Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

Sounds awesome!
I’m kinda rediscovering auto’s too currently.
Such a joy to watch them speed along and the effect is certainly there.


They’ve come a long way! When I started it was all “bleh. Autos are inferior.” But I’ve seen people stepping it up for years and I’m VERY thankful I was given the chance to run them now. So much has been done with them and I was stupid to think differently. I’ve been convinced. I’m really pumped to see how they finish. I’ll get more comfortable training them up in the future but it is also nice to not have to fret about topping or a lot of the training that I do with regs


I’m bending them to one side and tie them into place, then tie another string a couple of nodes higher and pull them the opposite way when they start stretching. :zap:


Yess if I’d had the space I would’ve liked to run 4-5 in a 15 gallon and essentially stake them down to the pot for the first 4 weeks of growth so they turn into a little bush by the end of it, but ya know, I only had 3 wishes and that came 4th. I saw someone around here using a fun z shaped aluminum(I think) sort of frame they tied theirs around. Lst is so worth it, but also takes me time lol and I can’t always trust my dumb little fingers not to snap something


The only difference between a master and a student is that the master made more mistakes.
Keep on keeping on!


Lol! You’re welcome to some from my current seed run when it finishes, but they’ll be regs.

Delighted to see you enjoying the autoflowers! They can indeed be awesome :green_heart:


I’d absolutely try some out! I do prefer regs…just wanted to show the autos some love. I’m always down to dig through seeds for some good stuff. I really do appreciate that offer


Hey gang. Stay warm out there. Been a busy few days but I’ll have more pictures and updates coming this weekend. Saw some friends last night I haven’t seen in a few years and got to catch up. Ended up with hot mints and watermelon zkittlez in my veg tent somehow.

Also, sadly, it’s looking like the second of the two Jager is a male, but I’m giving it a few more days in veg to see what it shows. If it is, that’s okay. I’ve got three more seeds and plan to start doing seed runs in April. I’ll pop those three seeds, hopefully get a nice lady and male and let them do the thing. I want to mess around with the Jager hashplant and don’t want it to go away anytime soon.

Buddy also had Alpine Guava and Animal Tree for me to sample and cuts available. I didn’t take any, but I do like the nose on the guava. My partner said the animal tree smells like room temp meat, but it leaves a really nice taste in my mouth. Animal tree shots below. Nice to have home grown stuff. Enjoy the Thursday, friends.




Couple updates for the Sunday evening folks.

Second Jager hashplant was indeed male.

The rest of these are the various Ginger grant plants. 5 in total, all same age. Tossed one into flower two days ago. It’s not pictured and is my least favorite of the bunch so far. None are giving me any preflower help :man_shrugging:t2:





And a few of the scarlet grapes because they’re really nice plants :metal:t2::purple_heart: I think I missed three. Keeping em short and filling them out @blowdout2269 @Going2fast


Couple flower tent shots. Will probably just take whole plant shots of the bubba d and crasher when I cut in 12ish days. They’re a bit stuffed in there and hard to get a good shot of. Excited about the next round. Happy Monday


Does it actually smell like Jagermeister?
I looooved that stuff when I was still drinking!
Would be cool to have that growing in plant form. :smile:


Apparently it does! Folks have said it’s uncanny. I’ll be popping the last three of those seeds here within 2 weeks.


If you ever make more seeds I’d love to trade!


It is the goal! Assuming one of these last three is female, they’re pretty much going to be first up on the list of seed runs starting April.



Thank you for making more seeds!
I’ve got 1 pot dedicated to perpetual seed making now, using 3 others for fems so I don’t run out of stash.
I’ve got something in the making that has Dragonblood Hashplant x Frankenstein as a grandparent.
I’ll be sure to keep a pack with your name on it.


Shots of the BBPS and the chem x cheese. Still babies. One has some slug slime damage, but I found the little bastard and tossed him into the yard. Seedling should be a-okay. And some fritter with a hair on it :man_shrugging:t2: picked off after the shot but I wasn’t spending time down there doing a photoshoot today so you guys get the hair


What hair?


Oh the finesse. The skill. May as well be your bud now :metal:t2: hah really though, thanks @Rogue for helping this poor fellow


You’re filthy rich for having those plants my friend.
Remember all the people who don’t know about the joys and healing power of this plant.