Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

You’ll be the first to know, my friend. I’ve not grown cheese but I’m quite familiar with chem and skunk so to say I’m excited is an understatement


I saw some folks talking about storage containers for seeds the other day and couldn’t recall the thread so…here I shall post. For those looking for simple seed storage or flower storage, I’ve been using these Atmos Containers from Fellow. They vacuum seal by twisting the top. I’ve been using 3 separate ones for seeds, weeds, and coffee for over 3 years now and they’ve all performed very, very well for me. Keep an eye on them with herb in them as the vacuum can lose pressure over time, but they’re super easy to seal and you don’t have to waste bags or run a sealer all the time. Pictures of the veg tent coming up later! :seedling:


Thanks @OhNo555 :pray:t2: you’ll know when they’re above ground.

And thank you @misterbee !! These landed today


Nice! I notice that the similar though not quite as cool couple of storage jars we’ve scored at the thrift store do a much better job of keeping the bud fresh than the regular mason jars do. Hadn’t occurred to me to use them for seeds, but that sounds like a great idea! Do you think it would have good benefits even without refrigeration?

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I think so! Outside of a couple packs, I really try not to let things sit around and I’m also paranoid about moisture so I honestly just keep my seeds in the atmos container in a cool corner of my home. Things have seemed to stay viable for me, though everyone’s environment is different so be wary!

These were taken a day or two apart but what’s it matter, eh? Little veg shot. They aren’t organized in any way that makes it simple to tell you who’s who and that’s my fault.

WMBK get flipped Monday. Will take clones and flip the sunshine in 2 weeks

Not pictured are 2 Scarlet Grapes, 3 apple fritter and 1 wedding crasher. The fritter and crasher are clones that got put in pots a few days back so nothing special there and the other grapes just didn’t fit in the shot but they’re just like the other 8 or so :crazy_face:
So, the two in the one gallon that are starting to eat up their nutrients are WMBK. The runt in the 3 gallon is WMBK the nice pal in the top left is WMBK and so is the one right below her.
Eternal sunshine are bottom left corner and the middle left at the top with the funny coloration on the leaves. Red Tags are Ginger Grant f1. 5/5 popped but one is a micro baby and well behind the others. The two white tags with nice fat leaves are the Jager hashplant from bodhi. Pink tags that are two plants to a pot are grapes! As well as the 3 gallons with multiple plants. 4(5 if it lives) scarlet grapes have been put into 11/13 from the get go and the others(4-5) are at 20/4. The weak looking pals in the bottom are a fritter and crasher clone that just got homes. Sorry for the disorganization, family. You’d understand the flow if you were here. Happy Saturday. Stay safe!


Little mid defoliation shot in the flower tent today. Not loving the way the LEDs show up yellow with my camera, but I’ll get around to a better phone and or camera. Everyone’s doing well though! Humidity has been running higher than I love so I have a dehu coming Tuesday. Right now it’s climbing to like 63-65% and I can’t be having long term. Warm ass winter, man. Oh well, it’s necessary! Everything’s good over here. 100% forgot I turned the veg tent light up to 100 a few days ago while messing around with the door open and never turned it down. Little ones got a few intense days(3), but they’re happy.

Quick note on ventana now that I’m this far through the cycle with plants. Their veg formulas is ass. Is laborious and hard to adjust. I much prefer amending during veg, using teas and just… different nutrients than ventana. As of yesterday, I’ve made the decision to not use ventana during veg at all because I just do not like the way the plants look. That being said, I will be using their flower formula for a while. It’s fairly straight forward, easy to mess with, and gives really nice results so far. Very strong plants with very strong smells and they’re building really well even though their veg was less than perfect.


Awesome canopy shot. Bet it’s going to smell great in there in a few weeks!


I hate this too i wonder if i can get a clip on lense for photos. Ill have to check.

Plants look absolutely beautiful bro! Im not too far behind ya! Ill be flipping next weekend for sure


Are you able to set the white balance with your phone camera? I know some Pixels allow you to and others don’t. Mine doesn’t. You can always shoot in raw and adjust the color temperature manually or just open the JPG in GIMP or Photoshop and do auto-levels to fix it. Could also adjust the color temperature there as well. An annoying extra step but only takes like 5 seconds, and GIMP is free.


Those are happy-looking plants, arranged in a nice even cannopy. :green_heart: I consider the fragrance they give off a strong indicator of their health.

Merry Christmas!


Gimp is the Shiznit. Cheap easy and free.
Great recommendation. I like Image J also.

Merry Christmas!



Dude. Thank you for this! I’m not one who puts much thought into checking the cameras settings before bitching :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: thank you. Somehow it didn’t occur to me to go mess around with that. There are some options I didn’t know I had I’ll have to play around with to get confident with.

Thanks @MrGreenJeans for the compliments. I don’t feel very happy about the canopy management, but the good words go a long way. Got a few tops that got away and yadda yadda. I’ll be getting in there this week to rearrange a bit and aim to show you a much fuller canopy in a few short weeks as the next round approaches :muscle:t2::seedling:

@seeds2weeds you know I’ll pass on what I learn :pray:t2: am eager to see that 5x5 do some work! Don’t be like me and wait to buy a dehu until 24 days into flower :upside_down_face:


Oh trust me that was one of the lessons I learned almost immediately when chopping during the hottest summer month.
Ive never dealth with high rh during flower… well i might be lying let me rephrase.
Ive never payed attention to rh during flower only the dry.
I now know to watch rh during flower of course

It took hours and hours of trial and error until i came up with this high tech invention.

It worked great for my 2x4
Worked okay for my 4x4
Well see how it goes with the 5x5 i think it may have to run extensively but im sure it will do the job i might just have to reengineer it a bit.


Man I love that. Haha gotta do what must be done sometimes. Minor adjustments have my night time rh at 59-60 now so only a few more days. I’m banking on it being strong enough to do the whole basement, so we will see. All is well though. I’d probably prefer to remove moisture than add it. Sidenote @seeds2weeds , cannarado used to make a grape nana that was banana og x grape pie bx. Thought of you when I read the cross. Keep an eye out and best of luck with those little ogs. Rooting for them :seedling:

Merry Christmas OverGrow!


Merry Christmas bro!
If i cant save these banana ogs ill have a vendetta against them lol i will definitely be coming back for more when Jaws drops some


Hey folks! Veg tent is feeling right…wanted to update since it’s been a week almost. Just put 8 cm x div that I’m testing for Reiko into soil. Tag will go out when they pop :wink: moved 5 wmbk into flower. None have been sexed yet so when they get sexed, I plan to move the eternal sunshines over to see what they are. Flowers are good. Singed a few hairs because I gave them an anxiety induced spray on day 22, but that’s it for sprays and it was while cleaning the whole tent. Normally I spray day of flip, day 10, then 21 and that’s that for flower but the biggest three got sprayed on day 7 and then 11-14. I let it go after day 21 and cue the anxiety! Anyway, flower pics coming soon. There’s some spray damage on the wmbk too. I go heavy on the iso :man_shrugging:t2: they’ll be okay.

Wmbk in flower plus two scarlet grapes in one pot :honey_pot:

Veggies. Most everyone’s pictured. Some scarlet grapes always get left out because there are 89(really just 9?10?) of them.


La photo dump. So! Mostly just for my own notes. The top four pictures are the two eternal sunshine. One much more vigorous and wanting to show me something…I think that’s a boy. That’s the first shot. Topped once and really haven’t pulled leaves yet. Gorgeous little bush. Strong, not tons of smell, hungry, gorgeous structure. I like him and honestly will probably clone him, keep around and let him do stuff with someone.

Third and fourth picture are what I presume to be a lady eternal sunshine. Sort of lemony/soap/green tea on the stem rub and it’s pretty stinky. Thick branching but different sort of stem growth than the other one. Also topped the once. Nice structure but not the same as the other one. Still a nice bush and I’d like her to be a lady.

Fifth picture is the weird mutant little Ginger Grant. Had a slow start and has these funko leaves right now. Very much behind the other 4 Ginger grant, but we shall see what comes of it.

Sixth is just the clones I kept from the three ladies flowering now. I’ll probably run them all again to see what they’re like not as guinea pigs. The crasher smells good enough I might keep it around for some crazy grape rosin and run it for that exclusively. The bubba d right now smells like a mix of coffee/dawn soap/kush. Almost zero gas at the moment but that may change. Super strange to be so kushy and not gassy yet. I can dig it though. Fritter is hard to place. Smells a bit like mac. Hashy sort of sweet with just a touch of gas. Plans are to run the fritter 3 plants to a 15 gallon pot and do another 3 gallon run of the bubba d.

Last sets of pics are the scarlet grapes. Various heights because they’ve been getting moved around a lot but are now in more permanent homes. Obviously two have received much more light than the others. And one is a slow grower with fatter leaves than anyone.

That’s all folks, thanks. Oh, here’s a fun video too… pack a bowl and hit play :sunglasses:

And a fritter pic. Can see some of the singed pistils on the bud below :smiling_face_with_tear:


Cool dude !

:camera: Say cheeeeeese everybody :slight_smile: :camera_flash:


Those mites are pretty interesting. I remember learning about them years ago and found out that they are used as a food source for various beneficial insects, including many predatory mites. They are very easy to culture and in rapid numbers. I believe most A. cucumeris sachets include Tyrophagus putrescentiae as a food source, as do Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Hypoaspis miles) mixes, in addition to others. Cool video as always.


How fascinating. I really didn’t know. That’s really cool. My partner is into keeping bugs of all kinds. Do you have or know anyone with experience farming any beneficial buggos? I’m not great at it myself but may be able to convince her to help. This is really the first I’m thinking of it, but have not done much digging around for examples. Do you run predators or beneficial bugs every run? I haven’t caught that in your journal. They can get fairly pricey