Live slow and get your toes dirty in my grow. Come on down

What are friends for if not to help make life’s small annoyances disappear? :laughing:


Ok, I’m confused
How is this different than the original Bloody Monster? :thinking:

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Frankenstein is mentioned every 18 seconds here. Damn you all and your words that make me want to try new and other stuff constantly. Regret not picking it up when I bought from JP and can feel an early feb order coming.


I guess that was Bloody Monster then, I know the pack I got was from JP but it only had the parents on the pack, didn’t know it was called Bloody Monster. :smile:

All I know is that my male was very vigorous and strong and smelled amazing and had red blood.
Soft, velvety, floral perfume, refined and elegant.


Yeah, it was Frankenstein by @JohnnyPotseed and DragonBlood Hashplant by @BigMike55.
I think Frankenstein was the momma.

I’m actually growing a couple that I’ve pollinated with the Purple Lamborghini. :wink:


So I crossed a Bloody Monster male with 4 unknown females and called it Rogue Dragon.

Sowed three of those yesterday, I wanna cross them with a Black Orchid female that’s vegging now and at the same time make F2’s of the Rogue Dragon. :+1:


Oh yeah, duh.
I’m on your thread from time to time.
Just ain’t been around much lately.


I made a note to send you and @DirtySlowToes a pack of the Rogue Orchid Dragon F1 and the Rogue Dragon F2. :+1:

Just give it a few months. :wink:


Now that is one sexy male. I’d love to find one like him pollinate my garden. :wink::laughing::rofl::joy:


It’s entirely possible, you’re also written down for a pack of each.


Super excited. A little silly, but I love unusual traits like red sap. And when you can have them paired with a nice plant, that’s pretty epic.


I’d love that. I’m trying to work around with some of bodhi’s stuff (and BOG pollen) just for personal tastes and will most definitely send you everything I’m confident in this year.

Little side branch of the wedding crasher putting weight on and tipping over a bit. Very frosty plant. Excited to run these all again, but pretty alright with how they’re filling out. Put another crasher into flower just today :metal:t2:



I’m gonna be doing a Chitral Kush landrace seed run this year as well, I just ordered a pack.

I can see myself cross that with Rogue Dragon as well.

I’m so ready for this year to be an awesome one!!!


Photo dump of some stuff I don’t want to lose. First CO2 oil I ever made, vibrating plate for hash separation, some lights from a few years back… Gotta get into the tents this weekend take individual shots. I’ve been slacking a bit on that front. But, have 3 MMog x chocolate diesel above soil and 3 caspers Koffee. The BBPS and chem x cheese are doing well. Mom fritter and crasher need flowered bad and hopefully space will clear up for the next round of goodies. Dry ice hash coming next week :metal:t2:


:thinking: Please pardon my ignorance, but why would the females be unknown? If the Bloody Monster was the male, don’t you have to spinkle his pollen onto the female pistils? (In which case, I’m assuming you knew what were the strain of those females.) …Or were they unknown because you had a bunch of different female strains producing seeds, and those seeds all got mixed together at some point?


And some flower shots.


nice shatter slab dude.

yummy …


I got unknown seeds from members here, seeds that fell on the floor, or remained unlabeled and forgotten, etc. At that time I was sowing the unknowns by the handful and let the most vigorous ones live.


Microscope shot just to verify that I do indeed have one lol and I’m getting excited about the camera coming. Chopping the flower girls tomorrow/sat/Sunday. Have a little nug of the bubba d up here to check trichomes and it’s the most pleasant gassy, piney sort of smell. There’s just a touch of sweet in there. Like a gassy piney jam? It’s super fragrant off the plant as it sits in the room.

Also one of the scarlet grapes getting pretty greasy!

And the next fritter going into flower this weekend that’ll get tied down and thrown into a 15 gallon to spread out. Expecting some cool stuff next round. Life’s good. Passing it to you all. See you tomorrow


Hey @DirtySlowToes . What is the flowering time on a “Wreakage Master Bastard Kush”? Those things look like a tough little plant.