Live & Reloaded


Productive week, the options are narrowed by the sex declarations and in a pretty cool way for now. The specimens placed on the perimeter (right and back) are all males. In the center-left you can see two AK47 females and in front three undetermined California Indica.

So 5 males for 2 females on AK47 (not culled), only one male declared on the Calindi side. And it’s pretty cool, it clear a bit the hard start of this round.

Nothing to declare on the two lines for now, they are how they were when i leaved them. Of course the AK47 is no longer the clone-in-seeds it was, and the variegations are present … but the phenos are all proper for now (except the runts killed today, twos males). 3 more days and i will sample the males to know who’s who, i expect to make two unique P1 pairings on the AK47 repro. Fingers crossed.

The AK males.

The AK females.

The California Indica team, all saved from hell.

I totally failed to make a kind of tutorial about magic butter also, i just forgot to take shots lol
Let’s share a partial view, my love for a good butter is the reason why i don’t often make dry sift ^^

First i make a water curing of the trims, during two to three days. The pic show the first pass color, i always give one entire day of infusing for the first pass. The juice is pretty much marroon, it give this bitter taste and chloro tones.
Then i change the water three times a day (letting it infusing is important, to just rince it is useless), until i get a clean color :

On the process, i will show it fully the next harvest. There is some important steps to follow and document, and it’s fucking long cooking also.

And my favorite way to use it : the “Lassi Bhang Chai Tea” ^^

  • 1 cup/300ml of entire milk
  • 1 full generous spoon of honey
  • 1 tea bag of a spicy blend

and of course … 6 grammers of butter for a good ride

It was a nice tea that taste the sugared Big Bud and spices, can’t wait the kick but it’s coming nicely right now ^^

Stay green and grow really what you love, not what you’re supposed to love.


Ah! Made butter too myself last week, 500g of it from 120g of trims:

A sample got into this:

Quite yummy! Wondered about trying washing chloro first, but ended up trying decarb rather. Bhang Chai are awesome!

Thanks for the extended report about BB! May have been easier to follow if you splited the edits in multiple posts. But I came back often to read them. :smiley: Seems you ended up with something to work with in the end. Maybe a bit more than expected though. Sugar cane sounds tasty, never stumbled upon this one.

Meanwhile the AKs and Calis looks great. you managed to get them in a good shape! Can’t wait to see them bloom. That’s a lot of males, but there’s nice things to find in those it seems.



Hey funky ;o)

Happy to see another butter afficionado, fck these cookies give me the munchies. Cooked just like i love them.
I like butter also in a sandwich “jambon-beurre” ^^, the BB is too sugared for it but with skunks or kush-type it’s just fucking addictive for me. I like the combo. On rates my sweet spot is the 1:1 ratio butter/trims, i think this one was around 130 grammers.

I like how it’s kicking my ass progressively. It give another dimension of the potency known with blunts. And i was surprised that this one (all specimens mixed) was pretty high, drinking a bhang kept me awake all the night instead to be the pre-sleep treat … no sense lol But it’s fun and the taste is very nice with these tones of Big Bud.

Trust me the water curing is worth it, even if the process is a bit tedious. It make your decarb a bit less agressive too, the whole make really a weed flavored butter that i can even eat as it with a spoon. I failed the tutorial, too baked, but the other critical point is adding soja lecithin while cooking. It make the kick faster and stronger longer. The peak last more i mean with this shit.

I just launched 30 BB F2 to fill the tent, the high rate of males will lead to maybe 3 females seeded only in the 4x4 if i don’t fill the void in Onebud ^^ I’m very happy about it in fact, i just finished to evaluate the AKs males, one pairing is set and i’ve to choose between two finalist for the last pairing. I like to have true choice and the possibility to make justified parralel lines when it’s necessary.

On the California Indica, it’s the stress. Only four miraculous specimens saved from hell, 2 males already and this strain is one of the most male-ish i’ve known … prey for me lol

I assume that my feedback on the BB is hard to read and a bit cascading, it’s also not easy to resume so much time in a breeze too. I will find a sweet spot someday, maybe less “notes to myself” for later consultations too ^^ To loop on the two rounds, it was a rewarding journey but i think the factor luck played full throttle. Only two specimens able to make a decent line … the female (batch 1) germinated in march and the male (batch 2) germinated in June … both synchronized on the fly at the very limit. Yeah, i’m unable to don’t talk about luck clearly. Wait that i beat the ass of these fucking herms, let me go in F3 at least, then you can experience this typical taste without the nightmare included by sensi like me ;o)

After this round it’s Jack Herer VS NL5 x Haze, the report is gonna be bloody long, it’s doomed :woozy_face:

Joke aside you use this thread like intended, i’ve hard time to imagine someone binge-reading it ^^



Some moves this week with the declarations, and some luck. I maintain the pressure on the plants with lights, the bulbs are the closer possible to restrict the vertical grow and to only see pure stretch expressions.

On the AK47, the pairing is set and I’ve the chance to directly start with two individual F2 lines. It have no sense or justification but i hesitate to transplant the future mothers in 10 liters / 2.6 gallons. It’s next week or never, so i will figure out what i do.

On the California Indica, i’m waiting for the declaration of the last specimen. I cross my finger that get a female on the little one, but it look like i’ve only one female for good.

My wish to get a productive round is granted, i get three pollinations to make, splitted on three individual couples. Nice end of the season, i’m back slowly on the track.

30 Big Bud are germinating and will be progressively transplanted next week. New moon week but they are lazy, i will launch maybe 20 more. They are seeds-to-smoke, only there to complete the three seeded females that will remain on the 21 commercial seeds.

I’m lucky, i got my favorite male’s expression on the California Indica, an old brother in arms.
Then 2023

I’m equally lucky on the AK47, that will be isolated in a line dedicated to melt brains and another more focused on the overall smoke/buds quality.

Can’t wait to fill all this unproductive void and to have all mothers seeded. Stay green !



Quite empty this Sunday, but 3 lines are on the go. My wish was to have a productive round, so be it. Two 10bags of seeds are coming the next days, so 20 more seeds are planned to complete the funk. Potentially 5 lines in a row, i’m back on the track.

The BB F2-S1 are working well. These seeds were made in the worse conditions, with mothers eating boosters and flushed. Still working better that the release with strong, vigorous and plushy tap roots. They are already all herms, like the rejected phenos they come from so i will drive them the same way with a bonus. I’ve to seriously clean the real BB F2 line, so i will take the opportunity to map them to know my nemesis. My estimation is that around the half will be culled.

The AK11 male, my little favorite. Just gorgeous and doing its menorah thing. He will be paired with a sister from the same subgroup. It’s all about the perceived weed grade with this pairing. Fucking lucky, i got directly the Champagne of AK47 paired.

And no, no “cherry picking” here. As fuck no, i cull on sight lol The fuzz around this weak low ratio pheno don’t have any sense for me. Better to take directly a Blackberry or one of its numerous hybrids. At least you have the cherry full throttle without paying it with a low potency. Ask Simon, and get insulted ^^ The AK47 is build with love to be an heavy high/stone roller-coaster, not to be a lollipop for kids.

The AK10 male, more canonical, but hybrid from two subgroups. I know already that the F2 will hit really hard. It will be paired with a female sharing half of its subgroup. It’s a bet, i expect to increase on the fly a bit the brutality this way. Always risky with hybrids expression, but i recognize the deadly scents ^^

The CLD5, my own canonical standard for this strain. The “fountain of leaves” pheno is quite rare, last time i got it 15 years ago it costed 10 packs. This specimen is not supposed to be alive, like his sister. I’m still very angry against Sensi for the very bad and unskilled support i got on this one. I prefer by far when i’m redirected to outsourced thaï support, night and day experience overall with the Big Bud.

I just cross my finger to have finally a batch that will not require to open a ticket, just damn. This company is not two kids chunking in their garage what is not dying, come on. Ben, come back kick the asses of your sons. Business schools don’t teach your legendary QC.

Can’t wait to germinate more seeds.


Hey fuel,

I too enjoy a lot eating weed, that’s a whole lot experience.

Never tried in a jambon beurre, but’s that’s a good trick to get high stealthy in a unfriendly place. “That guy was a bit weird after lunch” :laughing: For sugary/tropical varieties, I think I’m gonna try candies. In Chai or cakes, I prefer the spicy/musky/hash weed flavors.

It’s coming along nicely in the tent. In the end the calis have catch up the rhythm. And looks like it will explode in a few weeks. That AK10 is gorgeous! It will be a dangerous game all this herms in the tent, there will be some hard cull-on-sight moments :smiley:

Have fun!


And this is quite good in bonus. Candies is smart to dose progressively, never tried.

Previous round, i flowered fully 100% herms specimens ^^ It’s also why you don’t see any fans in my tents, the new deal is all about omerta and people still thinking that a seedling is not already sexed. On est pas sorti du sable compadre, je te le dis.

Now the Big Bud produce pure herms that don’t really output dangerous bananas, i will never tempt it with a thaï by example. Can’t wait to get rid of these expensive release and play only with my stuff.

Considering the shitty QC standard of today, for the prices they are sold, a 50 pack have to be the new standard for this kind of price. I mean, globally. Micro-rant inside ^^

Let’s make some seeds, it’s awful how much i need them now to be sure to improve from one generation to another. I’m mad about it each time i crack a pack now, my anger is growing faster than my plants lmao


Woa yummy jambon beurre! :money_mouth_face:

Si y’avait que le sable amigo!

I get what you say on the BB vs thai bananas, some kind of herms are more manageable. Looking forward your progress on purging them from this line, it’s not so much of a documented process.

I’m all for a 50 pack same price! :laughing:



Not a very interesting update this week, the tent is full of void. I’ve tortured a bit the females of the first batch with K deprivation and long dry cycles.

AK47: I wasn’t expecting necrosis, i was a bit too brutal with them on the dry cycles. But it’s for the cause. At least if i get a surprise, i will get it fast. Next week they will get a full throttle feed (for their stage), i’m in the razor edge one more time damn. Actually in an advanced discussion with the man, i can’t tell much for now by courtesy. But i will. The timing is in the razor edge for pollination. It’s not the Big Bud that i can push long in flo. Even with the minimalist feeding, they are already starting to produce the first thick trichomes on the apical shoot. Tight window.

I think i’m already in emergency mode with them and that i don’t want to take an emergency decision, for psychological reasons. The rational part of my brain say that I’ve to outcross it at the moment the pistils become plushy, then plan a BX the next round with another screened batch. Perhaps.

California Indica : Over the insane conditions of the start, the male is a rock as the little girl that have used all her energy to pretend she’s not programmed to be dead. It’s hard to believe in seeing her, but its defenses and her vigor is just amazing. I wasn’t betting on her. Good pairing, definitively. I’m proud to don’t have gave up on the micro-surgery. Complicated feeling lol

10 additional seeds of it are actually soaking, it was a fail-safe ordered in urgency but finally i will plan eventually a parralel line with it. Same shit, the seeds are immature and awful. But at least i’m prepared to open the shell directly and to fight hard with them.

California Orange Bud (White Label) : At this step i don’t really know if they sent me feminized seeds or regular lol How silly it is. Spoiler : I’m not fooled by the name, i’m expecting something skunky more like the Orange Bud of Dutch Passion than the AE77. 10 are on the go.

Four representative examples of the genetic drift of the herm seeds of the batch “know your ennemy”. Call it selfed, S1, Fem seeds … they are just dominant herms to map and smoke lol

I’m surprised by the variegations obtained, the intensity is quite decreased and don’t annoy the photosynthesis. They are hungry also, another good sign for the real screened F2.

It’s just a battle not the war, the ratio of sexual declarations will teach me if the DNA resist alone or if it need the help of a carefully serial killer. Shapes will be fully build on autosomes regardless what i got, useless to map.

God it’s so empty, even with … almost 50 specimens on the go now lol I will have losses on the two last entries of the round, seeds are really a shame. Let’s say 30-40. I’ll show it later, when i will transform my grow desk in a clinic.

Jah is joking at me a bit this season, but i’ll show him that making me angry only lead to overgrow. Can’t wait massive germinations. Two more stressful repros and i’m on the rails.

stay green



I’m close to a 62 seeds germination for this round, soon +~25 more. Almost 90 final. And it doesn’t look like to be the case even on site ^^ A bit frustrating. A lot of moves in backstage, lessons too.

At this point i’m forced to say that on 11 AK i got 2 females, that i tortured hardly considering some surprises aside. Hot/Cold shower (i was very happy to have so much males to choose from). At my big surprise, and even with an heavy hand, the females are clean. One week without news now, and after an engagement in bonus, i’m almost wishing to don’t have any news the next days to share a masterpiece writen by one of the most primed breeder known. Worth the ride.

Sorry @SHSC-1, the French have an old fashioned code. Each time i will need to speak about this line, i will be forced to credit you. I know. In sending me this pollen for a canceled project, you indirectly saved my asses this round. But you educated me too, i will make a round or two of some “swiss knife” pollen for this kind of dead end.

The combo was already done by Satiros Seeds (the marketing make me smile), that in fact used a bit more the Shish that i was thinking. He offered even an inbred line, the web look like dead and he’s not known by the SP wholesalers. The Testarossa repro was tempting i must say.

What i’m liking with the AK47 is only the potency profile, so this line will be screened the hell and inbred with it in mind. Everything else not concerning vigor, clean shapes and sexual stability will be only a matter of collateral damage. I’m curious to see how it will turn.

Not really a tutorial, just a share on how i do it.
I defrosted the pollen overnight, poured it in a little bowl (responsible of my nickname lol), then generally i use Q-tip to apply on pistils. In seeing the flowers and the pistil’s type, i changed my mind and switched to a brush.

I like them with enough surface and plan. I press the tip in pollen container, then gently “tap” the pistils with it.
I finish the pollen in the brush with a shot of the thumb to spray the remaining pollen in a little cloud.

Just to show what’s inside, 10 California Indica (yup, again) and 10 California Orange Bud. The ridiculous state of these immature seeds are officially “normal”. I’m not joking. I’m already working on them to get the most i can, i don’t expect much a this point. Maybe 5-8 decent specimens.

Both were tortured, and the little girl (not supposed to be alive) is more vigorous than the two big AKs. Faster recovery, resistant roots, no necrosis … she passed with honors. Seeds will be not so numerous but the window is tight, i can’t wait much more after her.

A bit more than 20 fem seeds are waiting to be smoked, yeah you read well. Maybe the first time and the last time you will see fems here. They are prototypes sent aside a S1 i will study this spring and the least i can do is to grow them asap to give a feedback. I’m waiting to have all Calindi/COB in the tent to launch them.

I prevent, it will be quite boring for two more weeks here and mostly filled with seedlings ^^

Stay higher than the clouds, so you can have the big picture !


we all gotta get thru the boring seedling stage hehehe , I’m there myself.
Good to see the pollen getting put to good use

I hope you get many healthy beans!!!


Getting good here. This cali has impressive massive leaves o_O

I just realized you’re cheating a bit: you do in fact have two tents :smiley: Better this way though.

Keep up up to date. AK x Shishka sounds like a yummy cross. And that would be an OG strain through your collab. Not so bad in the end that you were unlucky with this AK. :slight_smile:


I wish you a bunch of pearls @SHSC-1 :crossed_fingers:

This is a validated cheat since the start @funkyfunk ^^ Still not a veg space lol This stupid challenge learned me so much things. It’s surprising in fact.

One example of a fews, it pushed me to create “male’s tubes” to can collect separately up to 4 types of pollen at a time in a 1x1. The good surprise is that the males don’t give a fuck, i was expecting damages. The pollen tent will be modded after the last repros of the year with a 250W-6400K also; the speed of selection being increased I’ve to adapt. I’m aiming to double the cadence in 2024; not even a new bet but the consequence of it.

I was supposed to close at least 6 lines during this time and for now I’ve secured between 5 and 4 lines only. Jack Herer and NL5H are waiting in the fridge (can’t wait), this dual repro round will maybe validate the bet this spring, both can take 90 days pushed in senescence. Two friends are already crying ^^, but it changed their perspective on how to set modular units too. Win-Win.


That’s a smart way to optimize the space to collect pollen. Thinking about that lately, it fuels me with ideas :laughing:

Looking forward to see when things will stabilize and you’ll get full throttle


Fascinating read. It’s taken me several days to take everything in.

Some may :rofl:

Your take (frustrated) of Sensi Seeds we discussed in the other thread makes so much more sense now. I lacked this context demonstrating what all recently you are going through. The irony of the hermaphrodite logo is all the more comical after reading this. The frustration of deteriorating standards. Watching a giant fall.

It’s particularly interesting reading this tale written by someone with historical experience with the lines. Already knowing what phenotypes are expected and sought. I haven’t been around long enough to know better.

What I’m generally trying to do is experience things I desired to try when I was a teenager in the 2000s. What I’m learning is that is more complicated than I would have expected. I mean, it’s trivial to grow out something called “Blueberry” or “SAGE” or “Maple Leaf Indica” but the chances of ME finding good representations of what they were really known for back then is a shot in the dark. It’s unfortunate but certainly won’t stop me from trying. The challenge becomes that I just don’t have the experience to sort so decisively.

As you suggested, a better path is to just pick what I like and go from there, which is kinda what has become clear in other ways over the last year or so. Start with good stock and do whatever I think is best for me, guided hopefully by folks with more experience to minimize my missteps. But to be clear, I have no intention of being a breeder formally. I just love experimenting and developing this plant we all have a special place in our heart for.

Cheers. Thanks for posting this :+1:


Well I’ve now the factual proof that i was wrong, it’s cool ^^ Thanks for all the love.



Slow motion week, but without any herm (to cull) for the moment. So a kind of good week now.

The AK47 is a bit long to recover from the torture for my taste and for my referential, but she fight decently and pollinated. It doesn’t look like it for now but I’m hoping secretly that it’s not an early senescence at only 42 days … let’s say that i transformed them in ogres in pushing far. Hopes are free.

The little Big Bud herm seedlings are doing their job, even the runts. I think that one more week and i will start to see who’s who. I will sex them all in their seedling’s pot, it’s important for me don’t give any chance to the latent pieces of shit to make a late show. The rate of specimens culled will help me to figure out the strength of the tendance and its age, helping directly to best manage the screened F2s waiting in the fridge.

The Romeo & Juliet California Indica continue their honeymoon, this stupid female choosed this moment to become a gibberellic freak. So she take one million year to make her pistils plushy … it was too easy and streamlined with this pairing of course. It’s reserved for a friend that exactly need this combo for an hybrid, I’m glad he took a big late to mount his new lab’ lol

The second batch have better rate of survival than the first, even if the seeds were equally shitty. I directly applied drastic mesures and don’t waited much to extract the embryos.

The COB, same shit but acting fast and earlier helped too.

Two new girls-girls (fems) have joined the party to maybe fill some jars, an Ether x C91 and an an Ether x Peanut Butter Cat (a Polecat 91 in fact, nothing to have with the PBB). Seeds were not very vigorous and not calibrated, but mature at least. Four are already in photosynthesis, the others are protected in little greenhouses the time to show a leaf outside. Ether is a triple-stacked NL#5 on a Skunk. Curious to smoke this EU/US blend, i’m generally liking this kind of stuff. And the NL5 is my favorite NL by the way.

Actually bleaching the seed sprouter, i can’t launch new seeds before the gap with the CaliIndica#2 and the COB is enough big, maybe a dozen of days. Maybe i will not have the patience to wait and i will launch two lines more, on a 2*10 seeds batch. I strictly don’t know at this point, i just want the pollen box free first.

One more boring update and things will become a bit more interesting, wherever it lead.

Stay focused and green !


Thank you for just saving me a lot of money dude. Was looking at their 10x10 tent, not anymore. I’ll just go with an AC infinity one, they’re just as good imo.

If you ever need an ebook, search Annas Archive on Google. It’s a lifesaver for college textbooks.

I’m going to throw another inline fan to pump air in. I also feel as if my air channels are all messed up in my 4x8. I can’t wait to upgrade to a bigger tent so I can place larger fans to actually make all my plant’s leaves flutter. This was a fantastic video and will definitely have to create that nifty box he made.

A big Berner fan, ah?


Hey, common now Fuel. No need to be so hard on Fuel like that. Don’t worry, Fuel, I got your back.

Always have, always will be a joint man. That being said, I smoked a couple of backwoods back in the day, and was also not impressed lol. Though, i must hand it to you; those cutting board filled blunts look mighty good.

Everything is looking fantastic, and I’m excited to see more Big Bud.


Thanks for this annas archive, didn’t know that link, lots of stuff there!

Looking forward this new big bud gen too. Meanwhile the AK47 and cali looks very nice. A bit hungry maybe, but they seem happy otherwise.

Still nice to have insight on the selection process. :slight_smile:



The two AKs are heavily seeded, it promise a good ride soon enough. I’ve cleaned them from sinse to sample and to stop them to flower damn. Motivation is there.

  • On the rear line the 22 Big Bud Herms that are resisting, damned hell. No sex yet, i’m quite surprised.
  • On the left the shoe’s stuff, ether crossed with C91 and with a C91 hybrid in 12 fems, i think 3 will not last.
  • In the greenhouse, the second batch of 11 AKs.
  • On the right of the greenhouse 8 COB and on the right of them 7 Cal.Indi. Both are doing well for rescaped seeds, most of them were extracted from the shell.

I let the top of this one without pollen, to cut it and verify something weird. The buds smell like the Bubblegum as fuck, but actually smoke like it too lol

Total replica of the scents of the BBgm (not the cut), disturbing.

Heavily loaded all the height this one. Not much trims.

I’m now in the razor edge with seeds in production, it make them super hungry. I can’t be brutal in upgrading too suddenly the nutes, seeds are in formation. So razor edge, i upgrade by little touches. This week was the last with PK, i cut it now and rebalance on the 1-part.

These fckrs don’t want to talk under the torture ^^, let’s say … again, that next week i will have some declarations. Maybe a bump in PK to help.

My last stupid idea in date is starting to be fun, the grow desk is like a chronological nokia-snake of the seeds germinated this year :upside_down_face: I’m tempted to launch two more packs to boost the total (380) and put the pressure on the 2024 stats in aiming the half K as minimum. Si voleu cremar una mica més, aquesta podria ser una idea per a una aposta addicional. Només queden 3 mesos :desert_island:

I don’t know how much the mothers will need in time, let’s say 3 weeks top. But can’t wait to roll them each in a perique black tobacco leaf. I will take shots, it’s just supreme.

Sow like a fool !


Very nice link and search engine ^^ Thanks

I’ve a friend that is actually fully mounting his lab in AC infinity, even the adapters ^^ Not even a fanboy, the ratio for what you get is quite good in assisting him for the parameters. And if you customize it, better to risk a cheap chinese stuff instead.

It’s complicated anyway to best control the flux with rectangular spaces.The tent of my friend is a 5x10, and we do everything to count only on the negative and the static pressure (pollen involved). Not easy ^^ The homemade cardboard meter of the guy is just dope lol, no way i don’t shared it.

Actually, kind of. One cut, an empire. That’s quite impressive for me i must say.
On public figure, it’s not really my dimension but he have obviously the shoulders to support this level of fame. It’s marketed and all, i don’t dream lol, but still … it’s less easy than it appear.

Sometimes Fuel need some whip shots, each germination need to output an improvement. No space for irrational decisions.


Can’t wait many things, good sign. Tempted to sow on the fly the Shishk47 too, just a feeling.
I’ve to wait the first specimens culled, at least a dozen of days lol

En vite fait j’ai une grosse opération du crâne en début d’année, un truc costaud à la terminator. Je vais morfler, je suis prévenu. Donc je refais un peu les jarres en speed aussi lol, je vais devoir tourner au beurre pendant des semaines avec les mâchoires immobilisées ^^ Il va falloir aussi arrêter les blunts après les fêtes, grosse anesthésie façon véto pour ours.

Zero selecta on the fems and the BBherms for now. Still in repro, it’s quite mechanical i must say. Something more focused in this vein is planned in a short future or for the spring (i still don’t know), i will try to analyze the Chem91 S1 by the spectrum of the SD.