Live & Reloaded

This is starting to ramp up really good. AKs are very nice. Maybe a bbg bean sneaked into the packaging?

Still a bit early for sexing for the BB for sure, but they’re starting to grow nicely. Big leaves!

Nice breeding desck with the vials :smiley: Can see them sprouting while writing the plan.

And now for something different (monthy python fan here) chem 91! :laughing: Where did you source them?

This will be soon very crowded! Lot of hours of care and note taking in sight.


Hey there, how is it going? I guess you’ll be busy this coming times, but I guess too you’re getting close to harvest, if not done already. Seed triaging times?

Happy new year to you and your mates, the year you’ll get better and pass the 500/year! :smiley:


Happy new year buddy and all the best for your projects ;o)

This end of year was a bit intense, I’ve also a bunch of meetings to be prepared for the coming soon big jump.

Actually you’re right, i’m sorting the Shishka x AK47 seeds lol It’s burning my hands to launch a “10bag” to get an idea of what it give and the level of fusion. The good strange feeling persist about them, i think i’m close to replace the Sweet Tooth #3 with this line.

0/500 for now, the tent is really overgrown and it will be more obvious this next Sunday (updates are back). I’ve to wait a partial harvest (almost a perpetual setting actually) to launch new seeds.

See you around, i will try to remember to tag you, christmas, field and Mr Bean this time ^^


Shishka x AK replacing Sweet tooth why not. There’s still some SOL there. I get the burning hands :smiley:

See you at the update!


I’m evolving and enter in the second millenary :cowboy_hat_face: If you’re an OGer, just let me know if you want to be added (or removed lol).

The call : @funkyfunk , @Mr.Christmas, @FieldEffect , @McMuffin , @Senor_frijoles


Maybe the last week of the slow mode, i will see. We have a glacial wave here, which actually is helpful to force the seedlings longer. But it’s forcing me also to micro-watering the plants almost each day, less cool.

The nine Big Bud F2/S1 are doing well, i’m starting to identify clearly who is the mother of each. With a surprise, three NL1-ish phenos that come from nowhere. My prime sensation during the two initial batches was right, NL is fighting the line and not for the best considering the smoke panel. It’s less recessive than it look, 50% of the taller phenos are under heavy influence. Last datas to get now from these S1 are the smoke now. All-in-all, i was expecting a more catastrophic batch. That’s a 50% culled like expected too.

The California Orange Bud surprisingly work well but resist a lot to the “hardening of”, not a single microscopic preflower anywhere for now. It annoy me, shared between transplanting them (boost mode) or waiting the declaration (slow mode). They start clearly to smell citrus fruits.

Same thing for the California Indica, except the scents (that always appear mid-flo on this one). They fucking resist too.

In term of space and screening, it arrange me to let them fight. I’m starting to think about to deal with these lines in another way : juggling with each actual batch and the Calindi male pollen i’ve collected.

Speaking about it, the first repro was a failure. Not expected, but not surprised either. This fucking combo is hard to make. The female was empty, ovulas were hardened but freezed. Try again.

The AK just make me happy, they will be transplanted this week to unleash them. Considering the seeded mothers i’ve smoked, i’m prudent and push less my luck. In bonus the seedlings are better than the first batch : no weirdo, close to none variegations … Nayita blessed me.

The fems of Shoes/HG are doing their stuff, the structure is overall very much NL5ish as fuck. It make me happy, it’s my favorite NL. So the Ether look like to carry the two lines, can’t wait to see the touch of C91 inside.

The cons is the high rate of mutants and variegations, only one is clean and not deformed. It’s something i’ve tried to teach to some SP fems units but it’s never understood. This kind of project need inbreeding pauses in the R&D, the time for the genotype to find a grip before being sprayed. But you know … “STS is magic” and “fix everything in one shot”.

I was supposed to transplant them directly to make weed but the high rate of mutations push me to be prudent, i’ve clean stuff to do aside this round. I think i will wait the pistils for these ones finally, also.

The AK47 x Shishka F1 are harvested and drying, around 250 seeds. Plus 10 seeds totally fancy i will try to germinate asap for the fun.

These ones. They all come from the “bubblegum pheno”, look like polyploids seeds passed under gamma ray.
Not even in fact lol, it’s the first time i get this kind of deformation. It’s cool as fuck ^^

Myself I find this feeling disturbing, knowing by heart the ST#3.

But there is some feelings you can’t fight. I’m not an instinctive guy with this game, everything have to be justified and have to take in count the notations. But some exceptions, like this one. It still an accidental cross, done in emergency by lack of acceptable AK males. But you know a quart K of seeds of something stimulating VS sinse weed … i choose always the seeds even with only a 50/50 chance to have something competitive ^^

I can’t launch a big batch again for now, but i secretly hope that these weird seeds that i will test soon will give me a hint. If these 10 strange things germinate ^^

But Fuel-the-grower is unhappy, i feel it. The unique harvest of 2023 is quite arid, if i want to keep the mojo and the motivation high … i’ve to grow something for the ego. Problem, none line is ready for it atm. I’ve to find a stupid idea to reward me for this previous year.

Beside the big non stop fiestas between Christmas and New Year, a tons of administrative stuff and the preparation to be transformed in cyborg soon (^^) … i’ve lost a companion last Sunday.

At one point i was involved in animal breeding at very restrictive LOF levels, complicated breeds that need an iron hand in a velvet glove … or the line is full of sick-high-maintenance specimens. My uncle had a “horse’s farm” too, i’m fucking ironed in term of sensibility.

But damn this specific one hurt. He was old and sick, it was his call. He died in my arms from a seizure, it was messy and not specially fast. I’m glad to have managed the whole things alone to the grave, in plain night. Being only the bad messenger for wifey and the sons.

This strong grey bastard got me, I’m still sad and I don’t want any other animal in the house for now. But he had a specificity : his unconditional love for the Jack Herer. He acted with it like others cats with catnip (he always snubbed it). Plants alive, seedlings, big plants, drying buds, fresh buds, even hash … at the moment it was JH he transformed in a fucking ninja-mercenary to get his share. And he ignored all others strains.

If i was a cat, i will be this one for sure. The moment i will germinate the Sensi JH will be a strange moment for me. Ambivalent. I think i will make a JH line in his honor, focused on his favorite phenos. To celebrate this strange image i have of him dragging a mature stretchy flowered plant by the trunk behind him … because i leaved the room ten seconds to fill water cans lol

Keep the vibes high and breed the future, not instant gratifications.


Hey, Fuel.
I was looking forward to this update. Those seeds you germinated are definitely unique, I hope you find something special.
Sorry to hear about your loss, I’m sure your home feels extremely empty at the moment.
I hope the rest of this year treats you kinder.


Unfortunate to read the news of your loss. My condolences :pensive:

Those are quite the bizarre seeds. Quite curious if they are viable and what causes the deformity.

Thanks for the update it’s fascinating to follow along. Hope this year goes better in all the ways.



Happy New Years fellas!

Vivosun just had a great sale on their new 10x10, plus their 8 in inline fan kit, so I’ll be trying them out next. I want to take extra care of my zippers this time around, since I’m starting to have issues with the ones in my Vivosun 2x2.

I want to use the entire 10x10 space as a canopy, but I need some good circulation in there man. I’m thinking of putting two large floor fans on opposing corners, and then two hanging fans opposing those in the other corners on the ceiling. My past few grows have felt very mediocre and I want to step my game up.

I agree with ya there! I don’t know shit about the fella or his empire, so I sadly can’t talk too much shit.

I snagged AK Bean Brain’s TKNL#5 HAZE NL DOM seeds because I keep hearing the rave on NL#5, but every time I have tried it from the street, or even from dispos; it’s been below par. No real scent, and the effects were always very mild. I’ve also smoked some NL1, and pretty equal verdict. I assumed they both were just grown incorrectly, probably not allowed to flower long enough, or who knows what happened. What are your thoughts? Are my expectations maybe too high?

I must have been pretty fucked up at these fiestas man, because I don’t even remember meeting anyone named New Year.

What a handsome lad you had there! I bet you gave him the best life, and that he was real thankful to have you by his side as he passed. I’m sorry for your loss pal, sending you and your familia positivity. If I run into some Jack Herrer, I’ll smoke it in his honor.

This too shall pass.

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Says the one who stil run bulbs uhuh :slight_smile:

Getting crowded in there. There’s some big fat leaves in the COB. Don’t come by that kind of shape so often.

This mutant seeds are incredible. Looks like Giger designed them. Is that the shell? Looks like it could be the ovary that dried or was too strong. Curious to see if that grows.


Back in track buddy, let’s unleash the hell for 2024. I will try to keep an industrial speed all the year to give a boost to the private genpool. The lack of stability of modern releases is killing me and i’ve made the choice to grow without veg space and motherplants. With clones, you can always rub the ego in the good sense. But it’s no longer my priority. I sincerely feel the urgency to give home to some strains, before it’s too late.

There is a bunch of underrated strains that are coming, as more classy lines (next round of germination). And even a US influence, i studying the chem91 is a 024 resolution.

Thanks for you compassion. I’m still looking at his hotspots sometimes. And yeah, it feel empty.
I just don’t want to replace him for a time, i dislike the process. I prefer a true, pure, new story.
I just hate me to write it, it’s shameful for a breeding aficionado to say it. Darwinism and mendelian considerations is the pool i’m swimming all year round … and i’m unable to process coldly this cat-mourning for now. It’s pathetic. But it’s all in his honor, he found the backdoor to conquer the monster.

Thanks for the vibes, this year will be more funky for sure. I still have plenty of repros and screenings to clean the lines but it’s gonna be more close to my favorite plants. I transplant the AK batch, then i will check if these weird seeds are enough dry to be launched lol It’s useless, but i’m like a kid that can’t wait to see what’s inside ^^

Happy rocking year to you too bro, my best vibes for your projects.

I got the idea, a 10x10 space is a very nice playground. On fans circulation, i usually advise to never use them inside the tent for a lot of reasons, herms being one. But you obviously see here that i give full priority to seeds over weed all the time.

My opinion :

  • Avoid floor fans at all price. Gravity and dust is the enemy of your flowers and it can facilitate also the work of some pests/fungi/disease. Even if you’re obsessional with hygiena of the tent. The magic rule still the “one feet rule”, everything below has to be considered as a war against everything ^^ Also fans that are too close to the walls create more problems than they solve, it create too many unwanted turbulences and poachs of recirculating vapors (when temps permit evaporation). Be careful.

  • I totally understand the reason for these four fans, the thinking behind. But it’s quite hardcore for the transpiration of your plants, even with high RH.

Cannabis really need only a simple gentle breeze, and like to have cycle in Co² production too. The more happy are your plant, the more (naturally) wrapped by co² they are at night. It’s also why it’s always more fast and easy to boost a dense vegetative space : the plants create themselves a protective micro-climate.

  • Actually it’s much more complicated with rectangular space (like the 5x10 of my friend) to get a good flow than with a square one, so you’re in a facilitated ground. The extraction problematic still the same, the carbon filter have to be placed perfectly at the center of the roof for an heavenly repartition of the negative pressure. Like a bubble of supersonic planes if you want.

For a 10x10 tent, i will personally take the choice to build an active intake. Nothing strong that counteract the negative pressure (except if the house is surrounded by pests), but with a register that split the airflow in four corner. It permit to have a very good airflow, without the numerous bad sides of fans.

You understand that i throw leads without knowing you context in details, just a share of opinion.

I’m genuinely very interested to learn about this, if you don’t mind to share.

In EU it’s just impossible to find a bud of NL#5 in the streets. Even in Dam coffee shops it’s a pain in the ass. It have a reason, the NL5 is absolutely not a cut compliant with a decent commercial grow. I’ve worked a little with it directly a dozen years ago, for fems production, but my personal reference still the Sensi NL5H on this matter.

It’s a very good plant, majestic and a bit stretchy. A breeze to clone and that produce sturdy mother plants. Yield is “meh”, until you hybridize it with anything around : the cross always lead to a nice “pounder”.

The NL5H was frightening for a bunch of growers back in the days, but for the bad reasons. This lady kick very hard in yield, you can output insane grammers/year ratio, specially in SOG. It’s the same problematic with the Jack herer (it’s a NL5H x Skunk#1). A lot of people complained about the yield of the JH, but this strain have the capacity to become quite big ^^

It’s a matter of marketing. Sensi sell the Big Bud for 50 days by example, if you harvest it at this stage it’s just hay without any potency and without much yield.

Now, in optimal conditions and well grown (mature at peak), the NL#5 or even the NL5H is not a neuronal canon. It’s a treat. When i need to get high asf, i roll a JH blunt.

What i like the most with this lady is the old school taste and its beautiful flowers with thick plushy pistils. Hard to describe, it’s not a sweet taste of the new age with a fancy profile. It’s sweet but sturdy and racy in palate, melted with musk and hashy tones. A 90’s weed at its best for me, even if in potency she’s in the middle.

I hope these details clear the water on the #5.

On the NL#1, i simply dislike it and screen it out in all hybrids under influence (it’s a kind of signature of Sensi in a way). It create ceiling for blunt’s smokers, even in hybrids, the stone is creepy (i don’t dislike it, but it have to be entertaining) and the scents/taste is just hashy. Not a playful one, like a basic morocco hash bit you chew.

Its value is more on the grow departement and in it’s genetic behavior. It’s quite easy and fast to stabilize anything with it, just by a smart outcross. The shape is very balanced between a fat afghani and a Kush, the plant is sturdy and resistant, eat well and permissive … you got it i think, the NL #1 is more a technical swiss knife than a true final product.

I understand those loving it pure, i feel the same with the skunk #1 which is a swiss knife tool too, that i always like to roll aside more elegant and complicated weeds.

The tip of the year : most of today’s labels are built on the sensi genpool, and the most successful ones have a pattern : they screened the NL#1 out to unleash the potential. I’m glad Simon will never land here and read this ^^

All in all, i just confirm your doubts. Polish this instinct, it work well lol

Thanks buddy. He was very special, yes. Can’t explain it with the shit ton of animals of all type i’ve dealt with.
I’m used to be sad when an animal find a new home or that a radical things have to be done. But sad is different that to be wounded. This incredible cat penetrated my armored soul.

The moment was hard, but i’m very lucky and glad to have been with him for this. Beside the trash apparence, it’s a precious moment we lived together with honor and courage. Can’t wait to smile again in thinking about him, it will take time.

I love the idea.

Let’s make it real, his favorite phenos were the darkest ones, musk/backwood/malic acid, low yield but toxic flowers. These dark phenos are very cerebral, but not specially racy (still quite high), it’s fucking doping substance to all cerebral activities. Not for creative people, but more for engineer types and similar ^^

The deal is to lit the blunt with the image of this grey-jack-lover dragging a mature flowered plant by the apical bud. Good combo to represent his incredible strength and his love for this strain.

Just, I don’t breed the Jack like Dutchs. I like it fucking toxic and 90’s style all the way. No pussy-limonene style, the weakest pheno that produce this line. AK47 and Jack Herer are darwinist smoke and should stay like this for me, devastating.

I fucking digress, but it’s coming for sure ^^ Let’s make some seeds to celebrate in a confidential circle.
It’s a fantastic classic to have at home anyway, one stone two birds.

Worse, that still flower under neons ^^ I love phosphorus light and their UVs, hooked until there is no horticultural CFL in the world lol

This “strawberry shape” is actually very stable with the california indica, but i’m surprised to get it with the COB as well. I expected a more stretchy/skunky shape, close to the Orange Bud (DP). Finally i think i will use it, the scents are already nice without any flower. Last time i got this feeling, it ended like this :

Maybe an UCOB#2 is close to born, with more freedom and time to do what i exactly want. I don’t bet on it yet, declarations are long and seeds were initially totally trash and immature.

I got a bunch of weird seeds, from experimental test or not. But i’m impressed by this new deformation in my book.

It look like the mother don’t have made a shell on a specific bud (apical seeds), just a thick skin around something very weird inside lol At least if nothing germinate, they will be all dissected.

Nailed for HG Giger, alien pods lol Nice correlation ^^ The shell feel like a thick leather wrapped around a weird embryo, it’s almost flexible. They are not enough dry, but it’s burning my hand to launch them right now ^^

Let’s transplant the AK47 first, they got a boost overnight and want to make the show.

Keep the vibes high bros, and thanks for the support. Finally it was a good idea to give him a place here, it help to go forward. “Through the smoke” like said an old visitor.


Did not tell you last time my warm support for you loss. I know that too. Lost one too 6 years ago, we were really close. Still missing him but when I think about him now, it’s a comfortable and nice feeling of good memories. You’ll get there! A few months ago life brought another rescued one in my journey, and it’s more joy and happiness.

What made me laugh is that even when it comes to cats you’re still having the breeder mindset :smiley:

Definitely entering the new millenium :laughing:

Yeah I was joking around because I only grew with neons or CFL myself :laughing: Tiny home equal small custom cabs. But I definitely like them. Needs a bit more watts but you can get them so close to the plants they get a shower of light, while the heat is perfect. Also helps a lot to manage temps/RH in small spaces. Trying LEDs now, it’s a whole different thing.

Flowers are coming, with the repot and all, looks like next update will go on accelerating

I’m really teased by the mutants seeds!


Thanks buddy for your support. You know well the deal then, let’s trust the natural process.

Yeah i must confess it’s cumulative : i don’t really grow weed, interest for the c91 only in 2023, neon tech, actually on the most misunderstood nutes lines of the game, frankenstrains hate and the first time i use the @-call since i guess around 8 years on OG ^^ There is good reasons behind, but it look like mormonic lol

Can’t wait to launch the christmas gift of my wife too, the ERSB. Maybe the only line i have today that is a true irrational appeal. Never grown it, never smoked it and i wanted to inbred it the day Sensi have launched it. I fucking need an hangar lol

I will finally take the risk and let the Calindi and the COB sexually declare in the seedlings pot. There is not enough slots for everybody anyway. And i will soak the alien pods right now. The logic … :upside_down_face:

Keep the vibes high !


I’m feeling guilty for this call, not much to show ^^ I start to get the idea behind it finally, it’s good energy.
The call : @funkyfunk , @Mr.Christmas, @FieldEffect , @McMuffin , @Senor_frijoles


Cold wave this week, stronger that last week. And a bit busy by different procedures, IRM, radios, shit ton of blood samples … hell i’ve the impression they want to transform me in wolverine in a secret basement and check everything to have a big fun. Complex feeling ^^

I barely maintain the temps at admissible level, i’m flirting with the stasis point : 15°c/59°F. It’s fucking negative outside. And with the static pressure i have there it’s useless that i set a heater in the space.

So fuck it, let’s make it another layer of selective pressure in top of the rest. Let’s see what these over-proteined, over-fat and over-sugared forced expressions will give. Visually not much anthocyanins, but the AKs don’t give a fuck about the temps. True Dutch babies lol COB and Calindi are prone to reflex-dehydration, they protect their cells even if it’s not freezing. They wear well their names also.

A little digression to show the last transplant of today, and also the effects on “forced seedlings” (personal slang i guess). Two females COB.

Dense block of roots, from bottom to top. Juvenile trunk teared, they are ready to fight hard. To debunk a bit the “root struggle/bound/idk” fear, they are inside these pots since soon two months ^^ As the Big Bud in the background. No necrosis, no funk … it’s just canna.

Now my ego expect the side effect of this as fuck, specially for the Big Bud that is finished to be mapped. I start to push them hard for the weed.

It start to be packed. I’ve the impression to have been too much tolerant and lazzy but i’ve already culled/composted a bunch. I think around 30 specimens in counting the sprouts that looked very too much like shit. But it will be dense for sure, make me feel good.

I’ve to keep this tempo. Enough to ask a daily maintenance, not enough to lose the track even with 5 lines to map at a time. I wasn’t entirely right last year, the number of lines doesn’t matter but the average of time spend by specimen on each daily routine. Even with the transplant, it’s a fucking pleasure. My soul is gently back at dancing.

Let’s say it’s to replace in perpetual mode the specimens i’ve not culled yet. I was brutal with these “alien pods”, high level of H2020 and Humic/Fulvic acid. And a hint of water ^^ Some have cracked in the vial … i’m surprised. Not saying it’s viable yet, but there is life in these fucked strange seeds. I was really expecting a dead stuff. Let’s let the seed’s sprouter deal with it now, it’s by these temps that i’m loving it the most.

I’ve the finger on the trigger of the fridge too … i think i’m a bit optimistic but maybe i will give room for 10 Jack Herer and 10 NL5H within one month. Who know ^^

Keep the vibes high, and make seeds. True ones. At worse you can eat them it’s delicious sprouted in salad and very good for your poo-factory and its population (oh god this one was trash lol but real!).


With all these meetings, you’ll be bottom-up checked at least :slight_smile:

Yeah it’s cold nowadays too. Watering is tight. Don’t know if it’s due to the strain placements or what, but it looks like it’s colder at thee entrance, and hotter further the inside of the tent. Also AK being bigger/taller and older no wonder they handle it better.

You’re pushing them hard keeping them in such a small container. But looking good still despite the adverse climate.

Can’t wait the buds. Have a good week!


Probably just stress testing you making sure you don’t herm under pressure. :rofl: My doctor ordered a bunch of blood samples as well last week. For whatever reason I’m eager to see the results despite the fact I know nothing. Anyway, hope things are for the best.

You do have a way of viewing everything as a selection lever. Context as you say, well you are trying to revive these cultivars. Reflex dehydration is a new one to hear.

That’s great! Hopefully the Jack Herer and NL5xHaze make their appearance soon. Ideally maintain a positivity.

Your seed sprouter has been a curiosity to me as I read through this thread. I like the fact it is so easy to check on the progress. I’ve got my fingers crossed to see the life in your mutant seeds.


I already see the doctor dubitative face: 'Hmm well, Mr.s @FieldEffect, your THC blood level is a bit off the chart here…" :laughing:


Two more days and we can unleash the hell … the bands will act like a compressed spring ^^, be ready for the rush buddy. I’ve the PK pre-shot ready to fire on my side ^^

I missed to say who’s who in this mess. AKs are on the 2nd and the 3th lines, in counting from the rear (where the “tall” Big Bud are). Really resistant to cold, positive phototropism and all. For now they drill hard.

Screening herms as fuck to be straight in my boots with what i show, the recent catalogs are so polluted. So i grab the opportunity of this fate to muscle the selections in density ^^ Still asking myself if i will not keep this pressure high for the whole year, i like the tempo. Results on this round will give me a lead.

You’re not far from the reality lol In fact the check ups are too stellar for their taste. So they double and triple check everything in all sense ^^ French style : “Too good to be true”, “the evil is in the detail” etc …

I’m forced to “unhide” everything on my past and actual habits but these innocent creatures are more focused on how the fuck i’m not a wreck instead taking seriously that i was practicing sport intensely all my youth. And that my bones are almost unbreakable … the ones they are supposed to cut like a puzzle.

All in all it’s good for the mood (for a French i guess), it’s an old car but still rox ^^ Tomorrow they will pump again enough blood to make sausages damned.

I will share with you a little secret, in this losted cavern of OG. I’m a terrible grower. I’m unable to be a commercial grower. Sincerely.

So i compensate with the genetics and a specific care for the evolutive dynamics of expressions, since the start ^^ Everything you see here is a mirage in fact.

The dehydration during “borderline cold” is not specially inherent to cannabis. And as you can see here, it don’t affect all strains the same way and even all specimens of a line the same way.

1st layer : Below 15°c/59°F, this plant (in general) enter in stasis and slow down a lot its metabolism.

2nd layer : In top of this, specimens have a “danger spot” where they trigger a surviving mode improving their chances of survival during freezing temps. This trigger can be very defensive (like most of COB and California Indica here), or more tolerant (like the AKs here).

The defense against the cold is in three parts, that also offer variations amongst different genetic subgroups too :

  • cannabis plants, whatever the stage they are, become as oily than a fully seeded female. Lipids increase.

  • in having so much hard time to metabolize during cold, they boost also proteins to maximize exchange (proteins are very good chemical vehicle, energy saving)

  • and the most hard to handle when you sort specimens indoor : sugars increase. It’s directly linked with anthocyanins production, but also with brix meter that show very high level of rich sap during this process.

This extra sugar translate visually in colored internode (anthos) but also in the “rhubarb” phenomenon of stems. Specifically if they are in front of the passive cold flow (very strong here, it make move the leaves but almost without negative pressure), funky nailed it with his hawk eye ^^

Why the plants look like beet sometimes : because they produce more fuel (sugars) than they use it. You can also obtain it with decent temps, generally with high density lighting. It’s not especially a good thing or a bad thing, plants know how to deal with it. But a very good information to consider : if they are all like this, you’re not using the full potential of the genetics involved, they are capped somewhere.

I’m from the school “unleash these fucking lights as fuck, it have to be a lethal pressure to please me, they are build to handle the sun and i can’t fit a sun in my tent”.

With neons my rule is 500w of radiant light / half SQM. With the help of two friends and a few long nights of brain juice, last year i’ve finally increased the density in decreasing a bit the watts.

If i was on HPS, i will use a 600w dialed 100%. Or 2 x 250W bulbs (more my style).

If i was on LED, i will use in this space two panels of 200W or one panel of 600/700W. Both flirting with 3µmols and mostly white. Fixed on roof but constantly dialed at 100% ^^

It exist an exotic manner to grow plant on cold too, it’s electroculture. It work very well and permitted me a couple of year to grow the winter at negative pressure in a garage (with 1Kw/sqm HPS). It cost a bit in cathode/anode (cannabis prefer high carbon stuff in his soil for this, graphite etc) but worth the ride.

The current simply inhibit the cellular response to cold, to be short. The plant is constantly tense and sap flow like a river, so it don’t trigger the “freeze mode” to protect his cells from implosion.

Hell yeah ^^ Can’t wait to bring back my fav daily smokes in the blunts. The twos put my mind on steroids, i’ve to find a way to don’t spam OG on breeding when i will roll this.

It’s just dope. Temp regulated, oxygenated-water regulated, no intermediate materials … set it and forget it whatever is the temp outside. You can even use weird germinative solutions inside this tool. For a dozen of bucks, worth the ride for my use of it.

But if you don’t launch batches of seeds on a regular basis, it’s just practical. Don’t expect a specific bonus in regard of the “ziplock tech”.

You have also the passive ones, that i used a bunch. Same price that automated ones but that don’t change fundamentally from the ziplock tech. Just more convenient again.

Nah, he’s milking FieldEffect to vape his blood on an e-nail ^^


That’s neat to use the cold wave to stress test the plants. Thanks for the biology course in passing. :smiley:

Would love to hear a bit more about the electro thing experiments, that’s not so common.

It’s getting warmer nowadays, hope the vampires did not suck too much blood and you’re pulling the trigger at the right time!


This is a solid point, and one I completely overlooked. So you’re telling me 0? Nada de fans? Do they not help to cool the leaves as much as I thought they did?

The floor fans make total sense, even if I’m cleanly. Dust is bound to kick up.

I might buy some AC infinity clip-ons then. I’ll have to set the tent up and see what I’m working with. I’m also using an 8’ Vivosun intake fan, and will be building the carboard tool that you posted about in an earlier post.

But yes! I’m excited for this year bro! I just moved into my new home and that’s why I’m able to scale up my grows! My previous grows were subpar because of the conditions I was in. I was eluded towards purchasing real estate in California, but things didn’t work out. I was stuck in a very uncomfortable situation, so my mental health wasn’t at its best. I also physically didn’t have the room to grow in as I previously had, and I had heavy shrinking pains.

This information is gold! I keep stuff like this in the back of my mind when I pop the cultivars I have so I know what to look for. I don’t know how true to this the TKNL5Haze I have will be, but that sounds like a lovely profile.

Ah, I see now.

Love me some root porn. How are they managing the cold? My mothers have responded very negatively to a temporary cold lapse they had. Gotta take some clones from them so I can have some good smoke before they go on and pass!

Yeah bro, getting in the rhythm of things. I don’t think I’ll be downscaling my 12 plant max in 7 gals either for the 10x10. I think that shit will be perfect with the bigger space.

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I think you are the one with the blood being vaped on an e-nail :rofl:

This is fascinating. The sugars/anthocyanins connection is a new dimension to the obvious phenomenon. This is a really nice writeup on the effects of cold on cannabis and another bookmarked post of yours.

LOL. Do you European folks mean millimol when you write umol? I assume so. 3000micromol (3 millimol what I think you mean) is bright as the sun, 3micromol is more like a dim desk lamp across the table.


I can get this analogy, linked to the above statement?

I hope to see more of that :rofl:

What happened to the mutant seeds? Sprouts or no?

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