Live & Reloaded

I’m glad you did not break OG with your overflow of text :smiley:

I’ve tried to browse it searching for History (lol), but it’s in such a shitty state that’s it’s impossible sadly. We’re left with the stories from the people that were there, thanks for sharing.

Ahah yeah. But things are evolving and there’s work (mostly in Romania) to raise a bit the CBD production up to the drug cultivar levels.

It’s funny because I soaked some seeds from a bag of CBD just for the sake of not killing better seeds while testing the veg space. Indeed it’s really eye opening. This things are vigorous and sturdy as hell, and at 15 days you can already see by the circonference of the trunks it’s meant for fiber. But it seems quite effective at raising nutrients in the plant too :slight_smile: They were sold as NL I think (ahah), but by their shape and vigor I feel like looking at shishkaberry seedlings :smiley:

No surprise :laughing:

Don’t abuse it though!:smiley:

I’ve come to that conclusion, as well as for the nutrition. Most of the parameters have to be as steady as possible and deviation noted (in a perfect world), unless it’s intended for testing.

Ahah, I posted that one just in the discussion because of the news about jodrey it contains, the rest is not really of interest (unless you want to dig in rebel grown)

Unless you do your own podcast, but let’s not do that haha

Did not think the paper on reveg would get you so crazy. :smiley:

I agree I found the underlying take interesting, trying to find a methodology of reproduction a bit better for real field production compared to micropropagation. That’s what lead me to read it. Now it’s still a bit long process, but maybe a bit more practical with some adaptation in the rotation cycles. The only interest of micropropagation in production I can see is that you can have backups in a fridge in case you loose your mother or she mutated too much. Too help in the mother maintenance. But that’s too finicky probably to be realistic.
But that paper seem to have some good insights on the plants. Lots are still way above my head, I saved some references for later, so thanks for yours comments too.

I stumbled onto another paper of interest last night, I’m not asking so much for comments, just because I think you’ll like it if you don’t know it already: Accumulation of somatic mutations leads to genetic mosaicism in Cannabis

Really interesting. Webinar version:

It indeed really balances the said advantages of clonal mothers rather than seeds.

One more day closer to your blunt!