Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

Agreed! I was ready to kill the wonky eternal sunshine and here we are a few days later and it’s growing well and has a super funky smell already at 3 weeks old :seedling::pray:t2: I do love growing, man.


Alright @JAWS -aroni. Your stuff will be my stuff here soon. I’m happy to share stuff. Updates on what’s growing on here this evening :seedling::pray:t2:

Also officially have bodhis Jager hashplant above soil and am dropping the rest of eternal sunshine soon. Also have Ginger grant(forest queen x strawberry starburst) above soil. Pretty stunned to have 100% germ/above soil so imma roll with it and do you all justice.


Niceeeeeeeee haul

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So we are officially at day 14 of flower. Structures looking really nice. Fritter has a straight mango/cream sort of smell. It’s the first shot.

Wedding crasher has really deep colored stems and a very vanilla/wedding cake smell so far. It’s going to get heavy but I’m not planning on keeping it around because I have lots of gold to run from friends here. The crasher is the second shot.

The bubba diagonal will yield the heaviest of them all, I presume. It was topped once and has so many branches that are sturdy. It’s really a nice cross. I’ve got a few clones but I don’t know that I’ll keep it. I’ve got a lot of things to run in the future and I dont know that ogs will hold a long term place in my garden. I like smoking different ogs but am looking to focus on breeding thcv stuff and will grow ogs and their friends a few times to figure out what I love. Not generally a gassy person but I think I’ve mentioned that. It’s a pretty even mix of bubba and triangle from what I know. I haven’t grown a lot of bubba but had the privilege of growing all of Josh D’s ogs commercially. It branches like the triangle but is much more ‘in place’ or well grounded, if that makes sense. This cut from pro grow must lean bubba because it’s not all that gassy right now. We will see as it grows out. Burnt leaves on the ladies are from an ISO spray they got yesterday because I’m not trying to play with bugs.


Canopy shots of the flower tent - shots of the babies. Not everyone is pictured.
Scarlet grapes from @blowdout2269 , @Going2fast . Have all 12/12 seeds above ground. 2 sets of 4 in 3.5 gallons. The other 4 will go in 1.5 gallons on their own.
4/5 so far on Ginger Grant f1 from @OhNo555 . 2/2 above soil on the jager hashplant from @BudWhisperer 1 yet to pop that I haven’t checked on today.
The eternal sunshine are healthy and happy. Both growing well but didn’t take shots. Will post later. Big love you all


Everything is looking absolutely stellar here bro!


Thanks man. I’m really excited about what’s coming up. Looking like:

Ready 2/1-3/1(ish)
Wedding crasher - pro grow
Bubba x tk - pro grow
Apple fritter - pro grow
Scarlet grapes autos from blowdout
Wreckage Master Bastard Kush from thceed

Next round finished end of April/start of May :
(Critical Mass x Ginger Alex Blueberry) x Divyder.
From reiko
Kasper’s Koffee (Casper og x Koffee f6)
from defseeds
Ginger Grant F1 (Forest queen x Strawberry
Starburst) from Briscos Bargain Beans
Jager Hashplant from Bodhi

Coming: Agust
Eternal Sunshine from Bodhi
Koh Gold from budderton
Chocolate cherry meds from jaws
Re-runs of stand outs.

Stay tuned! Glad to have both spaces dialed in now and everything on track. Super excited to test work from people smarter than me and am beyond thankful for this community. I’ve got space for seeds planned but haven’t decided what’s going to happen there yet. But would like to have something made to give out at the end of next year. Thanks friends. Later!


Sounds like you made a plan bro!

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Looking good. Good stuff.

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Your plants are thriving! That must be nice to have so much room for the variety of strains you’ve got going. …Makes for an interesting thread to follow. (And even better for you to enjoy the fruits of your labor!)


Thank you to both of you! Yes @MrGreenJeans it’s been a long while since I’ve had fresh stuff or homegrown anything. I’m very much looking forward to what’s coming up and am excited to be working again!

Here are some shots of the flowers! Flipped 12/1.

This is up close of the wedding crasher. Weird growing plant but seems to be stacking well enough. Very much a sweet sweet bubble gummy type smell.

Up close of the fritter above. Roots quickly, smells are hard to describe but coming in stronger so I’ll come back with those. It’s a nice pleasant sort of smell rather than a punch you in the face and walk away smell. Just a nice growing plant so far.

Above is the bubba d. Growing really well. Whole shot because that feels prettier than a close up. Probably won’t stay around because I’ve got a lot I want to mess around with but I’m really excited to finish it up.

This is before some defol to clear up the middles on everything

And a group shot as they begin to do their thing

I’m also looking at cameras for my microscope… if anyone cares to chime in and has something they enjoy, I’m all ears. I’m reading as I go, but admittedly cameras and photography aren’t my strong suit. This is where I’m at but I don’t have much experience with cameras.


I bet @JoeCrowe could tell ya about takin pics.


Mine is the usb 3 one mu10003B. It’s fairly decent! Easy to take a quick shot.


Many thanks @JoeCrowe I’ll be browsing the rest of today and will pick something here this week. It’s also for sticking my face into my dry ice hash I make. I know you’re a water guy, but I’m excited to throw some pics around of what I’ve learned with dry ice. Anyway, thanks again. Take care :seedling:


I would be interested to hear about your dry ice adventures! I’ve learned so much about making water hash from Joe that I’m hooked on hash now. Just found a place down the road that sells dry ice so I’m gonna be trying it soon.


Man! I’ve been lucky enough to live pretty close to a dry ice supplier myself. When I first got introduced to hash making it was the simplest ingredient to get, they sold pellets in as little as 4lb bags, and I find it way more efficient for smaller amounts of material. I was also playing with home made rosin presses so a lot of it went to rosin. Only in the past few years have I wanted to try to take dry ice to where water is. I’ll throw some pictures up when I get a moment here, but a friend and I made a fun little tool to help further separate contaminants from heads. Though when done carefully, dry ice hash can be insanely clean from my experience! I’ve known someone who has washed their dry ice hash once finished with pretty good results but I like using dry sift screens to do more separation if necessary.

I like using 160 bags. And further separation is rarely necessary, but I’ll do it sometimes if I’m using not fresh material or if I really want something smokeable. I chop up what I’m using and layer it with the dry ice, throw the whole thing in the freezer for 45-60 min and then do 60-90 second shakes…this is variable though depending on which run, arm strength lol, and visual cues


The major road block for me was people saying how you end up with lots of plant matter in with the hash. I have seen videos of bubble man cleaning it up to full melt so I know it’s possible to get a premium hash from dry ice.

I honestly find making bubble a chore but I get a really good product at the end. I’m going to give dry ice a try, as it looks like a much easier way to process the material but it will be interesting so see how clean I can get it.

Using Joes techniques, this is the water hash I’ve been making. This is Sugar Belts with 73 and 90 bag, 1st & 2nd runs mixed. Next time I’m going to try a bit harder and separate the 1st run 73 and 90, then label and process them. See what a difference it makes :grin:


That does look fantastic. Actually creeping through joes and beaglez threads are what got me to sign up over here. I agree though that bubble is a huge chore for me. Though doing bubble while the bucket is sitting inside a chest freezer was a game changer for me.

In my opinion, the keys to really high quality dry ice hash are starting with a 160 bag, allowing everything to reach an even temp, and doing shorter, moderately aggressive shakes. The 160 bag does a good job of keeping plant bits in and allows almost all of the heads through. Though there’s a weird pattern I’ll have to think about describing when it comes to shaking lol The hash will come out very very white at first and begin to yellow then go green. We used to use a little shaker plate type deal to vibrate the greener hash and you can start to see the plant bits separate from the green bits, but once it starts to get green, most of the good heads are out and there’s not nearly as much good stuff. Oh and it most definitely needs dried overnight or two nights in the freezer just like water hash or else it gets weird, can mold and affects taste.

My only real argument about bubble is that it’s not entirely understood which terpenes are water volatile. Obviously you can’t catch every terpene, but I’m in the camp that something is lost in the water. The images of purple waters and red water is great, but I do think some terpenes are lost that way. I have nothing off the top to back me up so it’s more a debate than an issue or a flaw. And who’s to say those same terpenes aren’t lost with dry ice. It’s ongoing and that’s awesome :sunglasses:


Oh they’re coming @JAWS


please let me know how those cheese freebies turn out for you my friend.

peace …