Lion's automated aeroponic garden pilot

@LionsNaughtyBeans I think he wants to know how you elaborate/decided the solutions on the chart you posted

I found it here in the Overgrow… I guess it came from @George… he saved me more than one time in my beginning with some of that type of info/images.

Thank you @George for this. :slight_smile:


Omg this graphic is amazing thanks for sharing


Here is some gold I have found in overgrow:

====== HIDROPONIC ONLY ========


Can anyone help me to identify this son of a bitches ? S20220520_002 S20220520_003 S20220520_004


Hard to tell, sort of looks like a thrips. What does the rest of the plant look like?

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its looks like Thrips, I guess…

The plant is ok… almost ready to harvest but the bottom leaves are looking like the photo… I cant throw neem oil for now… its like 5 days at max to harvest them… but I will clean hard the grow with some product to kill everything what is alive in there before put the plants for next cycle.


Hey bro

This is thrips, which are attacking your plants, about 3/4 weeks ago I had a lot of problems with this, my grow was getting infested, they reproduce very fast, you need to control it soon.

Here I removed the leaves attacked by thrips, and I use a foliar with garlic extract, in 2/3 applications the thrips disappeared, if you take a look at my diary, you will see what they did to one of my plants, in question of days.

Along with the garlic extract I also use a bio-insecticide, I’ll send you the link to the video so you can take a look.

the garlic extract I’m using, I got this garlic tip from chive producers in Santa Catarina who lost an entire crop because of thrips.óleo-de-alho-100-ml-concentrado--Auxilia-no-controle-de-pragas--i.379025063.8528123523?gclid=Cj0KCQjw-JyUBhCuARIsANUqQ_JmwJyhEtg38s5x5mWYsB0Iud6MR5cPl6MCLNbT9NlPAcTBqD7KTw8aAm-TEALw_wcB


Definitely thrips, been there for a while most likely. You will make it to harvest.

Here is an excellent presentation for the identification and treatment for thrips.


@tiocranius thanks for sharing brother ! I will prepare this one and the e-citrus this week and use the both together… and finishing the actual crop I will clean the entire room and sprinkly these bio-insecticide and improve de air entrances with some screen and new paint in the walls to remove possible mold or other bad things can be there.

@ReikoX thank you as well for sharing my brother!!! I watched the entire video and it was awesome… a lot of valuable information… and I pratice my listening !!! WORTH! hahaha


Glad it was useful. I have lots of respect for Mathew Gates. He has lots of informative videos on his Zenthonol YouTube channel. Also posts interesting info on his IG account synchangel.

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What its mean ? :confused:
I will watch more videos from him… I have a meeting in English next week and I’m feeling some nervous… will exercise my listening until then while I learn more about my passion :slight_smile:

You rocks @ReikoX !!!

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No problem, IG is Instagram

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Looking forward to watching your progress. In the future, is this a model that can be scaled down in size? Possibly so it fits under the grow space or under the grow bin?
Also, I’ve never run aero myself but hope to get something setup in the future…I’ve been wondering about organic nutes or more specifically micro orgs. Is it feasible to have 2 feed lines, one with aero pores and one that can accommodate micro orgs?



Hi @LionsNaughtyBeans,

Hope you’re making progress with your system!

I remember where I saw something similar. When in the subway in Barcelona an Israelian guy gave me his card. He had a startup company for his system. Check it out, maybe it will give you some ideas.


Hey @Kabuddha, thanks for the visit. I’m not a specialist in nutrition, actually i am really newbie in all of this, just very very curious, lol. But I guess in the aeroponic systems you need treat it like a normal hydroponic environment, then I belive organic nutes can get rot fastly in the water and the plant cant absorb the nutrients because it isnt ready for the plant absorption, like we can see in the picture bellow:

Hey Stinky, happy to see you here!!! Thanks for the positive vibrations!! fortunately I doing progress but more slow than I expect… I have other responsabilities to get done, so… Im doing my best… thats the reason I dont spenting much time here… But soon as I can I will post some news here about the project and try to envolve the overgrow community in our building process!

Thanks for sharing the website… I already shared it with my partners and we will study their product!! Thanks <3

See you guys soon! Thanks all for the support, friendship and good chats ! love all of this!

We are together!


Amazing work there,
it’s so much fun to build those things,
I know,


Hi Guys,
Cheers for the mentioning @Stinky,
I’m Idan the founder of Hydi, :slight_smile:
what’s up?


Hi @Hydi-Idan, you’ve found your way to the greatest grow community on the web! Welcome here and I would suggest you introduce yourself here so people get to know you.

I’m sure many people are interested in your product and how you developed it!


Heeey everyone!! really busy months those last ones.

@Hydi-Idan Hey bud, how are you? Thanks for taking a time to visit my thread! I am suspect to say… I used to take my toys apart to make new and exclusive ones since I was a kid… nothing has changed, lol !

I loved the product you made, quite inspirational! I still working on mine… finishing the AI part soon… I will update here when be the time. We focusing on the software part… maybe we can share some opportunities with you about automation… thats not our strenght.
Hope you’re enjoying overgrow… I love this community… another great inspiration in my life :slight_smile:

@Stinky good to see you around again :slight_smile: srry for didnt update here often… I trying to keep my 2 jobs while Im trying to create my 3th, lol. Without left my babies die of thirsty. :crazy_face:

Guys. I am in doubt about one thing… these leafes which are burned by deficiency, they still do the job ? absorb light and etc or its better to remove them to keep the energy going to the new ones ?

That is the result of high prices of nutes :stuck_out_tongue: I saved on the nutrient and almost starved her to death… poor thing.

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