Lonely's Rare breed

“Fafnir” Has a history :dragon:


@Cactus Yes, ive thought about Fafnir since im Swedish, the nordic culture are close to my heart. But for me it feels like the name of a Indica heavy cross. What do you think?

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah even of you look trough perspective that more north you go more native indicas genetics you will find :seedling:


@Faithisyours When i got some sativas crossed im going to look into indica crosses. Ill get PCK in the fallbox, that could be a nice one for a Fafnir :fire:

Pz :v:t2:


So a heavy Indica name then?


What do you think of Fafnir = Swazi Dragon x PCK?

Pz :v:t2:


@Bobgrows All 5 Tangie got tails and are going into rock wool cubes today👍🏻

Pz :v:t2:

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You’re on your way my friend! WOO HOO!!
Come on little babies!! :green_heart:
@LonelyOC :v:

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Please do so, all metadata is deleted by a script when you upload them, so no risk at all unless you take a selfie frech|nullxnull. Much interested in your project, following along … popcorn


@George Will update soon with pics, dont worry. Very Nice of you to follow along for the ride, its going to be quite exciting to grow out the crosses! :wink:

Pz :v:t2:


The current plants are going strong, the Shiskaberry got a huge root mass. Isnt she beautiful?

This is the currently best Swazi Dragon, it was popped at the same time as the Shiskaberry. Im going to choose the Swazi Dragon pollen do or and mom based on smoke.

Atm im waiting for them to grow abit more to clone each. A week after the cloning ill put them into flowering.

Pz :v:t2:


I second this name

Def got my eyes on this grow :eyes::eyes:


Thank you very much. Will work on my photo skills. Never ever took pics of my plants before, feels quite wierd :shushing_face:

Pz :v:t2:


You can post them here and then delete them on your mobile if that makes you feel better, LEO’s in your country will have more exciting things to do than browse pot forums …

A grow thread without pics is like drinking 0.0 beer :beer::unamused:, love this plant and all her varieties … Pirata|nullxnull


DracHead- Headband x Swazi Dragon

DDragon- Swazi Dragon x Contra D


Bad news… None of the Tangie F2s want to live… They had quite small tails but they didn’t have enough to “break it”. So I’ll have to go with a backup plan, but that’s no problemo! Dunno why, the PH of the cubes are between 5.5 and 6.2 so I don’t think that’s the problem.

Got the Headband female going, you’ll get an update later this evening with a pic of her.
Got the STS kit from @Swe-can yesterday so now it’s just a matter of waiting for the Swazi Dragon to get to a point where I can select and grow clones.

Pz :v:t2:


Lonely - how were your temperatures? Heard that low temps can make it tough to kick off.

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I got a seedling warmer with temp regulation set to 25-26c, this is the perfect temps for them to kick into gear. Have had 90% seedling success until now. I might have been the problem, dunno. But it all worked out great until this. Going to test the 10 Blueberry Sour this weekend…

Pz :v:t2:


Cleaned of the true leaves, first and second node on all the seedlings and they got a larger water tray with fresh tap water, nutrients and silica.

These are the Swazi Dragon and you can clearly see 2 plants that are have identical growth, 1 plant that got abit less growth/roots(could be that the tap root wasn’t perfect vertical) and 2 abit runty plants. I want to take some time to point out that this shows how fast homogenous cannabis get when selfing over and over. This is a great tool for breeding cannabis. :shushing_face:

This is the Headband S1(I believe notso’s) going atm, it’s said that headband is hard to self properly so I could only have one. Got it from an old friend who wanted help me get going. Hoping for something great! It’s abit slow atm, I hope she picks up the pace

This is the vigorous Shiskaberry beast, its just going so strong. If she passes this kind of vigor off to her babies, we are in for hella treats! :fire::fire::fire:

I put the Blueberry Sour into shot glasses today.

I also put 4 Amnesia Core cut S1 into a shot glass :star_struck: Core cut is the only elite cut I ever grown and it was very awesome. I think this have the potential to be a good base for future projects, searching for an offspring with high potency and low finishing times.

Thats all for me, have to keep going and finishing up my stealth cabin so I can go and get the Malawis from my friend :100:

Pz :v:t2: Keep it real!


Why do you cut so early the first two nodes? icon_e_confused|nullxnull Looking good … beer3|nullxnull