Lighting question

Hey guys I have a question. I put my lux meter under the lights by the plants and got some real high readings. They have always been this high just wondering if its causing any issues? The closest plant is about 16 inches from the light. None of the plants feel hot and canopy temps are 78 to 80 deg.
The light is 1000w hps with a hortilux super blue.


I just took readings with a different app and the numbers are way different so I’m going to guess actually numbers are in the middle somewhere…

A lot of those programs are not very accurate. And a lot depends on how far from the light you are holding it and the angle you are holding it. Your best read is at the top of your plants as flat as possible.
I wouldn’t worry about it being excess light or you would see bleaching. Too close and you would see curled leaves and damaged leaves from heat.


Ok thanks for the help. Trying not to mess them up on the home stretch.

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Best bet is to get a cheap lux meter (I’m using Dr. Meter, $50), you will get better accuracy than a phone app. One big difference is the meter has a cosine corrector (white hemispherical dome) over the detector. That normalizes the light/angle intensity issue.



Yeah. I think your right about that. I’m going to look on Amazon a little latter.

that is a good thing :slight_smile: if you can put the back of your hand there your plants are fine

I am with if you bleach them you will know with out a doubt

a 1000 watt HID covers a 100 inch by 100 inch with a plant 100 inches tall

in reality more like 60 inch by 60 inch and 60 inches from the top of the pot very nicely

your reflector looks like it air cooled get yourself a exhaust fan and than no worries :wink:

all the best in your grow and be safe


Edit that 80 can become a problem bugs will multiply at an insane at 80 and above


Do you have a spectrum chart for that bulb by any chance please. We should be able to see how much of the light being put out is actually in use by the plant even tho the lux reading shows what it does.

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16" from an air cooled 1K isn’t bad. MH are a little less intense than HPS and 16-18" from the canopy is about fine for HPS.

You may get some light stress if you get much closer, though. Really unhappy plants will bleach if they get too close, like almost touching the hood. Light meters and theory is well and good but read the plants first.


there is a good answer :slight_smile: the plants know best ask them

be safe and grow well



I agree, the best thing to read is the plant and not the meter. It will tell you if it get’s stressed.

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