some blueberry, and lemon terps are a favorite for sure, so this is nicely timely. Many thanks @schmarmpit, I am just about reaching maximum capacity over here! And all the rooted cuts look absolutely fantastic!!! Now… off to the clone room!




I love to see success stories like this. First, you start to feel rich. Then you drop the one or two clones you don’t really care much about. But clones keep coming in and there’s no place to put them. :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

That’s when you have the really hard choices to make. I’m about there now, so I’m so glad summer is coming!, :sun_with_face::peach::hot_face::mango::sunny::parasol_on_ground:


Thanks @schmarmpit

AWESOME send , appreciate it


Look at you all set up like a big dog in no time

Romulan and Pine-Sol are growing but not happy yet A bit more time in the Octopot they should come around no danger in losing either one they’re plenty big enough they’re just not healthy for a cuts yet


I really like mine . No fancy ecu or controls other than temperature and hand pressure but after using it for a while ive gotten to the point where i can feel the bud squishing and know how much pressure i can apply and how long to apply it . I know im getting all my bud can produce when i press with it .

Somewhere in one of the owners millions of videos I saw him say that his favorite machine was the original because he could feel the bud pressure in his hand and he kind of liked doing at the old fashion way. I thought he was just saying that to sell units but he was being honest because I feel exactly the same way

for just my home use I need no other press it will do a good job with 10 g or so and that’s all I need to press at one time

I bought this one used in basically stole it but yes I like it and if it were stolen I would look around and I would replace it with the same machine if I could


No fly’s were harmed in tonights episode

25 yards , windy , i basically suck , lol
it’s not a target gun and its trigger is very heavy it’s about the best I can do

At this time flies are safe at 25 yards out .