Live & Reloaded


Let’s roll some NL5H cones to celebrate an Sunday’s update that is actually up-to-date :smile:

Transitionnal time, finishing a cycle and gently starting a new long one on the SD/JH. The calm before the tempest i guess.

Terrible envy to crack a shit ton of seeds of one of my repros (i don’t fucking know wich one), terrible envy to finish the repro of the last two packs : critical mass Nice and Skunk #1 Sensi, terrible envy to overload the 4x4 with JH clones for the stash as well … but it’s all the time now so i become more philosopher and chill about it.

Life was quite filled these last days, many things. I’m structuring a more constant work on cars at home too, with pneumatic tools etc … i think i’m hoocked as fuck. Lurking a wounded PT Cruiser CRD @850€ and a wounded PT Cruiser GT @2K€ … and i don’t have touched the Jag this week lol I’m limited to three cars at any time.

Stressing a bit too, i’ve an important scanner and full ckeck up at the start of September. It can decide if i keep the fucking scrap in my mouth a bit more or not. It’s not only for the comfort, after 3 years i start to get used. But to engage the dental cares, the local ones. I know it’s heavy stuff and that i’m lucky and all that everything gone right but … it lasted too much. It’s also the feeling to be broken, to take care about stupid things … and fuck there is damage inside caused by the global operation. Lot of tension were used to sort the mess.

But the good weed is back in the stash i must say, it’s helping a bunch psychologically ^^

On the finalists it’s groovy, razor edge management and some considerations.

This Grid Gallery function just make me totally crazy lmao We have to sign a petition for this abomination.

It’s not a big deal really for most of good growers but I’m particularly proud of this exact step in this round, this JH made it and she engaged quite obviously its second flowering stage. It’s quite difficult to maintain, but the lemoney bitch want to make the show with this batch. Overall.

I keep the base enough low (50%) to push the plant to sacrifice chlorophylle for floral mass (using the skunk gears) with 100% Super PK dose. This, after have half-rinsed the specimen with water. Timing is critical but i don’t fucked it, this is exactly about what i’m proud ^^ Not even the plant, can’t wait to play with my inbred girls.

She really desserve to be integrated in the program, beside it’s very good reveg performances. Very high hormonal activity, even for rooting while burning auxins for the stretch. The bazooka is more diva-ish for one time, inversion of valor on this angle with these two phenos.

Scents start hardly to be interresting too ^^ This citric scents, almost cleaner is a kind of universal banger generally even not fruity. Even on me, i like the OGK for this and i really like the Lemon Skunk GHS (just another LemonG rewamp). I digress, NL5H fueled.

Unfortunately in senescence before having engaged the second stage; i’ve to boost her but just below the decent limit if i’ve to cull without flushing. Big difference between Aptus and House & Garden for this, even AN/GHE and their printfoots at low doses. Fingers crossed, i’m aiming max yield : the motherplants need opne good month before being able to produce clones.

The NL5H#1, kind of Alpha specimen of the pack that was selected. The last in the dance like planned. I still don’t regret to have canceled its use for her sister. In being proud to be right on its early detection and phenotype’s planification.

It’s a pure mendelian hybrid between, its double-flo tendance add fuel ,in the mapping. But well balanced, early screening and tracking. Scents are at the image of the shape, balanced. Between a dry tree-resin and dried apricot. Not specially resinous like the sister selected.

The weed grade of the sister was too spot on, a grade that this one will not reach whatever i’m doing. She’s looking like to want prolongation a little month, new layers of flowers are popping. Less interrested to push the yield, not my kind of daily weed and i’m forced to dedicate by specimen the sampling.

I love it for the night, equally with the ERSB now surprisingly but it’s quite junkie for a wake&bake. Feel my real time testimony. Same vibes in effects that the Big Bud repro : different but lazzy stones. Of course it happens when you can’t ^^ The difference with the NL5H vs BB is the same that JH vs SK1 in potency profile. The NL5H make me chill in rushing situation and more productive this way, even if all i want is an hamoc and a manzanba cocktail on ice. After a copious BBQ ^^ With BB, your tolerance for anything not at your tempo is zeroed. The NL5H keep its cerebral “body” that you find overtunned in the JH, but more as an narcotic effect antibody. Kind of CBD/THC antagonism in the principle. I’ve too much munchies with all specimen to pretend a high THCV easy reason.

It’s remembering me that i have to write the strain-feedback wiki soon enough, while i’m smoking the last specimens. jh, ersb, nl5h … the sensi’s triumvirat finally. Yeah i know, the G13HP and its planned. Still, until ^^

What ?! :rofl:

Yeah, 107 days. In the shadow, fed by the drains of others at various sauces … worth some seeds. I’ve some pollen of their brother in reserve. Impressive donor, impressive megaviolator-ultra-smokey-pollen ^^

Let’s try to heal the vigor of this line. Full disclose mode : 2025 Darwinian corner is dedicated to shiva shanti II screening, sown June. Zeroed efforts, zero cost and a good show ^^

It’s looking like shit but it’s a firestarter of something pushy-rushy. Also linked with this shiva shanti II, i’m glad finally to have used it to outcross the SD. The line will be transformed quickly in a backbone handling all i need to regulate at structural level, with linked traits as well. Another line will be created to work 100% on the smoke without concession. Anti-Karma style for the floral mass, will worked last and on the release not in prototyping.

Good mothers overall, the four are eating 100% base like a charm and don’t need more as well. Seeded, so zero boosters or hormons as well.

There is a fuck ton to say at this stage, that i will not write on the SD topic as well lol I have to remind to post some shots. 60 days is a very important stage for this cut.

So let’s begin by the failure : I was too hungry, i let too much while pruning. Selection of stems wasn’t bad overall but the optimism. I underestimated the reaction of the passion of the SD for good PK and the Aptus one. Buds are incredibly heavy and make me think they are filled with lead. I passed the whole increase of trunk diameter and all so … i took bamboos dried by the sun as tutors. I will keep them around, vegging from scratch the SD in a month in a sturdy shape is quite sport. I will fail a bit again ^^

In term of structure and shape, it’s the exact moment when the SD stop to have a skunky floral shape and start to enlarge their flowers. It’s not random, a skunk strictly mature in 60 days.

The buds and stem’s diameters are supposed to be quite bigger at this stage. American’s influence maybe, i see too much sugar canes in growlogs so i mimetized for a try, with the sourcing clone ^^

I’m more stressed by this side actually. Not because the two dozens of clones, i don’t care but about the experiment on somatic drifts. This time i used my secret weapon, Oasis and :

Wifey ^^

I just prepared/buffered/cutted the oasis cubes. She got two clones of the “LOW” stem i prepared with pinching.

Fingers crossed, the experiment should be extreme both way : my way VS full somatic consideration.
I already see it this as an enrichment at this point … the reboot of the ex-motherplants after the pruning will tell me. I will torture them a buit to enlarge their stems but also to map some things. It will be cool, i will try to document for the wounds/effects and before/after fun.

I can’t really say that they are anymore motherplants at this shape lmao
I will just prepare them under 24/0 to flower. Too short for postal / too long for them … to spray STS.
Most of clones in the greenhouse will be killed by extremes tested in phyto and STS balances. I’ve to renew fast a set of motherplants.

This is another source of stress for me. Out of JH already, smoking mostly NL5H daily.
They are in the timing but far to produce clone for now. I lowered the LED intensity due to the reduced surface of photosynthesis. Let’s try something else to dodge these burns and weird chlorosis on tops …

For now the game with these JH clones is to wait for the return of serrations on blades, cutting off everything without then transplanting. Not for tomorrow unfortunately.

My genpool base is almost complete now with fresh seeds and i’ve no idea by what i will compensate this lack of “JH weed” planned under my eyes. That make this poor Dam bitch ridiculously fat too lmao Let’s roll some NL5H to find an excuse to chill in chilling while i’m chilling. This weed :roll_eyes:

Yeah, lit in mouth … even in cone still one of my favorite stoney weed. Stacking it don’t make it not elegant. Loud, stoney, contemplative, dreamy but not narco. Rounded angles as the frank, rounded smoke. The weed is quite dry in aspect globally, but smoke like a wet one. The apricot dominance is known to mutate in weird stuff and balances. I only got weird balances, something eliminatory like the #1 female.

I finally took the decision to start the Darwinian line with this couple. Wifey call them “cheesy”, reference of the cut scents. Not wrong at all, at the difference that the body of the odor come from pure musk with these ones.

Close-up up : female’s structure, linked with wikis on phyllotaxy and “secondaries behavior”. how it’s talking.

Close-up down : male’s bud starting to “bulk up”. can’t yet gauge the grade of the pollen … hurry to make vegetal mass more than maturing.

The difference of resistance, shape advance and vigor was too loud. Stacking extreme goals is an error of newbie, and i can’t be enough lucky with a S2 male to make it worth the ride. Bye buddy, respect for the high performance. Still.

The two seedlings want to flower in winter. Interresting ^^^

Soon enough i will reach the addictive grade. Wait for it ^^
Just little blunt buddy, like most of my daily for now. To let you smoke the bazook pheno before i evaporate the jar as well lol Even not heavenly dialed holly shit it’s 100% my oxygen, i’m glad to pass the blunt on this … more.

See this as sane emulation, it promote to take care more on some clone just to pass … self discipline on grades and standards isn’t a solo journey. It’s a lie ^^

For now i can’t wait to pass a SD blunt, from a well 100% dialed SD. Cured and all ^^
Behind the fact to play with it, it’s not that simple to decipher as a phenotype. It’s a fucking frankenstein with multiple sequences to don’t miss. Warm up the Jahmnesia or make me lie on the C99 phenos of the JH lmao No shit, you’re now the only one to own the whole F1 line. Let’s call it a F1-BX1 ^^ I kept only the JH5/JH7 duo to organize the parralel BX. Not much more per plant of decent grade seeds. Manual pollination. I hate it. I wish that your will operate well, late pollination more problematic for senescence.

You need a dozen of days up to one month to mature seeds. Once pollinated and taken, enrich in N your feeding in lowering P until you see the plants making again vegetal mass and almost looking like to reveg. Don’t worry, it don’t affect the quality of seeds it’s the reverse (not the reveg, but to push this way).

In last resort … you can mature your seeds under 24/0 to be sure to have the time to finish them. But … amnezia haze x jam i think you have at least two flowering stage if not three with the Caribbean ^^ Look at how i dial the JH7, not fundamentally far. They still F1s. Dont put pressure on it, even a dozen of seeds is enough. It’s just a key for the BX1, the BX1 seeds are the most insanely important ^^ In selection and in numbers.

Not at this point, the reverse apply like i was already convinced.
But genetically speaking and breeding speaking, i got some signs that let the door open on this specific angle.
I’m burning to reach three generations and to have a comparative smoke.1st passed.

Very hard to cull him. Very terpy as fuck lol But not much resinous or sticky, as well.
Vigor gap was too big with the AKshish frankenstein. I don’t remember why the hell there is COB inside this hybrid lol

I’m still in trouble by the phenotypical gap of the couple. Matured scents don’t lie in August, but there is a deep dominance that i call backbone that fundamentally don’t get the fuel to the same point. The cheesy scents is totally unexpected lmao, but fun.

Import hash mostly, mixed with hemp … :smirk:

Now 8€/gr for a decent weed (in average) isn’t a cheap choice VS hash bought at 3,5-5/gr at volume trigger (~50gr). I carried cones rolled with weed sold at 12-25 usually ^^ (ersb, jh, nl5h, sd)

Lets imagine a SD-mechanic that work only on 5 digits project as minima then ^^ lmao

Hell, over one year i’m waiting this humiliation of the nature. The first round of the wrestling-valse, with a RR elite ^^ I hope it’s not addictive too, lol

But the tent is damn empty, it’s frightening.

Lets be logical lmao fucking nl5h, a bit mind fuck like the AH … :

  • SD bx full loop whatever the fuck. Maybe an average of a dozen permanent, for 90 killed earlier constantly. Tight with another line ^^ Maybe in sequencing, with fresh seeds in number it’s more easy for the planning of the rounds … and make them happen like planned lol 4x4 as lung, from 30/40 to 12.

  • In term of work to continue it’s open bar now … and it’s the lst two rounds maybe before the JH take constantly the rear line for its own BX. Dang.

NL5H x ERSB is tempting as hell, i suspect a new queen in the stone dept. But i need a crash test run, a blank round to get objectivity in selection.

Big Bud is missing but it’s the terp, smoking daily “lazzy weeds” like the BB or the NL5H isn’t my think. The night yeah, the cosy ones. In another hand the female opening the line is just amazing in term of torque … maybe i can satisfy two needs with one stone ^^

ERSB f2 is pûrely breeder curiosity to map the segregations, isolate them and to validate a generic making off.
I’m very curious on how this shape is made, i’m a big fan. But the smoke is quite stoney too, even if weird …

SK1, i really want to smoke some skunk. Just a fucking skunk lol, simple. But damn, i think i saturate from repros. I need them at homeopathic doses now and to focus my speed on prototype a bit. At least for the mood. The stoner is ready for this, not the farmer. Producer veto, “we” respect. lol It’s a fucking nation in my head when i smoke some nl5h.

Critical Mass, apply for my appeal for the sugared weed. And their blunts mostly ^^ But repro too … and filled by herms i know it by advance. Not yet ready for this. Homeopathic group.

AKshish … very tempting to just fill the jar with this vigor champion. Until i need the slots for the JH or whatever. The inspîration come in writing sometimes.

All in all, stay green and just chill sometimes.