LiberTree Seeds. Anyone try them?

I just stumbled across their website and was wondering if anyone has any experience with them? I cant seem to find any reviews anywhere. Seems they only have 3 lines for sell, so I doubt they’re white label. Im always one to wanna try new breeders. But I also dont wanna toss money into a scam.

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Which strain are you interested in?

It is registered in Iceland.

Where is this community??? The descriptions sound like ChatGPT.


You see how it has nothing to do with actual strain and instead plays off the word “star.”


I like their product reviews :roll_eyes:

@BackyardBoogie420 Their prices seem too good to be true if these are the real genetics they offer. And why only 3 products? Personally I wouldn’t trust it but if someone wants to roll the dice I would be interested in seeing what they get when they grow it out :man_shrugging:


Yeah I figured it wasnt legit. Im in the same boat as you. Wondering if anyone rolled the dice on it lol.

With the advent of ChatGPT and other algorithms being able to make copy, code and pictures, these types of websites will become more common. Someone doesn’t even have to speak english to make one. Could pump out 5-20++ a day with streamlining. Every year there will be a new “class” of people coming up that don’t give a shit about integrity.

Stardawg can be found here on OG. The others as well, i’m sure.

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Yeah great points! Especially folks claiming to have rare or “elite” stuff. Seems like so much of the seed world is an outright scam these days.

It was the claims of having the NL1 that I found interesting. Its bold for anyone to claim to have it. Ive been hoping to find more good NL1 gear, since Ive got a couple males and a beefy female Im about to seed repro with. Of course from a fellow OG member. I think the real moral of the story is anything worth growing can be found on here lol

People will most likely offer this

But I heard this guy wasn’t the most trustworthy from a couple reliable sources.

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Yeah I honestly refuse to give any money to ol Toddy. I reached out asking if there were any deals if I scooped a couple hundred seeds to pheno hunt. And dude just blew up at me. Accusing me of trying to resell them or some unhinged madness. He talks about being so “pro patient” but when a legal paraplegic tries to buy some seeds for personal meds, he goes all psycho lol

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