Live & Reloaded

That’s interesting, the Super Pineapple Haze accidental pollination seeds I harvested were some of the smallest I’ve seen too. I haven’t experienced enough Thai cultivars to have a feel for them, but I’ve appreciated the fact that the few I did smoke had no “high ceiling”. Is that what you’re referring to it being cocky? I’d really like to get ahold of some nice, pure Chocolate Thai.

Congratulations on your car, by the way. When I went to an automotive industry trade school, my instructor drove a purple PT cruiser which students always would crack jokes about. The real joke is that some bozo gave it to him when the total repair cost for a small issue was $500. It wasn’t that the guy didn’t have the money, it was that he was tired of getting made fun of and didn’t see repairing it as a good investment.

My instructor replaced the $100 part and I’d be willing to bet my shiniest nickel that he still drives it to this day.

How are them chompers treating you? You gain any new powers from the surgery, or what?



Dense week again, with cars and plants. The gnat’s attack lasted 3 solid months for the big raid, it’s calmer now but they let some traces : the same systemic fungi that killed my NL5H males. They are all affected in the main tent at different levels. The most annoyed being my favorite plant off course ^^

She gave up in plain Top Shooter sequence, so i harvested her Saturday. Roots don’t smelled badly but totally locked the plant, useless to insist. Failed round with this one, can’t wait to engage the clones army ^^ Got around 90 grammers / 3 Oz Wet Trimmed. To give an idea she’s able to pull out up to a kilogram indoor with extended flo. I need to find a secret sauce to fight against the gnats poo fungi. H2020/TS don’t worked well for this one. Anyway the JH just hate the gnats, let’s breed some resistance this time lol

I start to sample of course ^^ God, this is my oxygen as fuck. It’s IQ boost help a lot in the garage to seek fancy breakdowns on cars.

I think i will get the double flowering with this one, attacked by the fungi as well but she triggered. Fingers crossed. I will starve her a bit to stimulate the restart. Stink the “Mr Propre” agent as fuck lol

Very good new, the NL5H pollen have done its job on apical buds on both phenos (JH5/JH7). Let’s engage a BX program to make an ultimate Jack, with the fusion of adverse phenos of the genotype, screened for gnats in bonus ^^ Because why not.

UP = The “A13” is a bit in stasis, translucent/cloudy, maybe my chance to push her.
DOWN = The “C99” is quite fruity and rightly “camo” on trichomes, i harvested her. Hanging.

The two NL5H sisters are continuing to mature, even if the “deselected” look good i’m not satisfied overall by the yield. Even for 3.5 liters pots, they are all supposed to be fatter. Gnats don’t helped, but the vigor is not there. I’m demanding, except the JH they are all embryos extracted from hell.

It’s going to rush on the SD department. Already overgrown.

The big momma do its show, i follow her with the nutes in the reverse sense than the JH. She start another week of Super PK, for now she’s dialed like this even if it’s quite impressive considering the PK used. I’ve to stay focus to cut it at the right time and to switch to a full base. She eat like a damned ogre, and supposed to be burnt with these levels ^^ That’s my lil SD lol

The mini SOG start to look stupid, clones are close to the led panel now. But a mystery is happening with the lights. These one have grown with the UV/IR dialed 100%, no trace anywhere.

The Shiva Shanti II male is motivated, can’t wait to see the F1. Then selecting in F2 or F3 to start the Bx1.
The batch of seeds will be launched directly, big screening. I don’t know yet which IBL i will work aside the “SD project”, next round.

Always the same symptom on the other tent used 24/0. The part of the plant reaching the feet below the panel show weird colorations. If i dial down the panel at 40%, it totally disapear.

The left one is pinched everyday and is the “clone Patient 0”, the way i renew my motherplants usually. The right one is the “lowest stem cloning only”. I prepare already it’s renewal with pruning :

Strictly nothing with the pollination tent or the main (with more lumens), the link between the veg regime in nutes and the lights is mapped. Not the leverage yet.

My oxygen start to reveg gently, even in this state the bazooka do its attention whore. I will force them a bit the time to clean them progressively. I missed to show the first pruning, the photos were awfull. But it’s important to defoliate gently with accuracy to speed up the process. To the point to can remove all flowers with a scalpel. I will make others photos on the subject.

STS compounds will come by the end of the month, quite a big order in $. Can’t wait to break my teeths to make maybe the only SD S1 around ^^ Stupid but true.

The darwinian corner look good as fuck. No maintenance, maybe 50 grammers of sheep poo top … and i saw the visitor. I was right, birds, but only one strain that land on the apex and eat insects and larva. They are totally responsible of the shape. Tempted to clone and to make the seeds indoor but i’m full as fuck.

I love so much to see seeds doing their magic without any intervention. It’s the purest expression. Quite hot, i keep the garden a bit “jungle” for camo lol But the male stink extremely strong, can’t wait he throw and pollinate so i can cull. A bit musky/skunky with pine trees resin scents.

To remember me the hell it was to make these specific repros as well :sweat_smile:

Heat wave this week, it will dry a bit. I hope. I say this and it’s 64% rh atm ^^
Good to dry the two JH at least lol

Ancestral favorite pheno of Europeans. I love her, but her capped potency not so.
I will try to fusion the two main segregations like there is no segregation at all with this genotype ^^

The Kunaï project start to become wild lol

I can generalize on this release. I never saw a haze pheno inside the NL5H, like the one produced by the JH almost on each pack. NL5 is quite dominant, and last long in progeny. More than the NL1.

Hell yeah, let’s make rain SD seeds ^^ You can’t believe how frustrated i was 12 years ago in having almost all ECSD and SD cuts under the hand and … not a single slot or time to work it. Only chunks for fems junkies.

I’m in SD mode for a good year. The log will be almost dedicated to SD & JH during this time with a third party to transform the repros in IBLs.

Hell now, it’s a pain in the ass to play with this cut. It’s not a legend, maybe the worse recessive pheno ever outputted as elite lol The initial intensity and soul is very important to me, i’m totally in the opposite of the Karma team. The blunts will make the law on this project, not the look on Instagram ^^ Gently salty but fair.

But it’s actually a good comment, i don’t fucking know how to call it lol But to keep the analogy, it will be more a 2.4 Kompressor in the vein ^^ It’s how i want to push the GT i’ve not bought yet to 300-350-ish HP. It’s not that i don’t like its turbo, they use an excellent Mitsubishi on it. But at this level of torque and horsepower i prefer the linearity and the reliability of a compressor. Allready studying how to cannibalize a compressor of a CLK kompressor to put it in a GT 2.4 ^^

The sour will be the same vein in selection, i really want to outperform the original with the kung fu. Kind of end boss for me ^^

There is a prescription now, but totally normal. The big bud don’t make big seeds initially and the “Pure Sang” haze is just a NL5H modded ^^ Consider as normal calibration, maturing more and pollinating earlier don’t make coconuts like the JH by example. Sonic label for the lead. He turned bastard, now he register genetics (not specially his) for a Canadian lab. Betrayal.

Many inputs to share on this one, i will try to stay short.

Pure thaïs aren’t my kind of smoke, as asian weeds in general. But i’m able to appreciate. The only one i’ve really rolled with pleasure was … guess what lol, a Dalat x Apollo 13 (A13) that a redactor of Treating Yourself sent me to teach me the sativas used by hardcore (true) patient. I wasn’t believing it helpful before, considering for this use only loud and strong narcos weeds.

The high in general isn’t as “infinite” as a JH, it’s a more a dominated “well being” that reinforce with each additional cone.

As weird that it sound, you get it full throttle and surprisingly potent with the ERSB. For me it’s a Thai hybrid x Kush, definitively. Cocky in the sense that it’s clearly not made to please the next gen growers, serious smoke and undefined terps revolving around the Kush. Can’t wait to see what the NL5H x ERSB give, also lol I need a hangar.

Chocolate thai can be disappointing for my kind of profile, i prefer by far the hybrid that @FieldEffect is growing atm in term of quality of high. More sharp, more complex, with a real “melody” from the first toke to the last. The chocolate Thai is quite streamlined, just like is the OGK if you want. I always preferred the LA Kush over the OGK, for this. The Skunk#1 over the Super Skunk etc … i like sharp chemotypes in general.

Katsu have worked a bit with it, you should look at his old releases if any … good stuff.

They are considered a bit the same here, with their exotic look. What i love really at first glance is the engines : the CRD 2.2 and the GT 2.4. It was really a smart choice for these twos, but hell … you have to become a specialized mechanics to don’t sell organs to maintain them lol

3th week now, and i’m already “Mister EGR” in the garage. I just done another one on a phase 1 today. It’s just the whole turbo circuit to dismantle, clean and to play a bit with the electronics to lure the ECU ^^ First day i was unable to find where was the water pump, now i “revive” CRD engines in one day. It’s just dope and satisfying, i really have found a hobby lol

My patience start to be thin like an OCB leaf. Up and down, but in being quite busy the time pass more fast. I’ve a meeting with the dream team (with shit ton of radios and checkups) in September. i cross my fingers that they can remove the hell i’ve in the mouth since three years now. And get rid of the elastic closing my mouth all the day.

I still have to take care about what i’m eating but it’s more diversified now, i start to gain weight again I’ve to watch out lol Wifey liked to see again my muscles behind the fat lol, i’ve to make an effort.

But, shortly, 6 more months for a return to the normal. Not discovered new powers yet lol I want to be reimbursed lmao A laser sight to see inside the engine can be cool as fuck ^^

But the whole performance was really on the recovery. It was painfull but so fast, i’m glad to had this benefit or the recovery will be more hard and long. I still have spikes sometimes, maybe twice a week max now. It’s the bones colonizing the titanium stuff. Nothing than a blunt can’t fix lol

Keep the vibes high, and make fireworks of weeds. It’s soul’s food.


Sad to read that. Weather is challenging and it will remains like that it seems. Roots were a little brownish.

Fungus gnat is not usually listed ad a trait bred for, but if you start a JH line tested against that you’ll start a hype lol

I have empathy for the mates in your garage that are trying to follow a fuel full on JH :laughing:

Curious how you’re going to BX that JH and mix two phenos. Two seperate BX and then crossing both lines/phenos?

THAT is a LOW node lol Yay for the ongoing experiment!

Removing flower parts from plants really helps sometimes. I’ve spent time hunting growing balls of stubborn males :laughing:

It is! Might be that all is not lost after all.

That’s pretty good to know

Now that you say it… :thinking:

Might be that jah is a bit tired listening to that request

For quite a lot of people I think :laughing: There’s been so much attempts, it seems the more the better.

Not much doubt about that looking at what you had, or they would have mixed their beans.

Enjoy sampling the harvest while toying in the garage!


Total bummer about the premature harvest on the favorite JH due to fungus :slightly_frowning_face:

At least you have some sample to kick your figurative car into gear with the BX. And SD to keep your blunts filled while it dries.

I really like the looks of the C99 pheno too.

This is very good news indeed!

Nice to see JH 7 is revegging.

The outdoor plants are looking nice!

Fuck yeah.

Have a great day. Enjoy the next week of playing with cars.



It’s an update quite in late, life was filled recently and it’s cool. The end of a cycle don’t help too, not much to show and an envy to launch a handful of seeds since weeks ^^

In the front line, two NL5H (left and right) and an “A13” JH in center. I engage a rinsing this week, not much more to expect from these phenos in term of maturation.

The tall JH is maintained, she want to play and the SD … is dieseling the tent. Let’s see them before most of them disappear lol

It wasn’t easy, but she’s engaging it’s double flowering time. After the Top Shooter, i just starved her with 25% base. She’s now returning a 100% base.

What to understand with double-flowering with canna it is simply that it’s a loop … so the same prgram will be engaged : full base, PK boost, Top Shooter. I hope for 3-4 more weeks under the UFO.

The floral part answer to my will, but the plant still fighting to die. The fungi is weakened a bunch but still around, i will try some potions.

I took the tablet shot i sent to my padawan for the SD, dirty photo but it’s showing with more accuracy whats going on : insanity.

Scents are back, the fucking heavy dose of super PK + 100% base she took is metabolized. The green is a bit rich but i need to test its limits for the referential. All good for now ^^

She still form it’s floral shape but i start to dislike my pruning strategy. I kept too much stems. Buds are already quite heavy and dense, I’ve to add some support this week.

Smoking a sample in a groovy garage is a very weird experiment. Because you have the impression to smoke the garage, simply ^^ I forgot about its racy high chopped early, totally the weed to smoke to drive a good car the knife between the teeths.

During the “evasive end of round”, some things are representing a rush. The four clones are well taken and i think perfectly timed with the cut to get the more high grade seeds i can produce to engage the BX.

They will join the main tent this night, with their big momma. One week i’m waiting after it, i have to wipe the pollination tent to make a batch of clones. The new SD mothers can’t wait to give, then to flower ^^

Still mapping the cut like I’ve never mapped a cut before ^^ This little shots start to be interesting.

I still dial at 100% the 60W panel (60W/ft²) to understand what the fuck is the deal with these LED panels. It’s an heavy layer of leverage and very much more sensible to the “one feet rule” than any other lamp in my opinion.

It tell also a little on the cloning experiment actually on the go in the same time. Both motherplants grown under the exact same regime and under the same light. Just the left one was pinched on daily basis.

The “army-green re-coloration” you can see in the shoots, is the effect within 24 hours when i dial down the panel to the minimum (~50%). I starved also a bit the left specimen because the clone’s harvest is close. Let’s see if i can clone the SD in less than a dozen of days this time lol

For the experiment, it will start to tell something. The specimen on right is the 2nd gen clone and will flower after cloning the lowest stem again. I started to pinch her to promote a specific sturdy stem.

Pure feedback : I can tell now that i know this cut by heart, even in progeny results. I filled the 25 traits table entirely, which make me even more confident than with a DNA sequencing with a close primer.

SOMETHING happens, it’s clear for me and it’s very hard to share in photo. The “low” clone reached the 1 feet limit very slowly and then don’t show te specific coloration. It’s just starting to show traces you can see more pronounced on the “fuel tech cloning”.

Making the “low” less reactive and more resilient for now. The expression is different too. Vigor is gone in comparison with my cuttings. It start to veg while clones made at the same time are already pollinated and ready to be blasted under the neons.

But the expression is neat and not annoyed. More to come after a comparative smoke-test between different line of cuts : the original, mine and the “low”. They will be flowered soon enough, all in a row.

The “SD project” is getting torque ^^ The (SD x SS2) F1 seeds in formation will be germinated directly from the flowers, and i will try to maintain this tempo until the BX3.

The padawan is restructuring his lab in my model, more modular, less space taken. So the secondary/parralel outcross/BX will take time to come. I think i will have the seeds at the end of the year. Super-STS soon too.

I’m stimulated as fuck, I’ve never be so ready for this.

At this point i don’t even know if i will be able to pollinate these two SS2 females, i can’t keep the male too long.

@funkyfunk I’ve found in the freezer two package of ERSB pollen … maybe we should move our ass to see if it’s working for you, before i kill the SS2 male ^^ Like for yesterday lol, weather is shitty and colder … we have a window even if our line is fast.

Just my JH stash. The last one with rounded reveg is the JH#5, the bazooka. The two others are the JH#7, the lemoney Dam’ bitch. I will engage with them maybe the most complicated BX I’ve ever made lol The strategy isn’t that different that with the SD but the goal. I want to “fusion” these two cuts in a kind of JH without any compromise. Because why not.

(JH x NL5H) are filling vials … that’s the good new even if it’s the last pairing i was imagining to work on lol Then why the BX ^^

Starting to clean the clones gently. The principle is to remove the floral production with tweezer and scalpel to re-engage the vegetative hormones. Pain in the ass but worth the effort. It’s killing me for my jars, but i will wait the full switch to transplant in 2 liters. Space’s juggling too, i really need a 3th 1x1 over here.

Problematic shot. They are just beautiful and all, but they are already taller than me. I walk on eggs.
But i really want these seeds as fuck too for a project. At one point i can eventually cull them, then pollinate indoor the clones.

Still working on cars like a daemon lol I’m making some infidelity and spend my time on a Jaguar for now ^^
I’ve to sell it fast with another car to … engage a first “rolling project”. I think i will take one 2.2 CRD stuck with electronic/electric hard problems, then make a good one to sell. More on higher prices, with an edge in horsepower and torque on other stock models. This engine block take 170 horsepower when mounted in Mercedes Vito, but is running on 150 in the Cruiser. When understood, this engine can make an half million kilometers. Worth the ride.

Let’s be picky for the sake of inspirational value ^^ Root’s alkaloids is all the game for it + fungi resistance (SAR efficiency). Problem, I’ve the tendance to select root mass that kick your cortex hard but … that make gnat’s feast. On the ST#3, on the JH … even on the Grapestomper OG ^^

To be continued …

I took a pause of one good week lol The garage is pressurized by my ON/OFF style, let’s them breathe a bit and apply all i saw in one month in the Jag lol The main mechanic isn’t used to smoke my kind of weed too ^^

They smoked some ERSB, NL5H and JH too ^^ It helped but they don’t fucking understand how i can be functional with this weed. Strangely, the ERSB was perceived as equally potent than the JH (bazooka). My “2 tokes” reputation is made for decades in the garage ^^

The concept is quite simple to explain, not the selection. But there is a hint in this wiki, on the “Latent traits” chapter.

At first, two dedicated BX will be created. The NL5H being already a BX, it’s kind of weird stuff to manage lol
It’s like the SD outcross, the F1-F3 will be very intimidating to see until i reach my comfort zone with extreme pressures.

The phenotypes will be fixed in two lines, not a big deal like the SD, then stabilized/pushed for their inherent qualities :

  • bazooka : more potent, double flowering
  • dam’ bitch : more lemoney, double flowering

I will cross the lines in a specific IBL quite fast, maybe BX2. Then i will operate by touch like water-painting, to equilibrate the expressions and to force the genotype to accept this new form of unique segregation.

I’ve done it with the ST#3 to make it reach insane level of high (peruvian style), let’s do it again better with the JH ^^

I took your invitation to learn opposite view on motherplant’s management, very seriously ^^

True, it work for males too and i missed to mention it.

Crazy right ? And it’s the more direct structure. I guess than within 4 gens, it start to segregate. Never tried and it will not be tried here by Jah’s choice ^^

I have some smoke/lines report to write, but overall the three lines of this round are wounded. They need a more sturdy chemotype.

Actually rolling the JH daily … i revive damn. The C99 pheno is amazingly close, to the light pineapple flavors, but god this potency is just shitty. It’s saturating in a simplest stone, a bit messy but decent.

When i roll the JH#5, i just take the highway to angels. Complicated potency, ultra-versatile : from high and bouncing like a spring, to a larva devastated just ready to sleep ^^

The NL5H is disappointing for now. Not that i ever expected a Darwinian smoke with it, but the stone is no longer deep and comfy like before. Apricot terps are weak too. But on the botanic side, maybe the most preserved line I’ve tested as release. Beside the fact that they were all embryos extracted/saved, zero suprises and maybe a sexual stability a bit upper than usual.

It’s fascinating challenge for me, the recessive strength of this cut is just insane to map. It’s really a teacher in motherplant i will like to compete. It’s litterally ME vs SD in the concept ^^ Let’s see how many teeths i broke lmao

Before the second round of flowers yes … but still culled mature and it kick ass quite well ^^
Only a yield consideration on this case. But a painfull one, maybe 300% dry-trim.

It’s a very popular pheno, but that “sacrifice” too much the chemotype sharpness. The shape you can see is typically how a skunk1 can take the lead of the shapes and the chemotypes with hazes or sativas. A lot used by Ace back in the days. Herm prone too, mine was filled with nano-seeds.

With drives and motivation, it’s totally possible to make a C99 line decent. But at the condition to don’t rush the Vig High strategy that lead only on more terps and more worries … better to inbred it without BX to refine the chemotype with hardcore epigenetics variations to improve segregations.

It’s really a messy smoke, not much higher grade that a random skunk hybrid badly paired (the difference between a B52 and a Sensi Star, by example).

keep the vibes buddies and keep the ball rolling, constancy is everything ;o)


Popping quickly to share a video that will interest you probably:


I was starting to be concerned, but seems like your hobby is taking your time lately, so happy to learn I was right, you were just enjoying life :slight_smile:

I have a whole theory about this double flowering, but am too lazy to explain it on an english forum right now :laughing: That would really deserve a thread sometimes to confront views about that and learn from each others. Didn’t think as far as that kind of nutrition fine grained adjustments though.

Good 2024 summer sum-up sadly

:laughing: That plant is a really nice one. And you’re really caring well, they’re really showing off. Good to see that SD project going forward, can’t wait to see the BX taking place.

First LED here too, and same shit. I hit that 1 feet rule hard. Can’t really play with a close distance the same way than neons/CFLs. The light spectrum also changes a lot how the plant looks, have to adapt to read them. It’s also hotter than I thought. Not there yet :slight_smile:

That quite confirms what I’ve seen and people do too. Makes sense. The smoke report will be interesting. There’s something I wonder: is it possible to reverse the processus? :thinking:

hehe yeah without that BX at play, NL5H doesn’t make so much sense.

That would be a pity but it’s still possible to top this OD bushes if you want to get them going discretely. With a bit of bending. They would look nasty, but would still make beans.

They may be happy you took a break, they can recover a bit from their weed hangover and start to be productive again :laughing:

So that’s what I imagined, and I guess your wiki gave me the background. Sounds like a good plan, on the paper. Will have to see how it works with the plants at hand. But well, known territory :slight_smile:

Well enjoy the JH and garage smell!


Let’s fake an update with a pseudo-tutorial ^^

At first the glue. Many cool products can be used that are far better than the glue used on the common leaf.
I personally use a mix of pure agar and pure Arabic gum.

It’s less innocent than it appear, after a serious discussion with a lung specialist the industrial glue used in cigarettes, wraps, leaves sets … are known to be the most toxic part. Specially the RAW leaves lol

On the photo, the little amount of water i will use to dilute the grains then glue the blunt is enough to roll maybe an half dozen.

Prepare you glue in advance, just before starting to roll. During a long session of rolling “in chain”, it can dry while you’re rolling. Just adding a little bit of water on the semi-solidified glue is enough, then passing the brush like a oil painting.

For this one I’ve used a Nicaraguan CT Shade, a versatile wrapper. The “Connecticut Shade Tabacco” tech make these leaves sweet and compliant with all weeds.

For the manual tech, still simple as fuck : roll like a cigar.

Place your weed in one extremity (horizontal), then just gently roll on the table from one border to the other.
It’s the longer process and the leaf have to be enough moisten, the rigidity come with the drying once rolled.

Unroll, re-roll, roll by 3 millimeters distance in applying a minimal pressure on the weed to form the blunt.

Apply the glue on the last half centimeter of the leaf. Not too much but enough, just like the photo.
Then roll the blunt on itself and “smooth” the joint spot gently with the finger. Don’t get mad, just pay attention that the leaf is well rolled on its end.

Put it aside while you roll another one or watch a video, a dozen of minutes. Then check what i’m showing in the photo. These little rigid spots that resist are generally close to vein and thickest parts.

Take again the brush with a very little amount of glue, then fix your spots and smooth again the leaf in the sense of the rolling.

Very important step, and don’t get mad at the “lit end”. To pack down rightly the blunt is more important.
Cut straight the end, then use a little rigid tool stuff.

Gently put it vertically then make it jump on a solid surface in your fingers, just like grand pas packed down their “no filter cigarette” before smoking them.

It’s also why i like to use “cardboard” filter with my blunts, it’s not only more pleasant to smoke but also more practical to pack rightly with shocks and vibrations.

I’ve even made a “cape” for this one ^^ Ready to send to Funky to let him taste the bazooka in decent conditions lol

I will not resist and to wait my dinner to watch it ^^ Nice find, i’m no longer updated on their facilities.
Feedback soon lol

Yeah a bit too much ^^ But all cool, between the label and the cars i’m swimming in my elements lol
A SD breeder that work on cars is a bit cliché i must say ^^ I will not use it for marketing lol

It’s a phenomenon i encounter often in landraces, but not much in modern hybrids. Some hazes like the JH offer this opportunity on some phenos.

Nutes planning and right timeframe spot play a big role. I failed to catch the train with the bazooka you will taste, but as far as i saw this night … the Dam’ bitch is on its way. She will be a bit matured but it’s happening.

The funk when you got one is to know when will end the flowering stage. the high score i have on the JH (on the same phenos always, Dam/Bazook only) is 180 days flowering stage @ 1 kilogram raw-trim.

The fungi that resist, the plant quite mature allready, presence of NL5H seeds in the apex … i don’t think she will last much.

My conclusion, quickly, is that it’s a tropical trait passed. The answering to a perpetual 12/12 photoperiod all the year. And fully manifested on hormones dept. It’s expressing also in reveg, the more prone to double-flowering, the faster to reveg in the JH.

God this year was without any pity with us on this coast. I can’t believe i’m awaiting without patience the end of autumn lol

For now … i’m dialing it. For now ^^
Very extreme clone yes.

I already generated a funk with the SD, due to its amazing hunger. The flower are heavy as fuck. Like stupid.
I placed a bunch of ropes but it’s not enough, she’s bulking the hell and don’t give a fuck to enlarge the stems for now. I’ve to find stuff to make a good bondage. Demanding bitch.

Scents are just amazing, can’t wait to send you a blunt of SD ^^

Can’t wait to germinate the seeds forming under the CFLs too … soon enough.

I still hate this spectrum, i will not use it for the main tent. Still trying to figure out how to best manage this practical shit for common operations : pollination and veg.

The chinese 60W panels are really dope overall for the price. They don’t head much even if the panel and its driver are strategically placed in regard of the exhaust port.

The real only thing i like is that it work very well with males. They love it even if it make them a bit slower to engage the cruising speed maturation, maybe a dozen of days more.

I mean … i just place my plants under the neons from 60w to 750w and within two days they recover all their health and colors. They have to fix asap the problematic of directional lights with plants.

Or to continue to build horticultural CFLs that still beat their ass ^^
If i was unable to find some, i will just use 2 x 250W HPS in this exact 4x4 unit.

I’m very proud to have dialed this one perfectly for the purpose :grin:

It’s only the first signs, I’ve to flower the 2nd gen specimen to be sure. But i know this SD quite well and i can share with you (with precautions you’re knowing) that i “feel” the superior genetic resilience already. It’s crazy because i don’t expected any difference before 3 gens.

Very nice lead bro, very nice angle of stimulation too because … the manner i have to make my mother-plants and to manage them is quite strict and not specially in accordance with this nodal consideration.

I feel already that mixing my bulletproofed manners and this, opposite, already proven for me, management of somatic drifts … can upgrade my kung fu quite well. Specially to put in seeds elite cuts. No joke.

For the process concerned, i don’t think it can be really reversed but more maintained. Just like an IBL.
Making gen after gen is not magical for the stabilization, and the right one, it’s a level of care more.

But, as far as i feel it right now, i think that the sequence don’t have any inertia. I think that even in the worse conditions you will get the same edge about it, compared.

The final and almost decisive proof to get (for me at least), is to compare the progeny of these cuts at the 3th gen of renewal. Soon enough.

I’m in the shit. Really. It’s hot of course but … not hot at the point to cull them for now.
Still ready to clone them if any.

Let me take some shots … even in the garden “freewheel” i’ve breeding problems to solve lmao

So, it’s the logical pairing. One that will streamline as fuck the outdoor line obviously.
They are different variations, not by the same grain of pollen. I think about :

  • (ak47 x shishka) x COB, female
  • ak47 x COB, male

Their scents are now homogeneous, quite “cheesy”. Literally cheesy.
Vigor, shape, anything … it’s streamlined by Jah on a rock-stable progeny guaranteed.

BUT this Big Bud S2 male, in bonus to be fancy to have such male in this generation, is coded for good weed. I already know it without having sampling anything.

So, i’m undecided and in the shit. I’ve to cull one.

But sincerely, the birds have done a superb job of pruning lol Letting me pass for a great gardener shaping his outdoor plant like a breeze lol

I will take some vegetal mass and make a smoke test at this stage … just to be sure that one is not producing a shit ton of good precursors.

Not fundamentally wrong, this in bonus of my “fusion core” temperament lol
In fact it’s the reverse, no more 5 CRD engine within 3 days without me around ^^

JH at work is just amazing, i’m glad chinese don’t smoke JH daily and legalized or we will be already doomed to hell lmao

Everything is in the wikis ^^ No shit. I just write it to let only the valuable people using it lol
Those with the necessary vibes to get inspired from the basics.

Actually it’s very disturbing lol Not a good idea to be a “SD smoking mechanics”, the singular smoke become … not that fancy ^^ Specially when you lit one in the garage lol

But this fidelity of taste and realism is quite disturbing too. And enough strong to be “WTF”. Many don’t understood that bastardizing this profile with cookies, fruity stuff … is pissing in a Champagne cup. My opinion at least, singularities have to be hardened of and sublimed.

Well can’t wait these fucking F1 to cry all tears of my body in front of such hard work of stabilization lol

Let finish my letter now ^^


Woa, finally a blunt rolling tuto

I’m a bit afraid you’re gonna give me a new addiction :laughing: That blunt seems tasty just by the look. Filled with bazooka, I can’t wait! Think I’ll have to find the right moment to lit it and clean my body of that bad hash I smoke for a bit before tasting that. Thanks mate!

Happy that leads to practical considerations. So if you want a good mother, take the lowers :slight_smile:

I suspect that too.

That big bud S2 male is showing some will to live, I get why you hesitate

Didn’t think about that :laughing: So the mechanic smoking SD is maybe a false cliché. Maybe they’re into fruity stuffs

Can’t wait to see you crying too :wink:



Let’s roll some NL5H cones to celebrate an Sunday’s update that is actually up-to-date :smile:

Transitionnal time, finishing a cycle and gently starting a new long one on the SD/JH. The calm before the tempest i guess.

Terrible envy to crack a shit ton of seeds of one of my repros (i don’t fucking know wich one), terrible envy to finish the repro of the last two packs : critical mass Nice and Skunk #1 Sensi, terrible envy to overload the 4x4 with JH clones for the stash as well … but it’s all the time now so i become more philosopher and chill about it.

Life was quite filled these last days, many things. I’m structuring a more constant work on cars at home too, with pneumatic tools etc … i think i’m hoocked as fuck. Lurking a wounded PT Cruiser CRD @850€ and a wounded PT Cruiser GT @2K€ … and i don’t have touched the Jag this week lol I’m limited to three cars at any time.

Stressing a bit too, i’ve an important scanner and full ckeck up at the start of September. It can decide if i keep the fucking scrap in my mouth a bit more or not. It’s not only for the comfort, after 3 years i start to get used. But to engage the dental cares, the local ones. I know it’s heavy stuff and that i’m lucky and all that everything gone right but … it lasted too much. It’s also the feeling to be broken, to take care about stupid things … and fuck there is damage inside caused by the global operation. Lot of tension were used to sort the mess.

But the good weed is back in the stash i must say, it’s helping a bunch psychologically ^^

On the finalists it’s groovy, razor edge management and some considerations.

This Grid Gallery function just make me totally crazy lmao We have to sign a petition for this abomination.

It’s not a big deal really for most of good growers but I’m particularly proud of this exact step in this round, this JH made it and she engaged quite obviously its second flowering stage. It’s quite difficult to maintain, but the lemoney bitch want to make the show with this batch. Overall.

I keep the base enough low (50%) to push the plant to sacrifice chlorophylle for floral mass (using the skunk gears) with 100% Super PK dose. This, after have half-rinsed the specimen with water. Timing is critical but i don’t fucked it, this is exactly about what i’m proud ^^ Not even the plant, can’t wait to play with my inbred girls.

She really desserve to be integrated in the program, beside it’s very good reveg performances. Very high hormonal activity, even for rooting while burning auxins for the stretch. The bazooka is more diva-ish for one time, inversion of valor on this angle with these two phenos.

Scents start hardly to be interresting too ^^ This citric scents, almost cleaner is a kind of universal banger generally even not fruity. Even on me, i like the OGK for this and i really like the Lemon Skunk GHS (just another LemonG rewamp). I digress, NL5H fueled.

Unfortunately in senescence before having engaged the second stage; i’ve to boost her but just below the decent limit if i’ve to cull without flushing. Big difference between Aptus and House & Garden for this, even AN/GHE and their printfoots at low doses. Fingers crossed, i’m aiming max yield : the motherplants need opne good month before being able to produce clones.

The NL5H#1, kind of Alpha specimen of the pack that was selected. The last in the dance like planned. I still don’t regret to have canceled its use for her sister. In being proud to be right on its early detection and phenotype’s planification.

It’s a pure mendelian hybrid between, its double-flo tendance add fuel ,in the mapping. But well balanced, early screening and tracking. Scents are at the image of the shape, balanced. Between a dry tree-resin and dried apricot. Not specially resinous like the sister selected.

The weed grade of the sister was too spot on, a grade that this one will not reach whatever i’m doing. She’s looking like to want prolongation a little month, new layers of flowers are popping. Less interrested to push the yield, not my kind of daily weed and i’m forced to dedicate by specimen the sampling.

I love it for the night, equally with the ERSB now surprisingly but it’s quite junkie for a wake&bake. Feel my real time testimony. Same vibes in effects that the Big Bud repro : different but lazzy stones. Of course it happens when you can’t ^^ The difference with the NL5H vs BB is the same that JH vs SK1 in potency profile. The NL5H make me chill in rushing situation and more productive this way, even if all i want is an hamoc and a manzanba cocktail on ice. After a copious BBQ ^^ With BB, your tolerance for anything not at your tempo is zeroed. The NL5H keep its cerebral “body” that you find overtunned in the JH, but more as an narcotic effect antibody. Kind of CBD/THC antagonism in the principle. I’ve too much munchies with all specimen to pretend a high THCV easy reason.

It’s remembering me that i have to write the strain-feedback wiki soon enough, while i’m smoking the last specimens. jh, ersb, nl5h … the sensi’s triumvirat finally. Yeah i know, the G13HP and its planned. Still, until ^^

What ?! :rofl:

Yeah, 107 days. In the shadow, fed by the drains of others at various sauces … worth some seeds. I’ve some pollen of their brother in reserve. Impressive donor, impressive megaviolator-ultra-smokey-pollen ^^

Let’s try to heal the vigor of this line. Full disclose mode : 2025 Darwinian corner is dedicated to shiva shanti II screening, sown June. Zeroed efforts, zero cost and a good show ^^

It’s looking like shit but it’s a firestarter of something pushy-rushy. Also linked with this shiva shanti II, i’m glad finally to have used it to outcross the SD. The line will be transformed quickly in a backbone handling all i need to regulate at structural level, with linked traits as well. Another line will be created to work 100% on the smoke without concession. Anti-Karma style for the floral mass, will worked last and on the release not in prototyping.

Good mothers overall, the four are eating 100% base like a charm and don’t need more as well. Seeded, so zero boosters or hormons as well.

There is a fuck ton to say at this stage, that i will not write on the SD topic as well lol I have to remind to post some shots. 60 days is a very important stage for this cut.

So let’s begin by the failure : I was too hungry, i let too much while pruning. Selection of stems wasn’t bad overall but the optimism. I underestimated the reaction of the passion of the SD for good PK and the Aptus one. Buds are incredibly heavy and make me think they are filled with lead. I passed the whole increase of trunk diameter and all so … i took bamboos dried by the sun as tutors. I will keep them around, vegging from scratch the SD in a month in a sturdy shape is quite sport. I will fail a bit again ^^

In term of structure and shape, it’s the exact moment when the SD stop to have a skunky floral shape and start to enlarge their flowers. It’s not random, a skunk strictly mature in 60 days.

The buds and stem’s diameters are supposed to be quite bigger at this stage. American’s influence maybe, i see too much sugar canes in growlogs so i mimetized for a try, with the sourcing clone ^^

I’m more stressed by this side actually. Not because the two dozens of clones, i don’t care but about the experiment on somatic drifts. This time i used my secret weapon, Oasis and :

Wifey ^^

I just prepared/buffered/cutted the oasis cubes. She got two clones of the “LOW” stem i prepared with pinching.

Fingers crossed, the experiment should be extreme both way : my way VS full somatic consideration.
I already see it this as an enrichment at this point … the reboot of the ex-motherplants after the pruning will tell me. I will torture them a buit to enlarge their stems but also to map some things. It will be cool, i will try to document for the wounds/effects and before/after fun.

I can’t really say that they are anymore motherplants at this shape lmao
I will just prepare them under 24/0 to flower. Too short for postal / too long for them … to spray STS.
Most of clones in the greenhouse will be killed by extremes tested in phyto and STS balances. I’ve to renew fast a set of motherplants.

This is another source of stress for me. Out of JH already, smoking mostly NL5H daily.
They are in the timing but far to produce clone for now. I lowered the LED intensity due to the reduced surface of photosynthesis. Let’s try something else to dodge these burns and weird chlorosis on tops …

For now the game with these JH clones is to wait for the return of serrations on blades, cutting off everything without then transplanting. Not for tomorrow unfortunately.

My genpool base is almost complete now with fresh seeds and i’ve no idea by what i will compensate this lack of “JH weed” planned under my eyes. That make this poor Dam bitch ridiculously fat too lmao Let’s roll some NL5H to find an excuse to chill in chilling while i’m chilling. This weed :roll_eyes:

Yeah, lit in mouth … even in cone still one of my favorite stoney weed. Stacking it don’t make it not elegant. Loud, stoney, contemplative, dreamy but not narco. Rounded angles as the frank, rounded smoke. The weed is quite dry in aspect globally, but smoke like a wet one. The apricot dominance is known to mutate in weird stuff and balances. I only got weird balances, something eliminatory like the #1 female.

I finally took the decision to start the Darwinian line with this couple. Wifey call them “cheesy”, reference of the cut scents. Not wrong at all, at the difference that the body of the odor come from pure musk with these ones.

Close-up up : female’s structure, linked with wikis on phyllotaxy and “secondaries behavior”. how it’s talking.

Close-up down : male’s bud starting to “bulk up”. can’t yet gauge the grade of the pollen … hurry to make vegetal mass more than maturing.

The difference of resistance, shape advance and vigor was too loud. Stacking extreme goals is an error of newbie, and i can’t be enough lucky with a S2 male to make it worth the ride. Bye buddy, respect for the high performance. Still.

The two seedlings want to flower in winter. Interresting ^^^

Soon enough i will reach the addictive grade. Wait for it ^^
Just little blunt buddy, like most of my daily for now. To let you smoke the bazook pheno before i evaporate the jar as well lol Even not heavenly dialed holly shit it’s 100% my oxygen, i’m glad to pass the blunt on this … more.

See this as sane emulation, it promote to take care more on some clone just to pass … self discipline on grades and standards isn’t a solo journey. It’s a lie ^^

For now i can’t wait to pass a SD blunt, from a well 100% dialed SD. Cured and all ^^
Behind the fact to play with it, it’s not that simple to decipher as a phenotype. It’s a fucking frankenstein with multiple sequences to don’t miss. Warm up the Jahmnesia or make me lie on the C99 phenos of the JH lmao No shit, you’re now the only one to own the whole F1 line. Let’s call it a F1-BX1 ^^ I kept only the JH5/JH7 duo to organize the parralel BX. Not much more per plant of decent grade seeds. Manual pollination. I hate it. I wish that your will operate well, late pollination more problematic for senescence.

You need a dozen of days up to one month to mature seeds. Once pollinated and taken, enrich in N your feeding in lowering P until you see the plants making again vegetal mass and almost looking like to reveg. Don’t worry, it don’t affect the quality of seeds it’s the reverse (not the reveg, but to push this way).

In last resort … you can mature your seeds under 24/0 to be sure to have the time to finish them. But … amnezia haze x jam i think you have at least two flowering stage if not three with the Caribbean ^^ Look at how i dial the JH7, not fundamentally far. They still F1s. Dont put pressure on it, even a dozen of seeds is enough. It’s just a key for the BX1, the BX1 seeds are the most insanely important ^^ In selection and in numbers.

Not at this point, the reverse apply like i was already convinced.
But genetically speaking and breeding speaking, i got some signs that let the door open on this specific angle.
I’m burning to reach three generations and to have a comparative smoke.1st passed.

Very hard to cull him. Very terpy as fuck lol But not much resinous or sticky, as well.
Vigor gap was too big with the AKshish frankenstein. I don’t remember why the hell there is COB inside this hybrid lol

I’m still in trouble by the phenotypical gap of the couple. Matured scents don’t lie in August, but there is a deep dominance that i call backbone that fundamentally don’t get the fuel to the same point. The cheesy scents is totally unexpected lmao, but fun.

Import hash mostly, mixed with hemp … :smirk:

Now 8€/gr for a decent weed (in average) isn’t a cheap choice VS hash bought at 3,5-5/gr at volume trigger (~50gr). I carried cones rolled with weed sold at 12-25 usually ^^ (ersb, jh, nl5h, sd)

Lets imagine a SD-mechanic that work only on 5 digits project as minima then ^^ lmao

Hell, over one year i’m waiting this humiliation of the nature. The first round of the wrestling-valse, with a RR elite ^^ I hope it’s not addictive too, lol

But the tent is damn empty, it’s frightening.

Lets be logical lmao fucking nl5h, a bit mind fuck like the AH … :

  • SD bx full loop whatever the fuck. Maybe an average of a dozen permanent, for 90 killed earlier constantly. Tight with another line ^^ Maybe in sequencing, with fresh seeds in number it’s more easy for the planning of the rounds … and make them happen like planned lol 4x4 as lung, from 30/40 to 12.

  • In term of work to continue it’s open bar now … and it’s the lst two rounds maybe before the JH take constantly the rear line for its own BX. Dang.

NL5H x ERSB is tempting as hell, i suspect a new queen in the stone dept. But i need a crash test run, a blank round to get objectivity in selection.

Big Bud is missing but it’s the terp, smoking daily “lazzy weeds” like the BB or the NL5H isn’t my think. The night yeah, the cosy ones. In another hand the female opening the line is just amazing in term of torque … maybe i can satisfy two needs with one stone ^^

ERSB f2 is pûrely breeder curiosity to map the segregations, isolate them and to validate a generic making off.
I’m very curious on how this shape is made, i’m a big fan. But the smoke is quite stoney too, even if weird …

SK1, i really want to smoke some skunk. Just a fucking skunk lol, simple. But damn, i think i saturate from repros. I need them at homeopathic doses now and to focus my speed on prototype a bit. At least for the mood. The stoner is ready for this, not the farmer. Producer veto, “we” respect. lol It’s a fucking nation in my head when i smoke some nl5h.

Critical Mass, apply for my appeal for the sugared weed. And their blunts mostly ^^ But repro too … and filled by herms i know it by advance. Not yet ready for this. Homeopathic group.

AKshish … very tempting to just fill the jar with this vigor champion. Until i need the slots for the JH or whatever. The inspîration come in writing sometimes.

All in all, stay green and just chill sometimes.



I’m actually cannibalizing a hanging NL5H specimen, the last that was in the round. And not the least, the female initially selected to carry the repro. Rolling the last in writing it is a perfect condition to give a feedback on this recent iteration of Sensi Seeds (2023 batch).

Unfortunately it’s all we got from Sensi. The evasive and and large panel of datas given in the description is not even worth to be mentionned. For an expensive high tier line, it’s quite insulting. Because it’s one of the pillars of the modern strains.

I will not start to talk about the genesis of this line, it’s even deeply linked with Neville wich complicate always the backgrounds. This is a territory i let for the weednerds, also because i’m sincerely more concerned by the genetic i have in front of me.

In synthesis, it’s revolving again around a Northern Light. And the NL5 in particular. This shit make high grade exotic genotypes when handled, but the occurence is rare. The occurrence of pillar like the NL5H even more.

The sweet skunk, the jack herer, the hempstar … this a base that is talking to me. But also a weed that can be considered as an important classic to know. And no, it’s not growing like a haze at all.

-= YIELD =-

Just keep in mind that you’re not buying a sativa line with the NL5H. The yield is on the upper side just like the Big Bud, same potential for cash cropping. Exact same incredible answer to DWC and bubblers, for yield. Not saying they are linked at all, but the comparative perfs express that in fact you’re in fact buying a yielder that have to be grown and hybridized this way : For grammers.

It’s obviously not a commercial crop here lol, but … as balanced reference it’s not hard to obtain one oz of final product per liter of root mass. Not a challenge with this horse i mean. Buds are kind of fluffy, it take some volume to make weight. It’s maybe the only one sativa-ish side of this genotype lol

A good hydro setup (she love it) can push the NL5H over the kilogrammer/m² or 3+ oz/ft². Most of phenos.

If like me you appreciate the usual Skunk/Afghani yielders but that you like now more exotic combo to stash the hell … she’s for you. You will not be the fastest of the bloc but for sure the more expensive with a good stock of it ^^

This genetic potential pass quite well with anything you’re able to guess possible. It’s not the case of the Big Bud and most of skunk/afghani hybrids. Even with raw landraces, much more elegant than the meh SK#1-way usually taken.

Yes, it’s a true “pounder” but that pass it whatever the fuck.

-= HEIGHT =-

This is not a plant radically different to manage that the Big Bud, overall and height counted. I got a bunch more “hazey” phenos in the Big Bud, historically, that with NL5H. Because i got none until today ^^

You will rarely reach over 4 feets/120cm outside the pot, indoor, if you’re more on fast turn-over than with a tree-grow style. It’s not specially stretchy and the elongation of the flowering stage is streamlined. No auxin rush to expect like a JH or a BB or any sativa.

Sincerely totally manageable for everybody, we are not talking about a Kalimist or a JH at all.


I feel even guilty to write something about it but fortunately for us, and genetically, between 90 and 120 days like it always been. Yeah. It’s not 50 and i continue to say that this line have none sativa traits but the fluffy buds and … well that’s all.

EXCEPT, the double flowering stages ^^ This way those that are not serious when they read my shit are fucked to milk this strain lmao

Just like 10-20% of Jack Herer phenos, her skunked daughter, you have a kind of binary choice for your harvest. It mean one month more of flo while you thinked she was done.

For the nutes, the bitchy side of the JH is totally inherited from the NL5H. And it’s related to this particular flowering sequence. Recessive on the JH and focused on the most hazey phenos. Global with the NL5H.

Just like the Big Bud, the first month of the NL5H is frustrating. You know it’s a pounder but you see nothing related. So it’s pointless to don’t just give the balanced NPK base it need. Eventually a shot of PK to stimulate declarations …

Look at this digression on the HA log, explanations with macros ^^

It’s when the phillotaxy of the floral mass is changing for a spiraling pattern that all is maded. After a ~month then. From there you start your vegetal mass boosters (generally revolving around PK) and you work the backbone of the yield during a tight window of 2 weeks to 3 weeks only. It’s not an easy yielder like the Big Bud.

90 days : greedy but standard smoke for the reference

120 days : yield fully expressed during senescence, less terps but dominating stone (it’s the true referential, initially).

70 days … do be this cheap ass with this strain. Or you will never understand why she’s so used everywhere to make hybrids ^^ Simply.

=== Turpz ===

Maybe the more easy i knew to date to manage on this part. Its kind of dried apricot tone don’t resist much but it always offer interresting combos with other terpy lines.

The smoke is dry, not much expansive and at the image of the buds : quite sativa-ish in textures. In the club of those able to dry sinus.

The aroma is so particular that all i found is this “non-fruity apricot taste”. At first you will hate me to synthesize the smoke like this but on a second move i’m sure you will love me to have found something simple and enough close.

Early detection of very aromatic phenos is a breeze and reliable in the final product. Each his own but i favorite the balance with this one. I firmly think that the stone and the taste are equals in the signature. Both are not a challenge to upgrade, but to balance.

Dried apricots. Is the turpz as good that in paste when an asteroid got the dinos ? Yup. No change. But the magic terpz of the NL5H is in its hybrids. Particularly in its F1 when carefully inbred.**

What is crazy is that i prefer twice the terpz of the Hempstar VS the NL5H ^^ But not the stone. Just saying, to en-light the potential of selection even just inbred directly and not to have a laugh.

=== Potency ===

The style is there, accurate. It’s a solid comfy stone.
The torque not. So the sharpness.

Still dominating enough to chill as fuck, but not enough strong to keep you hooked and “well” on something even stupid. Like just staring at the stars.

It’s just a maintenance-task to improve it at least at its past heights. Good cares and logic is enough. The sexuality have to be screened but don’t expose fundamental problems like the Big Bud of the same year.

How the blunt is smoking … surprisingly almost the same way with all phenos. The chemotype don’t lost its soul. Let’s roll another one … just for the real time context lol

Maybe i’m a bit harsh with the potency but my notes are actuals, not scored in the past with modern references in head. What is sure is the elegance of this smoke that only wait someone to care about it. Just basic gardenning : cleaning herms if any, gauging the best looking and resistant phenos … and the smoke will follow.

No real breeding traps in the NL5H, not even the big clash you’re expecting in the later segregations. Yup, the haze was totally gulped, you have only some bones remaining and it’s all the fire about this line with hazes-ultras etc … don’t give a damn fuck. An exotic but reliable yielder that kick a rounded terpy stone … that is not a skunk ? I take it.

The initial goal wasn’t to make it potent but decent.

Pass you turn if you search a potent reference directly, without inbreeding it.

If you’re searching a serious backbone to refine, it’s a very valuable bet. Potential still big and hybrids are surprising when choices are smart.

Sensi VS Mr Nice : choose the compromise that fit your need. I chose Sensi because the comfort zone with my background on their line. Simply. My padawan is on the Nice version, if ever we find something drastic to be known … it will be loud and clear. Like with the Critical Mass that was an hell to obtain in auction. But at last news (over a decade ago), nothing to really talk about. Beside the dramas and the millions of “i was there, look at my testimony” stuff.

=== THE PHENOS ===

There is a few Sensi release that truly need a compass to don’t screw the repros, it’s not the case of the NL5H. Since the start, it’s stable in its way without being uniform. It’s exactly what give this elasticity in hybridism works.

The spectrum of expressions is all about variations and there is no real gap in the final product among phenos. Just a matter of intensity and potency.

So i will show my usual pick (at release state only). Well it’s less innocent that it appear in fact ^^

Both represent well the range of this tight variation. There is no real segregation at release state or even in F2. With a good dog, the genotype if following you calmly like sheeps. It translate in a big inertia, inbred. For the better and the worse of course.

If you want to enter in the guts of this one over multiple generations, plan a bunch of parralel lines. With the NL5H it’s often better to restart from a parralel line than fixing a single bad selection. Inertia, but like a mountain ^^ Very satisfying for the chemotype, each step is a definitive win.

In the NL5H, there is two main currents in term of phenotypes. What most people don’t know about it, it is that it’s spreading in two famed references not necessary linked with a haze dominance. And not even linked with the NL5H but with her daughter the JH.

Let me expose to the hate my grid of selection ^^


This is what i’m calling in the JH line (NL5H x SK), the “C99 pheno” occurrence. After the reference “Cinderella 99”. With the NL5H, the reference still apply but it’s the backbone directly. Kind of naked, you see the guts.

In term of weed you get the more fruity apricot tones with these phenos, let’s say the more defined. Potency is always ok, but very commercial. Built to be binged, to maintain the wellness of the stone.

:point_up_2: Jack Herer 2023, “C99” pheno

This dominance translate in the JH on a more known and popular form. More kick, the fruity tones drifted on citrus fruits / pineapple. But not specially more generous in yield or more potent that the NL5H backbone.

The NL5H#1 was initially selected in checking one by one a bunch of good checkboxes all along the grow. Even in the JH these phenos are always well balanced.


This is what i’m calling in the JH line (NL5H x SK), the “A13 pheno” occurrence. After the reference “Apollo 13”.It always been a less popular form over all its qualities in term of potency and singular terps.

:point_up_2: Jack Herer 2023, “A13” pheno

More rare that her sister the C99, the A13 still quite easy to spot with its singular shape. And as you see from the NL5H to the JH … it’s going in reinforcement. It stay quite dominant and printed sharply on 2nd and 3th degree hybrids, before returning in its initial balance : a pure RR gulping all R and even d/R.

The progeny will be more groovy but the weed of the pheno was exactly on the grade of an A13 (grimm) female i used that won a cup, crossed with a NL sensi. It’s why the sudden declassification of the NL5H#1 i’m smoking atm, after a long process of notations for nothing lol It’s the game.

The “C99 backbone” flux represent from 30% to 60% of the specimens with a wide variation : from diluted to NL-ish. Not rare, but the quite clean form i’m showing is, inside its own subgroup.

It can totally be a daily smoke for someone that don’t saturate to smoke NL5H weed ^^
The terps are enough entertaining with the heat and the stone is never agressive, at worse you get a nap.

But they are generally quite capped and doomed to produce “binge smoking weeds”. It don’t mean weak weed, it don’t mean bad weed. It mean a weed you smoke by tons, putting yourself in a temporal black hole lol, but that never saturate as well. It was a light concern a long time ago, the reason i was using the JH the day and one or two NL5H after the dinner. For the concept, even if it was often litteral.

With the modern 2023 iteration, it’s very problematic as it. The genetic need cares to recover its torque, it’s to know before hunting. If you select directly for long lasting stuff, you will shoot in your feet. Don’t worry, the line is very easy to improve overall.

So the old lights differences between the C99 and the A13 phenos, become huge on this modern release. The A13 had always an edge on potency, helped by its longer maturation. But it’s quite polarized now.

Unfortunately the “A13s” stay quite recessive and don’t spread much in balanced hybrids aside … at least they stay super easy to spot with their shape and leaves shapes.

My ride that is twisting suddenly on the A13 and my comparisons are going against my will to really say that the line is just a clay to make whatever you want. But at the condition that you plan to give time to the line.

Directly extracting a 2023-2024 NL5H at top of its expression … fucking expensive for sure but i don’t even think it possible with enough occurences. Another toke on this stellar C99 pheno and i feel enough that i bought genetic more than a weed. Just be warned.

I will make a graphic with notes as synthesis ^^ For the fun.


It’s always difficult when the tent gets emptier ^^

I hope it will be a good news appointment and you’ll go a step forward. it sure is a damned long cure! Sending good vibes!

That’s a good timing :smiley:

You’ll have to try the new one with the coming update. I think you’ll like it.

You can be, she’s really mouth watering. Too bad the mold took a grasp :confused:

That’s a good idea to mix it with bazooka. They seem to be pretty compatible, structurally at least.

Lemon weed is really particular indeed. The smell really works up the brain, plays a role in the kind of effect this weeds have.

Definitely is :slight_smile:

That is, if you don’t want a whole day of procrastination I guess :laughing:

That is torturing plants! At least you know they are hardy.
I confirm the pollen is very active ^^

When you’re picking clones from a mother you’re not kidding lol. That will be a whole lot of SD clones to intoxicate in your experiments :laughing:

And you’ll get a pollen storm outside. Hope there’s no sensi around, you’ll have new ennemies.

And I’m glad you did, that was a whole experience :slight_smile: Still have to do that little report. Beginning of the week hopefully

Can’t agree more!

Oooh that is a teaser lol

Woa I didn’t know, gives this nice surprise more interest if possible. I think I’m gonna buy a hat and call myself “Mr Saul” or something like that. :laughing: I’m sure I can build a career popping a few of those beans over the years, some did lol

More seriously I took good notes on the advices about the seeded Jam. I see the link with your feeding regiment of the JH, pretty similar multi flowering babies indeed. But I have to admit I’m not at that level of nutes tuning (yet).

No reason to complain :smiley:

You just summed up why I build my cab lol

I know you’re not too much into the ERSB F2 as a smoke, so I vote for the NL5HxERSB if I may. I’m curious about that. Could be a fun break, you’ll have SD to smoke anyway.

I see the strain reports are coming, will take a chair to read that.



Well, not much to show this week actually. End of round on the inertia of a late repro i’m trying to loop. With the juice it’s pumping in lights i even feel guilty now. Lets roll a NL5H#1 cone for the sake of i don’t know the fuck what.


:rofl: after a long deliberation of a few seconds, it’s more practical with the number of SD and SD-ish specimens i will have around. To group everything inside. So everything about this SD is centralized no matter if its clones, hybrids seedlings, the initial cut and its evolution …

Hell the new grid is like discovering an oasis in plain desert … compared with the previous. :brown_heart:

In term of shape, not much to tell and a lot to tell. But it’s all about a failure of pruning and some optimism. Don’t worry it’s like this many more elite cuts. If not 100 times worse like the SPG ^^

Bamboos are welcome but … i just fine-selected like a motherplant the valuable stems. Instead focusing on the energy of the plant, thinking bud only. Just a logical facepalm, it happens sometimes. I still fighting hard to get a decent yield, i don’t give up.

The fungi is well settled and reached what i call a stage 2 step in this specimen. SD’s senescence is easily and quickly triggered … i’m scared. The grow is totally dedicated to weed grade on this one, zero constraints but quality.

On scents it’s just dangerous. But being smart is enough to overcome the deal. The high still worse the ride. I will make a “clone report” of this SD like i do with commercial lines. It’s not impossible i get new ones along my ride and the BX … worth the traces.

Not so for the bud porn, you can’t imagine how i’m ashamed to show this kind of flowers for a 67 days SD. Harvest is only at two weeks from now. Facepalm with razor blades between each finger. I digress.

Beside the shitty yield that i obtained in thinking i was drastically better than 15 years ago with this cut … i respected the plant fully. Religiously, even.

So it’s actually a fantastic opportunity to show a specific trait mapped, to explain that behind the opulent expression overall (dialed or not, finally), it’s fragile inside.

For those that are following lol, previously i stated something important on the flowering process of the SD. It’s starting like it was a skunk. Plushy, “oval-ish” buds … a bit WTF when you’re used to roll the final product.

The step that represent these three photos is a all in one helper even with the timing. It’s applying to AJ cut as well.

In synthesis, after have drinked like hell any PK she found in forming the plushy-skunky pinhg pong balls … she suddenly stop to stretch and fill the buds with vegetal mass. The ridiculous caliber of the SD is starting when the skunk in this pure frankenstein creature is dead. A good old clean skunk is harvested in 60 days.

In term of yield it’s an awful example. I asked too much to the plant. But the raw wet weight is insane at least ^^

About this … lets enter in my mind and in my angle for the fun. NL5H powered.

It’s hard to share this comparison at this stage, it’s a mater of light appreciation. But this gen2 SD clones of the initial SD shown in big pot are telling something on the flowering performances.

The clones were pollinated constantly and before they get any pistils to pollinate. Pole position pollination. And even with a struggled development and the difference between clones, there is a global improvement on colonization of buds.

The seeded clones are fed with “only” a 100% base since they are transplanted in 2 liters each. The big momma is fed up to 200% base, 150% PK. In 10 liters. Just for the proportion.

Well, i’m glad to be more attentive to these nuances @funkyfunk. It’s an enrichment born from a discussion in plain tempest, i don’t regret. Good transition to show the ex-mothers and their clones.

On the left, the “Fuel-way-selection-whatever”. Less straight phyllotaxy, thickest productive stems. Different repartition of anthocyanins. Equal root mass, even if one of both have more soil (~20%). Same water uptake.

But the “Fuel” still the more sensitive of both to higher settings of the LED panel. It “light-burn” very fast.

The “soma-low” resist better i must say as a general behavior. Even to longer dry cycles.
I should name this cut series with the name of the kewl kanuk scientist that don’t say shit practically. I’ve to remember the name lol

This is how i was supposed to prune the SD, simply. It’s not over, i’m pinching them daily on apex to make the mess with auxins. Rebalancing auxins factories in fact. Too numerous with the big one.

With the experiment running full throttle on weed comparisons at gen2, nice bonus for the notebooks ^^

I confess that i can’t wait to see the heterosis reaction of the SD/SS2 F1s. The goal is to reach the faster possible the BX3 stage then from there working full throttle in IBLs.

It’s the freshest thing to date we found with wifey to compete on something. I pass on theories and all but the main goal was to give a sturdy base to the oasis cubes when i move the greenhouses. The competition is on the speed.

Mine on left, a simple sheet cutted a bit like the long NFT holders.

Wifey’s stuff on right, ice cube thing cut and glued up side down.

For now i must confess that her version is more practical to spot who is dry or not. Also the individual enclosure for water. Both have strictly the same max capacity of clones.

These clones will :

  • replace the “soma-low” motherplant to make the gen3 clones
  • replace the “fuel” motherplant to make the BX1, and gen3 clones
  • tortured with STS base to find the sweet spot before to enrich the formula, S1s aimed
  • be rolled in cured blunts if i don’t binge the weed like the last NL5H buds remaining lol


There is a slang in the codenames of [censored] that still running with [censored]. It’s the prefix “ultra”. The last time it was an “ultra california orange”. An UCOB.

All considered, this JH funk with no males and all is going to be by necessity an “ultra jack herer”. An UJH. lol Good this NL5H still good on best sturdy phenos. The soul don’t died.

“Ultra” is a set of protocols and a couple of strategies that can be interchanged. This group of solutions are representing also a breeding choice and manner to gauge specimens and their genetic prices in the balance.

Ultra isn’t correlated with ultimate in my slang, but more to simply say : “it’s the hooligan version of the standard XYZ”.

Details are boring and not fundamentally new if you’re used to read some bribes of my wikis. Isolation, intensity, stabilization, blends , repeat. lol

This shot VS the previous one and you’re on the wave. With almost a manual to dial it with any line. It’s just the usual base + PK, the TS is just ading grammer like you can see. I use only this at the second stage.

I must say that i’m impatient to smoke it. But i gasp every single bonus day i can, the absissic acid is kicking hard everywhere. Razor edge. Maybe a last watering of TS without base and i cut off the nutes and let dry hard the soil. Like a rock made from roots.

Still not sure on the rinsing sauce. I need something aggressive at first.
I think 100% Fulvic/Humic with 10% H202. Drain-less watering.
And water if i have the time. I was close to cull it today. But she resist and vegetal mass keep coming, beautiful DNA.

A fate actually. It’s on the late that i realize that the usual pheno are switched on vital functions.

The Dam bitch isn’t anymore the vigor/resistance lacking one.
The Bazooka still easier to feed and push, but i was unable to double-flower it because health/resistance issues (VS the Dam).

The magic of Sensi catalog. Both are already BX1 in one cross lol The ride will be less demanding and ungratefull that with the SD. Still.

But yeah … the fate of my favorite weed. Falling in some hooligan plan.

At least it’s coherent with the look of the genesis. The different states of reveg are interresting, one more time … the bazooka isn’t where it is expected in perfs.

Signs that the reveg is well anchored in both JH#7 cuts (Dam). Previously i shown a conservative pruning, and there is the result. Now the game is to remove blades without serrations and mono-blades before the first transplantation. Without weakening the plants.

Too much cytos in the buds of the JH#5(bazooka), not enough auxins. I will give some clonex juice. And maybe cut everything but what i’m holding in the photo. Risky but i don’t have anymore JH in the loop. It’s bad for the world.

They will produce the gen1, that will not be used to make seeds but only the gen2 clones. For stash mostly. Then i will launch the JH x NL5H seeds of each cut to close a … first BX1 on the JH after a BX1 on the NL5H ^^

The two SS2 females are finally getting out from their stasis and start to wake up. One of both will be pollinated with the SS2 pollen i’m drying. This line have to know the Darwinian corner.

In the darwinian corner i’m going to have a sturdy fat progeny at first glance. The moment when i cull the male is close, i don’t want to pollinate the female too heavily and the pollen is golden grade already.

To show also that they aren’t feeded. They got maybe three tea spoon of pellets lastly, to throw the package. I’m waiting the tempest to throw some juice of the Biobizz bottle sent by error. Pure. I will show-how-the-fuck.

Last thing to know : how the fuck smoke the weed ^^

Stay green and respect your jars !


Told ya! :smiley:

Took me half a second to think it is a good idea. And I was stone :smiley:

Fsck, so it took a hold on the SD too :confused:

That’d be cool, would make another OGer that bringing side by side comparisons.
Don’t break your wallet on that though :laughing:

Well, victim of your pruning. But that’s just bag appeal, and what matters is the smoke. You have enough clones, there’s one you can sacrifice to have THE bag appeal grow. Meanwhile, you’ll get high with this one and your stash will thank you.

Good insights on the plant behavior. In line with all the pics at different stages or feeding I’ve seen.


I don’t regret it either. It’s great your testing that, same as above, it’s pretty in line but this time with my experience. I have two TK clones that are telling me the same thing.

JH#7 effect :laughing:

That’s really a demonstrative picture of the difference. Could that be that part of the mess in the SD cuts floating around (or other decades old cultivars): partly explained by which part of the plant it was cloned from? Maybe it’s not only a S1 story.

Also maybe the “slow” clone is just slower at responding to light stress?

Me too!

I’m having the same competition, but with myself. That’s cool you have someone to share that kind of challenges :smiley: Holding cut straight, enough to hold a delicate handle at least, is on of them.

I’m using small yogourt pots to hold straight the root plugs I use. Cut the bottom, put them upside down so the corners make a stand, put the plug in there. It’s working pretty well. That’s close to your smart mate’s way actually. Could work with your foam.

I was thinking about trying the foam thing btw. One advantage I’d see is that it’s possible to shape them with a larger base, like a pyramid, so they hold easy.

lmao that is the only ultra definition anyway :smiley:

Woa an hooligan breeding strategy!

Interesting. Everything still there for a UJH anyway.

That’s where a feedback on the blunt would fit I guess :slight_smile:

That’s a 1st for me on smoking a blunt, and a JH.

For the taste and smell, I admit I’ve experienced mostly the tobacco, and that was a pretty good one. I didn’t feel much of the weed taste. OTOH that tells me blunts are awesome to smoke weed outdoor incognito. Smells like your smoking a hand rolled cigarillo (yeah sure) :smiley:

Effect wise it’s pretty complex, multiple effects are involved, at different times, some in waves. It’s not a one toke hitter, but at the second third it comes good. The eyes lit and multiple things happen. On the body it’s really reliving, like putting a warm blanket, but without having heavy legs. Still able to move and feeling comfortable. I can see medical benefits against various pains. Meanwhile, there’s a bit the same effect on the brain. It’s both energetic and a bit mellow. There’s a few visual distortions involved. But definitely can have activities and focus on them, while having that feel good vibe. It’s like a double edge sativa high: edgy and racy like a thai (but not outrageously so, unless abused), and a more mellow/happy vibe one.
I’ve smoked half the blunt at first, in like 10-15 minutes, then found myself already quite high (but completely functional). I would normally put the blunt down a bit at that point, but wanted to test the ceiling, so I finished it in the next 10-15 minutes. Well, the ceiling is pretty high :smiley: I understand it’s not a weed for beginner, it can easily be abused. It’s a bit triggering on anxiety when that’s the case, but that made a pretty good afternoon, where I’ve done things and enjoyed it. The kind of multi facets weed that can work for multiple applications, work, creative, social, chill, med. It’s a matter of dosage. Didn’t feel any comedown after that 3 something hours long journey.

I get why that’s a line that raised so many others. Selections that narrow and work on an aspect of this high.

Pretty convinced by the blunt as a smoking experience too I admit.

If that’s a faint JH, I wonder what the UJH will be :laughing:

The clones are getting better anyway, babysitter style! But looks like it’ll go forward.

Enjoy the Dam bitch!


Smoking some atm, breeding weed too but with more time and this pleasant citric tone. The high type still better and sharper with the one (#5) you smoked, imho.

Even not optimal you got a pure JH smoke in term of profile, making your feedback very interesting. It was a real 30 minutes caliber lol, i’m glap you smoked it perfectly ^^

I swear i will send you a more tasty/classy blunt next time ^^ But it was important for me at this step to have a feedback on the #5.

Crazy stuff, you put the finger on something. I’m glad to have been around back then ^^

Stressed by the “soma-low” replacement here, i tried with starving SD mothers this time … doesn’t look like to speed up the process. But let me digress on something kewl about all of this. The line between the dots.

“historically” i always considered a cut “hosted” as a temporary performance. From the patient 0 (initial clone) to the best reference got, it exist for me a timeline when the cut get back in its feets. Until today, it was for me a question of cares and practices.

My “secret recipe” to revive cuts accessed is dumb-logical :

  • Establishing rockstable conditions of cloning, applied each time
  • Not aging the cut. Not permitting it to become woody.
  • Taking the cuts at health peak, then flowering the motherplants. Never a 2nd clone’s harvest.
  • Selecting the cuts rooted just like they were seedlings …
  • For “rejuvenated” motherplants, never using them more than 6 months.

Between the lines of this empirical manner i had to best dial old and wounded genetics, something beneath already linked phenomenons that i don’t explained. Specially for progeny. In knowing the real culprit of the dynamic … hell it’s changing a lot of considerations. Luckily in my case, not reforming them but enriching them.

Well, just dope buddy thanks for the firestarter as fuck.

Well, this week more than another i really start to put the LED panel subject on its own.
They revive when they pass under the neons at 300% more density. It’s more about the use of a worried uptake, i’m convinced now.

I’m still linking with what i know on hemp the differentiation of uptake between between a low node and a high node. To stay short, it can properly say that a lower stem process far better K than a higher one, making it more reliable under LEDs dialed at high density settings … it’s vicious.

But for the experiment i reject the expression of plants to LED intensity as vector. I class it as epiphenomenom. The fact that 60W/ft2 of this light present a disorder in the uptake of the plants is an opportunity to go more on the side of the plants than on the side of the tools.

This included in all the common worries of a lab : a bastard fungi lurking around, gnats (god thanks the season is ended), a hint of selective pressure … everytime the “soma-low” show a better health and better defenses.

I’m waiting for the gen3 clones as fuck, but for now i think that the difference of speed and development is inherent to the selection i made for the “fuel’” side. A relative bias of comparison i mean.

It’s dope ^^ It’s why it’s sane to put the pressure on our birthday cards as well lol Normally, the SD mother don’t grade bad … can’t wait to have a feedback ^^

Hey that’s the wifey’s revision yes ^^ God i cross my finger to win, i will be forced to tell her lol

The oasis is nice for left handed cloners lol But most of clones i made are like you’re describing in the shape of “côtes d’agneaux grillées et braisées rapidement au bourgogne”. Juste avec des pommes de terre en papillotes dans lesquelles tu balances un peu de champignons, simple. Rah.

Ouauis pour dire que je cut en general juste un peu en dessous des nodes. Du coup j’ai un marteau à planter que ce soit en jiffy ou oasis. Il suffit en fait de planter en diagonale dans l’oasis et c’est tout schuss, tu peux checker en les chopant par la tige tout du long et tout.

It’s all about brutality ^^ Can’t wait the reveg is done damn

The fuck. In choosing well the wrap and the weed inside, it’s quite all-road.

Very interresting part on the chemotype, i wasn’t sure that the #5 was still “kick-starting” enough to be noticed. It’s absent in the Dam bitch, the high is warm. Very haze-skunky.

When i inbred the bazooka, this racy stage is replaced by a saturating phase. Close to a rosin smoke, then land in the “JH high” you described quite well in all its complexity.

On the Dam bitch, she’s capped fast inbred … true headache. Lets make both the caricature of themselves, then lets collide the hadrons a good time ^^

I’m still sorry to have been in hurry with this cut in sending you a “sample version”. Best case will be three blunts, smoked in chain they give three different dimlensions of the JH lol This weed is a long ride, hidden behind a classic shape. I’m abusing it as sleeping help also, past a certain number of blunts ^^ It’s more close to coma but lol

The terps wasn’t there this time (sorry) but the soul, and it’s really my kind of poison overall. I’m glad to just have shared this opinion in weed, it give a deeper read on exchanges and discussions as well.

Zero “head in the ass” as well with this one the tomorrow morning, even with heavy abuse the night before. Elegant.

the C99 (you can’t believe how the weed is different of what you smoked with the #5), the A13, the hazey phenos, the JC and JTR … needless to say that it’s a rich backbone able to produce a myriad.

I’m glad to can share some JH with you, it’s a bit a ON/OFF weed. It’s working pure quite binary on people with hazey phenos.

I’m glad too, it’s a true blunt ^^ Kind of secondary hobby lmao

At first, in front of the lack of terps, i was tempted to send you this wrapped in one of my blueberry wraps but i finally choose something “genuine” to let you test neutrally.

The Nicaraguan CT Shade I rolled with is the milder of my set ^^ I use it for “breeding weeds” or weird profiles (like the ERSB).

Next weeds will be quite … the fuck stronger in terps lmao It let you a good margin to level up your game in the blunt’s knowledge, my collection of leaves is quite wide now ^^ Or to stay on this level of “tobacco”, let me know lol


lol, it was perfectly dosed to get at the right stage of really living the high, thanks!

Yeah, playing with bonsais as mother plants, it really highlighted the strength of this empirical method.

That was a very tasty one already. I’m not used too such good tobacco in the mix, and I admit I like it. I just have to adjust my palate I think.

I guess a failure could indicate clones of lowers of lowers clone very much less.

That’s a good way to take it, opportunity for a lesson :slight_smile:

Find peers or die! :laughing:

ahah ben oui tu sais pas mais en fait on a monté une conspiration.

C’est toujours “simple” les bonnes recettes.

ah ouais tu fais un hameçon avec un noeud quoi. Comme ça même sans racine tu peux prendre par la tige. Pas con. Je coupe sous le noeud aussi mais j’ose jamais les prendre comme ça :smiley:

Well it’s there. It sure is melted with a more mellow/happy thing, but when you start activating yourself it’s definitely there helping. That’s what made it a ambiguous high. If I wanted to chill, I’d be enjoying it highly. I had stuffs to do, I was efficient at enjoying doing them :smiley:

As long as it doesn’t bring the capped high but all the resistance then it makes sense

Don’t be that was a great experience. Don’t waste too much of it in birthday cards too, keep your stash for the coming month. Looks like you’ll have plenty to share in the future, we’re not in a hurry :smiley:

Yeah, weeds with that kind of high ceiling can put anyone with high tolerance in coma, that’s why we love them!

Don’t mind the terps, I was all for tasting that JH high and I wasn’t deceived. Rough maybe but potent and with lot of potential. It gave me a “etalon” for our discussions too. TO me it sounds our slang is pretty close :slight_smile:

Makes me wish I can save this jamnesia and grow it well to share. It’s less “in the face”, and weaker, but with the high ceiling it’s a matter of dose anyway. But your opinion would be insightful and I think you’d like the high :slight_smile:

That’s the word. And an important factor to me in “good weed”

Yeah, it certainly not the kind of high that works for everybody

You did well. With infused leaves I would have been totally lost :laughing:

The NCT was pretty good shit by itself honestly. I can take harder ones too. It’s always a trade off between weed and tobacco taste anyway. And which ones goes better together. Reminds me of the old kief smoked in morocco by the elders, where the black tobacco was really potent and part of the high. Good tobacco is another addiction, I just did not dig into it now. But I’ve been starting to look for some online shops to try more since that blunt though :wink:


Harvest of the day. I decided to never be without emergency male’s pollen. I’ve to finish to process what remaining from the SS2 male and i process this valuable one.

Free screening, 1:2500 ratio done by mother nature. Topped by birds while he was chewed by other faunas, germinated on site, almost zero nutes, vigorous and generous… how to refuse ^^ We needed with the padawan a sturdy base to play around " in ping pong breeding" the California Orange, for maybe the only one outdoor strain of the genpool we will have lol. Lets see how’s the weed in november ^^

I think i will have enough seeds ^^ Now, fingers crossed to get a second layer of sinse flowers around the seeds. I’m not against to make a specific dry sift this year, for christmas blunts. It will be cool to share as well.

recipe bookmarked then ^^
Nice for the postal format too lol


No shame ^^ 20 years ago, window’s light veg … Haze#1 Sensi that they never used.
When i see the insane auctions for bullshit, i’m unable to imagine how far can go this one today ^^ It’s like previous cars, useless to have regrets.

To be straight, this recent discover on somatic mechanisms, in real time, just thrown away a bunch of think i believed true while i used bonsaïs for breeding full throttle. It explain a bunch of “impossible to understand” failed hybrids as well during this timeline. No shit. Fuck it’s remembering me that i forgot to workout the fibre of the two SD mothers (and to show it). To make massive, sturdy, main stems. Bondage, scarification, penetration … cool stuff :sweat_smile:

I strictly zapped this side of the equation ^^ I don’t know why but i thinked you was smoking cigarillos sometimes … the NCT was really spot on finally.

Also the nature of the leaf. My favorite for daily blunts is finally not so the most expensive.

It’s the CT Broadleaf Oscuro on the left. On the right it’s the nicaraguan you smoked.

Different kind of sugars and fermentation.

The oscuro is what you can imagine as a Backwood but in high grade and not made with leaves laying in the ground ^^ The taste is very similar but naturally, and in deeper. Not with the tones of chocolate that i love in cuban leaves (hard to get), but close by the “earthy” side of the force.

The nicaragua is a dry leave, kind of close to cigarettes tabacco. But in high grade as well as you tasted ^^ Maybe to drift gently, the Ecuadorian Shade Seco will be a good intermediate. It’s always a “gold” leaf and offer similar specificites. Mais bien plus aromatique en étant un chouilla moins fort, moins de goût de tabac et plus d’arrière gouts (autour de la noisette). With the SD you won’t even figure there is tabacco … that’s the trap too.

Well digressing again ^^

This batch is stellar in bonus, took from a lower intentionally on steroids ^^ Big stress.
I start to see the white bubbles in the surface of the oasis … good sign. Generally the 3 next days there is some moves. Fingers crossed.

I was just sure. My nostalgia for hydro NFT will win anyway, i’ll beat your asses with my version ^^

This JH7 start to make me quite high, so i make a draw instead ^^ Even with floppy stems, you don’t need to pre-drill a hole with this foam. So one shot, and it’s anchored and it ease the maintenance “in cross”. Best case is to never have to touch them or to make any vibration but … i’m a punk as well ^^

Hell welcome in the JH sect then, well synthetized ^^ Some can’t stand this versatility, i just love it. Now let me a couple of gen, to give it some torque overall ^^

The Dam is a true bitch, it does. But just like the Bazooka does too, at the opposite.
I’ve some tricks in mind to try a thin window of blending during the BX. The fusion still the main priority, not averaging. Quite a ride.

It’s more being opportunist before the stash of the specimen evaporate. Literally.
Breeding in small scale / high tempo … it’s also a kind of routine lol I’ve to share fast something that matter before it’s gone ^^

The SD will not yield much, it’s why i will quickly roll you a blunt as well ^^ After this, I’ve a long pause before the flowers come back in the crop. Next batch is the two motherplants when replaced, i will force some clones to wait the SD/SS2 seeds males … and kill some lol

I’m supposed to have made a choice of seeds to launch like … for yesterday. The JH cuts and the SD being all but fruity/candy. Maybe i should take this way to have a chill aside the heavy projects. On candies it’s quite thin : big bud F2, ak47 F2 or ak47 x shiska F1(+ maybe Giger#1 F2 seeds, i don’t remember right now lol).

I’m hypnotized to don’t screw up the timing with the SD/SS2 F1 seeds, specially the males i’ve to screen for the BX. So i’m paralyzed to launch seeds lol And the more i’m waiting … the more the window to launch some is closing. Stoner paradigm i guess.

I’ve a light tolerance when the stone is worth the ride. Like i don’t know, an heavy black domina. Ok the tommorow morning it’s like losing an organ to wake up early but the ride was good ^^

Damn i still have a load of things to do to sort out the mess with the wikis and make the PDFs … tomorrow will be more productive ^^


That’s a good idea and it looks like you’ll get enough for a few decades :smiley:

Yeah it explains a lot to me too.

It happens, but it’s an expensive smoke, so it’s rare.

That one look tasty

Ça parait savoureux. C’est ce qui est frustrant quand on commence à regarder l’offre, y’a beaucoup de choix :smiley:

To me that a strength rather.

Well that’s your stash, do whatever you want with it, I won’t complain :wink:

I thought you did not make ginger F2. Ak x shishka could be a cool one, monster plants probably :laughing:

PDF that’s cool, will be easier to read them again and search through it. I’ll let you work on that then.


Don’t have much to say I was a good bit behind and a bit dead in the head after reading for the last 45 minutes.

In summary, I want to try JH more than ever before following the notes. I appreciated the comparisons of the NL5HZ phenos.

Interesting findings on the clone-taking and reveg, I very much like the inverted ice tray holder.

The tobacco talk is making me want to step outside for a cigar. After lunch. I love Oscuro, especially a good Nicaraguan. Smooth, rich, leathery/chocolatey tones.

Looking forward to PDFs :wink:

Cheers from the other side of the globe :earth_americas:



Not glorious this week but almost 100% SD ^^ I’ve finally calmed a bit the little red evil on my left shoulder in transplanting the two JH7 (Dam) clones. Collecting at the same time the JH7 seeds to launch aside.

But this photo in a way is what turned my patience ON. It’s totally a breeding situation on which you can be proud but in same time that look like shit accomplished :rofl:

It’s stupid in bonus : The big SD is the initial clone received from NY. The traveler recovered, vegged a big month, and flowered after her batch of gen2 clones.

Aside, four of its own gen2 clones. Prime-Seeded, almost synch at one week. It’s a bit more than a self-satisfactory moment barely possible to share. It’s also a sexy pom pom girl in front of me, that invite to keep the tempo tight and the planning even tighter.

So it’s going to be a bit calm, there is the double firestarter :

  • JH motherplants (X3) : terrible envy to mount a NFT line in the rear of the 4x4. Terrible.
  • (SD x SS2) actually in the flowers, to germinate for yesterday.

Both need some delay before i screw totally the planning like a damned stoner to in hurry to taste these F1s. I guess 2 to 3 weeks. The SD is a good mother, seeds have already a good caliber and the maturation is good. JH7 is vigorous as shit, i transplanted today … in one week she will explode and generate maybe two or three clean clones.

Well to fill the void i will complete with some reforms in the wikis and others posts, dope things. I will make a general summary in a post, the one you hot in my description, with all the stuff published individually. No longer grouped, and with a kewl PDF version each ^^


This bitch reach a state of maturation that is an hell to catch with a numeric stuff. Well, i tempted a desperate feeding yesterday : TS full dose with low base to have something to build mass from.

The foxtailing is a referenced trait, but this advanced stage is a fuckery at 67 days. Ideally you have to dial a SD in the window of 70-80 days to have the “full spectrum” of the smoke. So now you understand how i screwed badly in burning the energy of the plant at high RPM. Too much stems, not enough torque for yield, so she mature damn.

Some chosen shots for the state of maturation and hard shots to get, for textures and all ^^

It’s giving a bunch of marks.
But fuck, i screwed her yield lol On quality i’m not angry on myself at least. Good lady for this as well, team work.

After a while you’re used to smell the SD in the lab, in fingers … everywhere in fact. This thing follow you to the grave. But when you’re approaching the flowers there is nothing against the “oh fuck, right. I should take care.”, each time even on the seeded clones if not worse now that the oil is kicking ^^

It’s a musk body fueled with an old leaded petrol, but that have lost all its vapors. Like an old puddle. The cherished “unleaded” tones come … between 70 and 80. You got it.

This extra that is the cherry on the cake, is quite close to the ECSD and Amnezia Haze weed’s render. The three (with the SD dialed) produce a shared spikes tones of a kind of terpentine oil that lost all bitterness and that traded it for a sour spine.

The buds are an hell to gauge, the context don’t help. Heavy for the size, to the non sense state. Extremly dense. The feeling is 90ish, like a “Styrofoam bud” but that press like a bunch of fresh grapes. Solid. I’m curious to know the wet-trim-weight.

The gen2 dream team.

@funkyfunk it’s where and when it require your full attention about our somatic concerns lol They are in 2L but take it in consideration and look at the quality of the colonization, compared to the original cut flowering aside. They aren’t the somalow, but only the fuel clones. I’m burning to find a way to mix the two strategies ^^

But that’s accurately what i’m including as a “care” for motherplants and their subsequent genetics. The plant feel better, even if i have a long path before mapping all her flaws.

But i’ve an Armageddon to share ^^

They are at … let me check lol Yeah the initial goal is fucked lol, 17 days atm, scalpel day. The goal was to bring back from two weeks to a dozen of days in starving the mothers. Well, tested. And it’s making even more interresting the match of the greenhouse. They are all for the ice cube clan but i keep hopes.

Well, obviously not a big bat of clones lol I will a make a couple of sprayers to boost the most resilient clones + the special ones. Maybe just Startbooster at homeopathic dose.

NOT YET a facepalm ^^ But i seriously think about to build with scavenged stuff a little hydro cloner i’m used to play with. I need shorter times and more clones asap, gen3 is not going to be productive.

The two motherplants looked like this until i started to torture the most vigorous (fuel) to build a more sturdy and artificial skeleton. A second batch of gen3 clones is already planned. It’s annoying me to keep them more than one big month but … if it’s less than 6 months i can exceptionally build a little tolerance because shit happens.

First step is to give a practical shape to the two stems i’ve selected to produce flowers/clones. Same resources used, stfu. I’ve choosen again the spiraling shape. Just turning the stems in circle around the center of pot in using the cardinal pointsb of the pot for the bondage.

For now, i need a solid and massive junction to support what i’m expecting to harvest there. So i start to work from there, by a scarification. Just three cuts on each side.

The two sides. One was more in tension than the other, so it break when i reached the deep fibers. No big deal if not worse, if it break just replace the stem like it was with a support and wait. In a way if it survive, mission accomplished caveman-style.

Now the deal is patience, and to don’t train or work any other part of the plant until recovery. Generally 48 hours. But for dual trunk you want thick and woody … can be a bit longer.

This is the menu of the next step ^^


Maybe the more humble start of a project of the cosmos. Of course the JH5 bazooka is taking her time as fuck. The two others JH7 Dam are on the go, so it’s time to transplant.

Closer, you can see how gentle and progressive i am to prune the old fucked leaves. I choose by equivalence of the fresh serrated ones in term of surface of photosynthesis. Except the bitch, not triggered yet hormonally.

JH5/NL5H and JH7/NL5H seeds are numerous, ready to shoot in bursts. Saying this in putting three additional gorgeous JH7 seeds in the grinder. I will not spoil much the strain report of the JH but hell, there is some job to do overall.

I just lit a fatty of the critric JH7. It’s crazy how the two pillars of the hazey phenos traded some traits like you change the wheel of a car. I say this with a fuck ton of release-seeds germinated, not common.

Not perfect either like always. The JH7 is finally not capped, but in a strange manner. You reach the roof as usual, but with the weed that continue to flow (too much i assume) it’s transforming in a weird stone. Tiring and contemplative, and that get torque with each additional cone. Weird but interesting as fuck. I don’t feel in the smoke a bunch of precursors not used, on potency it will the same work than usual. But from different foundations. The encounter with the NL5H will boost as fuck the CBN rate, it’s my guess. Making the weed more terpy as well, but it’s obvious strain science.

The smoke of the JH5 still missing. Even a bit weaker, the high kept its soul and each cone have something to say. But hell, my oxygen is back in the jars holly fck.

The real/intimate feeling is crazy. I just have the impression to have smoked all weeds after my last F11 female and until these F1 … for nothing. Like all weeds in between, grown or not, are almost absent in my scale of priority lol Chemically pure feedback, the JH cone between the lips in typing.

God i start from challenging and far this time ^^ No fear, i breed faster than my shadow :cowboy_hat_face:

No “Shadow Shiva Shanti II Project” lol, just the end of a crazy repro. God bless the male of this batch.
The one on the left is selected to carry the line. A bit danker, skunky floral, pump more water in less time. No real signature at this stage, just lightly musky/sugared.

That’s all, with some moves to optimize the breeding helpers i’m writing. Something more structured to help bots too. Let’s quite the bros in another one lol